Here you will find all you need to know, things you didn’t know you wanted to know, and things that just might satisfy your curiosity about 2025's watch challenge. If you do not find the answers to your questions or just want to discuss the challenge, this is where you do it!

Click on the picture below to get to the right section.

A…– Watch a title that is listed as what it says in the prompt in front of it 

Stop – A numbered group of 5 prompts. 

Directions  – Your mission. A condition that a watched Address must fulfill. 

Address – Anything listed on MDL (dramas, movies, short films, specials, tv shows) that is watched as part of the challenge.

Tag – Searchable tag on MDL; when asked for an Address tagged ____, the tag must be among the tags for the Address (see tutorial finding tags).

Genre – Searchable genre on MDL; when asked for an Address whose genre is _____, the genre must be among the genres listed for the Address (see tutorial finding genres).

Note: Since MDL is a user-created database, if you see a relevant tag or genre missing from a Address , help make the site better by adding tags and genres (click on "Edit this page" in the upper right corner on the Address 's main page and click "Genres" from there to add tags and genres. These guidelines will help you get started).

Main  cast member  or Lead –  A person listed as a Main Role in the cast and credits list.

Main or Supporting Cast - A person listed as Main Role or Support Role in the cast and credits list.

*If the same character is played by several actors, it is okay to use any of the versions/actors of the character  when it specifically says character (and not cast member). 

Spot a… – Must be mentioned and/or seen in at least one of the scenes in the Address. Something you could have taken a screenshot of (Note: You do NOT have to take a screenshot for it to be valid. See our voting lists for tips (and help contribute to them if you know Addresses that fit the prompt)!

A main character involved in a… – The main character must mention and/or be seen attending or celebrating the prompt mentioned in at least one of the scenes in the Address.

Main or Supporting character that is/was/training to be a... –  The character is known to have/had or be training to be one of the following occupations in at least one of the scenes in the Address. The occupation being mentioned is enough for this to count. 

Either a Main or a Supporting character must stay at a… – Someone listed as a main or supporting character must either be seen staying at one of the spots mentioned in the block or mention staying at one 

Do I have to... 

Q: First complete block number 1 before I can complete Block number 2

A: No, you may complete the blocks in whatever order you want. 

Q: Complete block 1,2 to get to Manilla or Can I complete whatever blocks I want,  for example block 6 and 4. 

A: You may complete whichever blocks you want, and you may complete them in any order you would like. 

Q. Can I redo the same block twice to get to Manilla

A: No, unless you have completed 26 blocks and choose to go for a second round in that case you will have to complete the same blocks twice. 

Q. Can I use titles that I started watching in 2024? 

A. No, unless you rewatch the episodes you watched in 2024, unless specifially stated otherwise in a prompt. 

Q. Can I use the same title for several prompts 

A. No, unless you use the Blockbuster in that case it must fit all the prompts in the block and can only be used for that specific block. 

Q. Is it ok to re-watch titles? 

A.  Yes- 

It is okay to re-watch Titles you saw in previous years as long as you watch the whole Title during 2025. If you started a show in 2024, you can ONLY use that Title if you RE-WATCH those episodes you watched in 2024.

By December 31, 2025, you may have seen Imawa no Kuni no Alice in its entirety 10 times: 5 times in 2024 and 5 times in 2025. You may only use it once for any given year’s challenge (so if you used it in 2024, you can still use it in 2025, but only for one prompt).

…Genres:  We have made this tutorial but also included a link to the requested genre in the prompt. You will find the genres attached to each Address between the Screenwriter and the tags.

…Tags:  We have made this tutorial but also included a link to the requested tag in the prompt. Tags are listed on each Address's page right after Genres. 

…Addresses where you spot… can be a little bit tricky. While they might be tagged or mentioned in the synopsis, it’s not a requirement for these prompts. The idea is to try to spot what we are asking for while you are watching a Address . To help you out we made these voting lists where people can add recommendations for the prompts that include the word “Spot a…”  in them.

…Old movies with English subtitles? You can use THIS or the lists our amazing challengers helped create in the discussion thread.

More than 100 reviews: you cannot search specifically by number of reviews, however you can go by popularity and skip to a page far back… You will find the number of watchers on the Address's page. See picture below: 

Number of watchers below 1000: you can not search specifically by number of watchers, however you can go by popularity and skip to a page far back… You will find the number of watchers on the Address's page. See picture below: 

Substitute driver: How to find someone willing to be my substitute driver?

We made this post on feeds for you to ask for a substitute driver and/or apply to be one.

