Your head is in the gutter again, Ko :-). Or is it my head that is the problem?????

Heh ... maaaaybe.

But I remember as a kid reading that scene in the novel, where Dracula makes Mina drink his blood, while her husband is in a magical sleep next to them, and just being stunned.  Of course, the censors wouldn't let them do it with an open shirt ... or with Jing lying there passed out next to them.  LOL!

According to the 2023 Douyin Annual Report Xiang Liu is the second most popular (hashtagged?) male character, behind Zhang Song Wen's Gao QiQiang.  While the most popular female character was Xiao Yao.  Hmmmmm.



According to the 2023 Douyin Annual Report Xiang Liu is the second most popular (hashtagged?) male character, behind Zhang Song Wen's Gao QiQiang.  While the most popular female character was Xiao Yao.  Hmmmmm.


Wooooow!! Welllllll welll deserved !! I’m glad people are aware he’s best male in LYF !! The ranking is so accurate real from those I looked in the classement.

I had heard that. I also heard that Tan Jian Ci also footed the bill for his studio's Xiang Liu Little Theater 18 episodes, which we've seen 9 of. I think he was also the first to release those gorgeous Xiang Liu 'poster' images created by his studio, even before the show debuted, I think. I think ZWY released a set for CX, but it was way after the show ended.

Will we be seeing the other 9 when the second season comes out? Fingers crossed!


Heh ... maaaaybe.

But I remember as a kid reading that scene in the novel, where Dracula makes Mina drink his blood, while her husband is in a magical sleep next to them, and just being stunned.  Of course, the censors wouldn't let them do it with an open shirt ... or with Jing lying there passed out next to them.  LOL!

OK, the images that are going through my head right now....

It's perfect for XL/XY/Jing. After all, Jing's specialty is sleeping so it will be a perfect fit for him :-)

Hey howdy everybody hope y'all doing great♡
Came to drop this question.
Acording to what you guys said regarding XL being the 2nd most popular hashtagged gotta say that XL is DEFINITLY sth precious. Personally got stuck in LYF LITERALLY and predominantly cuz of XL ♡. You guys will NOT believe me but it's been my routine this whole month that watch it from the very first Episode till the end and redo that process all over again lol ! Well I have no clue cuz have watched so many dramas so far (so many characters as well) but never ever been like this and I honestly never been into a drama so hard ever. Kinda wish hadn't started it from the first place :-/ I really need y'all to help me =/ I'm in an extreme need for a substitude kinda special drama like hell. Actually started a new one that was good but while watching it I couldn't help but thinking about LYF, all scenes were like resounding in my mind...undoubtedly If it wasn't for XL I wouldn't have been in this jam and easily movin to another drama as usuall XD .His literally everything devastated me so bad...
Well one of you guys here once told me to extricate myself from XL obsession pit TBH I been trying to do so far though wasn't efficient. The thing is that I even started TJC's another drama yet NADA it felt ok but just dropped it :|  Well I came here to ask for advice. Much appreciate your assistance in advance :))

Will we be seeing the other 9 when the second season comes out? Fingers crossed!

That was my understanding.  I thought he had only done the appropriate 9, we'd seen, but somewhere I read he had actually done 18, so we should see those in second season.  Besides choosing the perfect number of episodes, his studio also picked great times to air them, IIRC.  They usually appeared in the longer breaks between LYF episodes, giving us a nice treat while waiting for the new episode.

OK, the images that are going through my head right now....

It's perfect for XL/XY/Jing. After all, Jing's specialty is sleeping so it will be a perfect fit for him :-)

Heh. Now that I think about it, that LYF scene does have quite a lot in common with the Bram Stoker Dracula scene.

Lol!  That Anderson Cooper gif is perfect!  And YES.  It's been interpreted in art and film quite ... hawtly.

Well one of you guys here once told me to extricate myself from XL obsession pit

Heh ... Sorry.  If I knew how to do that, I probably wouldn't still be here, talking about Xiang Liu and checking for Tan Jian Ci news countless times a day on a variety of platforms.  I haven't watched the entire drama repeatedly, but I have watched the XL/XY clip show a ton of times.  Plus I've listened to the OST for both LYF and Love Me Love My Voice, as well as Dreams on repeat, and play the FMV almost daily.

