I hadn’t watched that interview until the end :( I only saw the part about the different roles.


I'd like to see him play a psychopath or really any role he hasn't done before. He's so versatile that I feel like he'd be great at just about any role. I know he's considered an idol now and is a mid-tier liuliang but I've always felt that he's a character actor and I mean that in the best possible way. I've been following his career since 2017 and he's always disappeared into his characters, I never see TJC acting as a character, I just see that character and often they do seem like they could be a real person. Also, he makes every character different in their own way. Some actors act the same in every role and I only see the actor playing a role, not the character, and their characters never feel like real people.

He'd be great at directing, I also think he'd make a great acting teacher or coach. There's a real thought process behind his work and that goes into his work and he does a lot of detailed preparation for each role.

It was a treat to see him chatting with Huang Xiaoming the other night -- technically, Xiaoming is Xiaoyao's dad lol.


I'd like to see him play a psychopath or really any role he hasn't done before. He's so versatile that I feel like he'd be great at just about any role. I know he's considered an idol now and is a mid-tier liuliang but I've always felt that he's a character actor and I mean that in the best possible way. I've been following his career since 2017 and he's always disappeared into his characters, I never see TJC acting as a character, I just see that character and often they do seem like they could be a real person. Also, he makes every character different in their own way. Some actors act the same in every role and I only see the actor playing a role, not the character, and their characters never feel like real people.

He'd be great at directing, I also think he'd make a great acting teacher or coach. There's a real thought process behind his work and that goes into his work and he does a lot of detailed preparation for each role.

If he decides to take the psychopath route, it would be a dream come true.

Agreed. I’ve been following him for… 4 months lol and it’s already crystal clear that he’s such an outstanding actor. I’ve just finished Secret of the Three Kingdoms and I can’t believe that chubby Cao Pi is also the smooth talking Dr. Mo :)

I’ve just finished Secret of the Three Kingdoms and I can’t believe that chubby Cao Pi is also the smooth talking Dr. Mo

That's such a great show. Okay, the script did get messy as it went along but it had so many actors in it I like -- TJC, Han Dongjun, Ma Tianyu, and the very beautiful and talented Wan Qian.


That's such a great show. Okay, the script did get messy as it went along but it had so many actors in it I like -- TJC, Han Dongjun, Ma Tianyu, and the very beautiful and talented Wan Qian.

Yes, it was a bit confusing in the middle but by the end I couldn’t believe how good it was.

Wan  Qian is amazing!! I’m looking for all of her dramas now. Fu Shou may be my new favorite female character.




I hadn’t watched that interview until the end :( I only saw the part about the different roles.


Wuuuut?  I thought we done with the fluffy and going full Darth Vader? ;p

I'd like to see him play a psychopath or really any role he hasn't done before. He's so versatile that I feel like he'd be great at just about any role. I know he's considered an idol now and is a mid-tier liuliang but I've always felt that he's a character actor and I mean that in the best possible way. I've been following his career since 2017 and he's always disappeared into his characters, I never see TJC acting as a character, I just see that character and often they do seem like they could be a real person. Also, he makes every character different in their own way. Some actors act the same in every role and I only see the actor playing a role, not the character, and their characters never feel like real people.

I think he could do a great villain, but a psychopath???  It would take a lot out of him.  He always brings a certain warmth to his roles, and while that could work for a villain, I'm not sure it works for a psycho.  But I'd sure like to see him try it.

Character actors are great.  With long careers.  And I agree.  Tan Jian Ci is a chameleon who can disappear into a role.

I don't know if Tan Jian Ci seems himself as an idol exactly.  Or maybe he understands exactly the transience of that label, given how short his boy band career was.  But he understands the benefits and how the game works and appreciates the fan support.  He always talks about being an actor and the work.  Which explains why took the THIRD male lead who DIES in LYF, without regard to the labels of positions, because he knew what a great role and show and cast it was.  Though he was savvy enough to get more money for it.

He'd be great at directing, I also think he'd make a great acting teacher or coach. There's a real thought process behind his work and that goes into his work and he does a lot of detailed preparation for each role.

I need to find that video of him and a woman I didn't recognize, rehearsing.  It showed a bit of his process.  But yes, perfectionist that he is, he does put alot of work into each character.  He's talented, but he also is very hard working.

It was a treat to see him chatting with Huang Xiaoming the other night -- technically, Xiaoming is Xiaoyao's dad lol.

They really seemed to have had a heart to heart talk.  Even the interviewer noticed it and tried to get details out of him, but failed.  He definitely thinks of Huang Xiaoming as a mentor or I think he called him a big brother.  But yes!  I'm sure the YaoLiu CP had fun with it.  I wonder if HX has worked with Zhou Ye?  Cause she arrived with his group at that Chinese Kitchen show that Tan Jian Ci was on.

