I can't believe I waited so long to watch Flower of Evil! What an absolute masterpiece. The cinematography, the suspense that kept me on edge till the very end, and of course, Lee Joon Gi's phenomenal acting  – everything about this drama was perfection. I had tried his Lawless Lawyer two years ago, but it didn’t click for me. Moon Lovers remains untouched (too much trauma potential), so FOE ended up being my first completed drama of his – and wow, it was worth every second.
Moon Chae Won and the child actor also deserve all the praise. The emotions they portrayed, the delicate yet intense family bond, and the sheer depth of the characters left me awestruck. 
And that ending! I was so anxious, terrified even, but thank goodness it wrapped up with a happy ending. The serial killer storyline, paired with the hauntingly perfect background score, made the experience unforgettable.
Now that I’ve finished this 9+ rating gem (MAL totally got it right), I’m desperately searching for another drama that can deliver similar thrills, emotions, and suspense. I’d love it if it has romance too! Something with a gripping plot, well-developed characters, and preferably a happy ending – my nerves can't handle heartbreaking finale.
For context, I’ve already watched:
    While You Were Sleeping*
    When The Phone Rings (they ruined it at the end)
    It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
    The Guest*
    Save Me (but I wasn’t a fan of the ending).
I’d deeply appreciate any recommendations! Let me know if there’s a drama that gave you the same level of chills, joy, and emotional investment as Flower of Evil. Thanks in advance!


will try it out

+ Misty => honestly think this is one of the best korean dramas ever produced. But it is build for a more mature audience. Meaning there are themes that will not appeal to a younger people. I am actually also not so sure if you will like the ending with the info you have provided. Still it is one of the best korean dramas. So I recommend it too but just be aware :)

Anyways for other dramas;
My Mister
Lie after Lie 
Pinocchio - This is older but don't drop it. It is a really really good drama and probably right what you look for. Just the beginning takes a little. But the mystery? The heartache? secret identity? being on the one side but also on the opposite between the couple? All there. added to it working together, secret relationship, living together and so on.

  • Hello Monster
  • Come and Hug me
  • Signal
  • Tunnel
  • Nobody knows
  • Voice (only season 1)
  • Black
  • The Girl who sees smells
Pinocchio - This is older but don't drop it. It is a really really good drama and probably right what you look for. Just the beginning takes a little. But the mystery? The heartache? secret identity? being on the one side but also on the opposite between the couple? All there. added to it working together, secret relationship, living together and so on

I agree with you !! It's one of my favourite....& about Lie after Lie the concept is so similar but many of the fans don't really liked it tho not so sure if it's worth it or not; I'll try the other ones for sure!

Voice (only season 1)

some says it's super where some says it's meh not so good; yet i'll give it a try!

The Girl who sees smells

I tried to watch this on last year but dropped it at episode 1 as so many were saying it's waste of time

about Lie after Lie the concept is so similar but many of the fans don't really liked it tho not so sure if it's worth it or not;

I watched Lie after Lie and agree that it wasn't quite what I was expecting. Melodrama definitely isn't for me and this had a lot of it. The thrill was also not there but it did have some interesting plot twists. If you're looking for something similar to Flower of Evil, in terms of identity theme it's kinda similar but not really in any other way. I didn't know until just now that FoE is tagged as melodrama T_T whaat??

I've not found any drama that quite matches Flower of Evil. It's a unique experience but here are some that imo come close and why I think so...

  • Blind - Similarities: Wrongfully accused, lots of pain, suffering, and angst, edge of your seat thrill, plot twists galore, strong FLs, good team dynamics, psychological, double identities. Differences: Blind is more of your typical detective drama while FoE has this extra layer of melodrama. Ending spoiler: Bittersweet
    • I feel like this one is the closest overall in terms of themes, pacing and closeness. The praise for this drama is high, however I didn't enjoy it a whole lot (I found the writing to be a wee bit lacking) xD
  • The Veil -  Similarities: Wrongfully accused, lots of pain, suffering, and angst, interesting and well-crafted story, edge of your seat thrill, plot twists galore, strong FLs, psychological, double identities, banger OST. Differences: The Veil is a spy/agent thriller so the themes are less intimate than FoE, no romance (but kinda in subtext depending on your pov). Ending spoiler: somewhat bittersweet but positive
    • Absolutely amazing drama and I feel like this comes the closest in terms of pacing, thrill, plot, writing, and angst. I loved this one and highly recommend! 
  • +1 Nobody Knows - Similarities: Lots of pain and angst, interesting and well-crafted story, plot twists galore, strong FLs, psychological, double identities, good OST. Differences: Nobody Knows is slower paced and doesn't have the wrongfully accused scenario that is front and center in FoE, more focused on the investigation part. Ending spoiler: Happy ending
    • This one is also pretty close in pretty much every way and I actually did enjoy it too ^^

More action, less close/intimate plot: 

  • Big Mouth - Similarities: Wrongfully accused, lots of pain, suffering, and angst, solid plot, edge of your seat thrill, plot twists galore, slight romance, strong FLs, banger OST. Differences: Big Mouth is set in a prison and follows filthy rich people's corruption, more action. Beware of the ending, spoiler: Sad ending.
    • Another banger that came pretty close to giving me the feels that FoE gave.
  • Bad Guys - Similarities: Wrongfully accused, lots of pain, suffering, and angst, edge of your seat thrill, plot twists galore, strong FLs, good team dynamics, ML from FoE is very similar to 4th ML from BG in terms of personality & plot situation. Differences: Bad Guys is more action focused and less intimate if that makes sense, more of a case-of-the week situation. Ending spoiler: Happy ending

Let me know if you want additional info ^^ Best of luck

FoE is tagged as melodrama

how come it's tagged as melodrama!? no wayyyy> to be honest FOE is really unique,, it deals with a lot of emotions not many dramas tagged as thriller & romance, can do this good! It's on my to 10 now,, I guess we only get this types of drama one in a decade~


yup this one is on my list! And the start seems to be promising.

The Veil

never heard of this one,, will try out!

Nobody Knows

umm I kinda dropped it at episode 1 cause I didn't like the fl? She was kinda old TT TT

Big Mouth

I love Jung Suk's work still not watching it for the trauma like Moon Lovers,, 

Bad Guys

I wonder why you ain't recommending the Korean one rather than the remake? Yet never considersing watching it at first thanks for the info it's on my list one!

The thrill was also not there but it did have some interesting plot twists. If you're looking for something similar to Flower of Evil, in terms of identity theme it's kinda similar but not really in any other way

I'm still giving a try to Lie after Lie without any big expectation; 

 lastly thanks a lot for recommending all these new new names!! 

umm I kinda dropped it at episode 1 cause I didn't like the fl? She was kinda old TT TT

Haha, that was part of the charm for me xD 

I wonder why you ain't recommending the Korean one rather than the remake?

I didn't watch the Korean one xD I only recommended titles I watched 

 lastly thanks a lot for recommending all these new new names!! 

You're quite welcome ^^ Hope you find something fun to watch


Come and Hug Me 

Both of the plot and story are so similar but the tension is what missing in CAHM,, I've watched it till ep 6...it was getting bored so sadlu i couldn't pass through it>