 You can always ask a friend, post on feeds, or try to reach out to someone doing the challenge by DM... 

Note: Since MDL is a user-created database, if you see a relevant tag or genre missing from a Address, help make the site better by adding tags and genres (click on "Edit this page" in the upper right corner on the Address's main page and click "Genres" from there to add tags and genres. These guidelines will help you get started).


Disclaimer: MDL is an ever-changing platform, so some of the links, tags, and genres that are used for this challenge may have changed during the duration of the challenge. If that happens go HERE. We will NOT, however, change the application form once it has been published...

Check back for updates on the challenge! 

Genres Historical and Sci Fi now have a direct link in them. /Jan 2

The list linked in "Stargazing" was wrong, it has now been fixed both in the form and in the code hack./Jan 1

1. Copy the code pasted on to this document linked below: 


2. Go to your own Settings 

3. Switch to code mode (right corner of toolbar looks like this:) 

4. Paste the code you just copied at the top 

5. Switch back to viewing mode (same icon) 

6. Look, it should have appeared like magic ... 

7. Mark the application and make sure you have some type of letters in the beginning and end of the section you have marked. 

8. Go to your application post 

9. Paste

10. Did the format follow? 

11. Save 


If this does not work: 

5 things to have in mind that may help 

 1. Are you sure you pasted the code in the right place? You must be under  settings.  

2. Always start with a letter, not a picture not a table when copy pasting. 

3. Restart your browser before copying over,  it may have to much on its mind. 

4. try  switching to a different browser 

5.  Copy smaller chunks at a time again, make sure to start and end with a letter. 

Good luck!

Here you can find links to feeds where we ask questions for you and us to discuss... 

If you have discord and would like to join our discussion about the challenge you can join following this link

 This is the invitation link that can be shared for people to join if they want. 

Hope to see you there

Just to be sure: If the main character is played by 2 different actors (i.e. one child actor and one adult actor) we count both of them as the same Main Character (not only the actor listed as Main Role). Correct?

In Love Your Enemy (2024) the Female Lead (Yun Ji Won) is played by 2 actresses: Jung Yu Mi  (adult - listed as the Main Role) and Oh Ye Ju  (teen - listed as a Support Role).
I think in this case we're talking about one, the same Main Character, played by 2 different actresses (in 2 different timelines). Am I right?


Just to be sure: If the main character is played by 2 different actors (i.e. one child actor and one adult actor) we count both of them as the same Main Character (not only the actor listed as Main Role). Correct?

In Love Your Enemy (2024) the Female Lead (Yun Ji Won) is played by 2 actresses: Jung Yu Mi  (adult - listed as the Main Role) and Oh Ye Ju  (teen - listed as a Support Role).
I think in this case we're talking about one, the same Main Character, played by 2 different actresses (in 2 different timelines). Am I right?

I would say go by the actor listed as a main on MDL  not by the character.  

Edit: Sorry re checked  our wording, there are a lot of prompts thst go by charcter so if it sais  character it would be okay. If it sais actor go by what is listed on MDL.  Sorry.  


Just to be sure: If the main character is played by 2 different actors (i.e. one child actor and one adult actor) we count both of them as the same Main Character (not only the actor listed as Main Role). Correct?

In Love Your Enemy (2024) the Female Lead (Yun Ji Won) is played by 2 actresses: Jung Yu Mi  (adult - listed as the Main Role) and Oh Ye Ju  (teen - listed as a Support Role).
I think in this case we're talking about one, the same Main Character, played by 2 different actresses (in 2 different timelines). Am I right?

We have now made this a little bit more clear in the FAQ; thanks for bringing it to our attention/ Shiro 

The list linked in "Stargazing" was wrong, it has now been fixed both in the form and in the code hack.

If you find any more wrong links please make sure to inform us thanks!

There are a lot of links, and while we did try to avoid mistakes...we are sure there may be more...

Also thank you tofor populating the lists! 

Sorry if this was already answered I couldn't find it but if I only wanna do a few blocks ( let's say 5) do I have to complete the first 5 blocks in the lineup or can I pick and choose lblocks 1-2-10-15-20  for example?


Sorry if this was already answered I couldn't find it but if I only wanna do a few blocks ( let's say 5) do I have to complete the first 5 blocks in the lineup or can I pick and choose lblocks 1-2-10-15-20  for example?

You  can choose any blocks you would like, and you may complete titles within them in any order you would like too, What counts is what you have completed once you turn in your form. 


I'm trying to do the code hack but for some reason its not working and I cannot find the switch to code mode button? I was wondering if it was under something specific or if there was another way?