Hi.  My name is Kokuto, and I'm a Xiang Liu  / Tan Jian Ci addict.

Actually started a new one that was good but while watching it I couldn't help but thinking about LYF, all scenes were like resounding in my mind

This happens to me all the time now.  Especially if I'm watching a Tan Jian Ci show.  It didn't help in Love Me Love My Voice that he left us little XL Easter Eggs, either.


Wooooow!! Welllllll welll deserved !! I’m glad people are aware he’s best male in LYF !! The ranking is so accurate real from those I looked in the classement.

Xiang Liu definitely has grabbed people's interest -- no surprise there.   But how could he not.  I mean, look at him!

Posted this in the S2 thread, but for those that don't visit ...

If you need a calendar for February, here's one a fan made.


I missed the January one... but here's what it looked like.


Meant to post this earlier ... here's where the February pic came from.  I think this was originally from Tan Jian Ci's Douyin ... a Lunar New Year's greeting.



According to the 2023 Douyin Annual Report Xiang Liu is the second most popular (hashtagged?) male character, behind Zhang Song Wen's Gao QiQiang.  While the most popular female character was Xiao Yao.  Hmmmmm.


And this is after they've already cut out quite a bit from the novel to downplay him!! It doesn't look like any other male characters from LYF made the to 10. I thought DW's Jing was also really popular so I'm surprised not to see him on there. 

Lol! That Anderson Cooper gif is perfect! And YES. It's been interpreted in art and film quite ... hawtly.

Yes. Vampire and blood-sucking have a long history of being sexually, and erotically coded. So it's not surprising for Tong Hua to describe the blood-sucking scene causing physical arousal.

Well one of you guys here once told me to extricate myself from XL obsession pit TBH I been trying to do so far though wasn't efficient.

Didn't I warn you? And you haven't even read the book. It's worse when you read the book.

Some of us have been here since August. I don't know if that's comforting to you or not, but at least you're not alone :-). Unfortunately, I have no advice to offer you. I asked the very same question 1 month or so ago, and here I still am :-)

And this is after they've already cut out quite a bit from the novel to downplay him!! It doesn't look like any other male characters from LYF made the to 10. I thought DW's Jing was also really popular so I'm surprised not to see him on there.

Nope.  He and XY are the only LYF characters in the top ten --  1 and 2. :)

As for the alleged extreme popularity of DW's Jing ... weeeeel, I've discovered that when it comes to voting and likes on Weibo and such, those aren't always ... reliable, what with water armies.  Douyan is also videos, and of those characters, who just LOOKS awesome and is doing awesome things?  Who flies around on a giant grumpy white raptor?  Who has the best lines?

Yes. Vampire and blood-sucking have a long history of being sexually, and erotically coded. So it's not surprising for Tong Hua to describe the blood-sucking scene causing physical arousal.

Exactly.  Yet another 'sub-text' about XL's role and actions. 

Some of us have been here since August. I don't know if that's comforting to you or not, but at least you're not alone :-). Unfortunately, I have no advice to offer you. I asked the very same question 1 month or so ago, and here I still am :-)

Well, the company is good here too. ;p


Xiang Liu definitely has grabbed people's interest -- no surprise there.   But how could he not.  I mean, look at him!

How to explained ?? IRR-E-SIS-TI-BLE outer space 🪐 we didn’t miss it, thanks to our blessed eyes we didn’t go blind !!!!!

It’s downright lunar from another cosmos 😍😍😷😷😷


How to explained ?? IRR-E-SIS-TI-BLE outer space ? we didn’t miss it, thanks to our blessed eyes we didn’t go blind !!!!!

It’s downright lunar from another cosmos ?????

lol!  Yes indeed, we did SEE it.

I desperately need season 2.  Or at least an announcement of another costume drama or Xianxia ... where he lays out in a tree... or a bed. ;p

A video interview from Tan Jian Ci's younger days where he proves he is indeed a flirt ... at least at a distance.  ;p
