
Not me crying all over my keyboard ?


He makes it look so painful, poor baby. He needs some hugs. Here baby ?? ??

This is sooo cute

Not sure if we posted it before, but it doesn't hurt to watch again ?


I wonder what's the name of the lipstick shade he wears. It's so pretty ?


I wonder what's the name of the lipstick shade he wears. It's so pretty ?

Some one posted all the shades of lipstick XL / FFB wore.  Have you seen that thread?


Some one posted all the shades of lipstick XL / FFB wore.  Have you seen that thread?

I did not. Let me go look for it ?


I did not. Let me go look for it ? 

I know I saw it on twitter.  I'll see if I can find it.  Though with all my likes on Tan Jian Ci, it is SO easy to be distracted.  LOL!

Ahhh I don't have Twitter :(  Ain't that the truth? I have more photos and videos of him than my own stuff ahahahaha ?

By the way, do you have Insta or WhatsApp or something like that? We should create a group 'cause I really need to chat ?


Ahhh I don't have Twitter :(  Ain't that the truth? I have more photos and videos of him than my own stuff ahahahaha ?

By the way, do you have Insta or WhatsApp or something like that? We should create a group 'cause I really need to chat ?

I’ll send you my number on pm


I’ll send you my number on pm

But my question is, aren’t we chatting here? ??


But my question is, aren’t we chatting here? ??

We need to chat everywhere. This is not a drill LMAO


We need to chat everywhere. This is not a drill LMAO


Kokuto, you too. Don't try to escape ?


Kokuto, you too. Don't try to escape ?

Slinking off ... WUT?!  Sorry, I was just checking for more Tan Jian Ci content.  Yeah, that's it.


Ahhh I don't have Twitter :(  Ain't that the truth? I have more photos and videos of him than my own stuff ahahahaha ?

By the way, do you have Insta or WhatsApp or something like that? We should create a group 'cause I really need to chat ?

No, I'm sorry, I don't have WhatsApp.  I do have an Instagram account, but I rarely use it, nowadays.  You couldn't tell it by my presence here, but I actually don't do much social media, except to look for things I'm interested in.  It's such a time sink.  Plus I don't do stuff on my phone, cause it's a relic of the stone age, and I'm not the fastest typist, and my phone typing suxs even worse.