I was kind of surprised no one caught Tan Jianci and Elvis Han talking.  He was sitting right behind HX and Tan.  They used to be pretty close too, IIRC.  Actually, Tan Jian Ci seems to have a good relationship with most of his co-stars.  He and Li YiTong seemed pretty chatty, too.  I'm looking forward to seeing Tan and Wang Hong Yi BtS from FILTER.  From Hello Saturday, he really seems to have fallen into the older brother role for him.

Wan  Qian is amazing!! I’m looking for all of her dramas now. Fu Shou may be my new favorite female character.

The chemistry between her and Ma Tianyu was unexpectedly good, that's what happens when you have two skilled real actors instead of idols who basically pose like models and recite lines mindlessly without any thought process or intentionality.

Wuuuut?  I thought we done with the fluffy and going full Darth Vader? ;p

No, but you see, the whole “I hope you can support me a lot”… that’s a low blow, just like the strawberries. I think I’ll have to persevere even if it kills me :(

Lol “it’s a very healing, a very relaxing option”. Sure Tan, sure. Hahahaha


The chemistry between her and Ma Tianyu was unexpectedly good, that's what happens when you have two skilled real actors instead of idols who basically pose like models and recite lines mindlessly without any thought process or intentionality.

Yes to all of this. 

I wonder if HX has worked with Zhou Ye?  Cause she arrived with his group at that Chinese Kitchen show that Tan Jian Ci was on.

I was kind of surprised no one caught Tan Jianci and Elvis Han talking.  He was sitting right behind HX and Tan.  They used to be pretty close too, IIRC.  Actually, Tan Jian Ci seems to have a good relationship with most of his co-stars.  He and Li YiTong seemed pretty chatty, too.  I'm looking forward to seeing Tan and Wang Hong Yi BtS from FILTER.  From Hello Saturday, he really seems to have fallen into the older brother role for him.

I don't think Xiaoming and Zhou Ye have worked together...yet. She's relatively new to the business, she only debuted in 2019 but she's been in a lot of projects. Personally, I think when Hesong lost Zhao Liying from their roster, they went into overdrive to push Zhou Ye and I think they want to make her the next Zhao Liying...we will see how that goes.

Yes, TJC and Han Dongjun have known each other quite a while and they are good friends. He is also good friends with Li Yitong -- and they are both good friends with Tang Yixin (Zhang Ruoyun's wife). Tang Yixin is the mutual friend who connected TJC and YZ online. China has over a billion people, and we always talk about how C-ent is over-saturated with actors and every year there's another graduating group of young pretty things from the big 3 drama schools entering into the industry (if they haven't debuted already), but it's actually pretty tight-knit and instead of 6 degrees, it's more like 2-3 degrees between each person especially the veterans -- the ones who have been active in the business for 10+ years. TJC is well-liked and well-regarded in the industry even if he wasn't super popular with audiences -- he's respected by other actors because he's put the work in and he's professional and collaborative. He's respectful towards industry seniors and nurturing towards juniors.

Which explains why took the THIRD male lead who DIES in LYF

Kokuto, what’s with the capslock helppppp

Ok, I said I was fine with the dying. 

Can’t back out now. :D

3rd ML but 2nd biggest paycheck after the main FL. :)

the very beautiful and talented Wan Qian.

Wan Qian is the sort of actress that would be great to see him collaborate more with. She was arresting in Secret of the Three Kingdoms. She has this presence to her - womanly instead of girlish. Unfortunately, girlish seems to be the preferred thing in CDrama Land. The allergy to women over the age of thirty is rampant, which is a darn shame since these "older" ladies bring a commanding, confident vibe that only comes with experience. Just check out Liu Shi Shi in the current Journey to Love - so different from when she was last on screen.


3rd ML but 2nd biggest paycheck after the main FL. :)

Wasn't he billed as "special performance" instead of the usual ranking? Kind of like the "and so and so" in American shows when they want to show that an actor is "special".


Which explains why took the THIRD male lead who DIES in LYF

Kokuto, what’s with the capslock helppppp

Ok, I said I was fine with the dying. 

Can’t back out now. :D

I'm sorry nathsketch.  I just took off running with your reconciliation with LYF.  I got carried away.  ;p

No, but you see, the whole “I hope you can support me a lot”… that’s a low blow, just like the strawberries. I think I’ll have to persevere even if it kills me :(

Lol “it’s a very healing, a very relaxing option”. Sure Tan, sure. Hahahaha

You left out the important part he said.  "That you can watch while eating dessert (strawberries) in bed ... with me." -- imagine it's said with his husky purr.  Seee?

I told you how to support Tan and his new show.  Just let it play in a tab that you aren't looking at.  Kind of like this person.
