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WUT?!?! The ending of Xiang Liu ...

I know!! Sorry. I don't know what's happening to me lol

POD PERSON!!!! What did you do with nathsketch???

I'm totally feeling like I've been replaced, but after some soul-searching, I think I'm having some second thoughts about happy endings. 

I surely don't want to see Xiang Liu dying, I haven't completely lost my mind, but with this much-awaited happy ending in LMLMV, I feel nothing. It's just... it's like it's unearned. The whole thing is so filled with happiness that is starting to annoy me. How much happier can this thing get?

I'm annoyed. 

Omg, I became Wednesday and it's only Monday lmao

This is literally me by episode 5:

Don't even get me started on that meowing. What is that and will it continue for 33 episodes? 

My gosh. 33 episodes. 


Someone please let AH know that I may be ready to watch Scarlet Heart. That's some character development I was not expecting to go through :D

Which is why I'm struggling with LMLMV. There's not much of anything except for the romance.

It seems to me from the clips that it's basically a fangirl wish-fulfillment self-insert story. I'm not sure how I will feel about it once I start watching, I think probably I'm not the right audience for it because while I am a longtime TJC fan, I'm more of a career fan -- my fan investment is more of a professional kind to see his career flourish and see him in really interesting roles and projects that challenge and show off his talent and skills, I'm not really the type of fan for him in particular where I wish I could date him or something (there are other actors I feel more personally invested in ahem lol). So I don't know if that wish-fulfillment self-insert aspect is going to work for me, probably not. 


Someone please let AH know that I may be ready to watch Scarlet Heart. That's some character development I was not expecting to go through :D

When I said that they would kill us with hyperglycemia with this show, I was not expecting this. What's going on? Are you alright? If you are being held hostage at gunpoint and forced to write these things, please use your safety code word.

It seems to me from the clips that it's basically a fangirl wish-fulfillment self-insert story.

It's basically just that, yes.

there are other actors I feel more personally invested in ahem lol

OOOOOhh. Can you share? You got me curious now :3


When I said that they would kill us with hyperglycemia with this show, I was not expecting this. What's going on? Are you alright? If you are being held hostage at gunpoint and forced to write these things, please use your safety code word. 

Yeahhh I don’t know what’s happening either.

But then again when I was a kid I loved eating broccoli. Sugar is not exactly my jam. 

And that damn meowing.

Someone please stop that. 

This is my safety code word: Shut that cat up. Hahahahahaha


Someone please let AH know that I may be ready to watch Scarlet Heart. That's some character development I was not expecting to go through :D

Here's some 6 Degrees of Tan Jian Ci info ....

The writer (and one of the screen writers) of Love Me Love My Voice also was a screen writer on Scarlet Heart drama.

Also, I think it was HeadInTheClouds who was recommending A Journey to Love ...  the director of that drama also directed Winner is King.

Also she was caught on tape mocking a staff member/passerby around the filming set of one of her shows for wearing all black saying the woman looked bad and "like a witch." The lady in question didn't realize she was being mocked by Wang Churan until the recording was released -- of course, she was embarrassed and offended.

Did she apologize for what she said about that woman?

The writer (and one of the screen writers) of Love Me Love My Voice also was a screen writer on Scarlet Heart drama.

Will he please shake things up a bit? Hahahaha

But seriously, that's some odd coincidence. Those two dramas are completely different in every way.

Also, I think it was HeadInTheClouds who was recommending A Journey to Love ... the director of that drama also directed Winner is King.

Yes, that one sounds good. I still need to finish Kunning Palace. Then AJTL is probably next :)


When I said that they would kill us with hyperglycemia with this show, I was not expecting this. What's going on? Are you alright? If you are being held hostage at gunpoint and forced to write these things, please use your safety code word. 

I looked her up just now and apparently people didn't like her character in Fireworks of My Heart. They thought her character was annoying. SMH, people couldn't differentiate between the actress and the character she was playing. She got cyberbullied for it.

My understanding of the whole hoopla with Fireworks of My Heart is that viewers didn't like the lead couple, but took a liking to the second male lead. When the drama team and original author attempted to shut this down by various underhanded tactics, this pissed the netizens off, which then snowballed into targetting the drama and the leads in whichever ways they can. Every little thing is placed under scrutiny and made fun off/criticized. Do the criticisms about portraying the National Fire Services and medical professionals in a bad light have merits, perhaps, but they were definitely used as the pretext for personal attacks. If you placed any of these idols' dramas under scrutiny, you'd find similar issues and yet, this one was the one that got targeted? It's not a coincidence. 

Yang Yang's character was called "oily/greasy" and his acting was raked over the coals. Wang Chu Ran's character was accused of being a "love brain" idiot. There is some cultural context here too, as her character lived in the lap of luxury provided by her adopted family, and yet, she chapped under their expectations and control. Critics think that she's ungrateful. A lot of young Chinese struggled economically so having a family that supported them financially like hers in the drama is seen as a positive thing. 

Wang Chu Ran didn't kowtow and defended her character's imperfections as refreshing. I don't know if she defended the characters' behaviours that were seen as disrespectful to the medical professions etc. According to atmosphere, she did. But the fact that she didn't back down and humbly agreed with their criticisms of her character pretty much put a target on her head. So they will dig and find anything and everything to show/prove that she's an awful person. She may very well be an awful person, but let us not pretend that this was the number one concern for these netizens. It's their way to exercise control and punish her for not bowing down to them.

Yang Yang also got the blowback, but he has a strong fandom to protect him. Wang Chu Ran doesn't. Is she brave or stupid for not playing the netizens' game? You decide.


Come on Kokuto. Do you actually want to save nathsketch or not? How do you expect her to remember let alone type that word? We need a simpler one :-)

I'm totally feeling like I've been replaced, but after some soul-searching, I think I'm having some second thoughts about happy endings.

I surely don't want to see Xiang Liu dying, I haven't completely lost my mind, but with this much-awaited happy ending in LMLMV, I feel nothing. It's just... it's like it's unearned. The whole thing is so filled with happiness that is starting to annoy me. How much happier can this thing get?

I'm annoyed.

Omg, I became Wednesday and it's only Monday lmao

This is literally me by episode 5:

LOL!  You went away to a mega con and had to deal with the public for five days.  Of course you turned into Wednesday.

Yep.  LMLMV is VERY happy.  So sugary.  For me, it's not about earning, it's about wrapping me in a healing  giant cotton candy blanket of happy, waiting for Dr. Mo to get married ... and get laid.  It's Waiting that CAN Wait.

And this is definitely about Tan Jian Ci.  If he wasn't playing Dr. Mo, I totally wouldn't be watching this.


Come on Kokuto. Do you actually want to save nathsketch or not? How do you expect her to remember let alone type that word? We need a simpler one :-)


I'm drowning in cotton candy, I want everyone in the sugar with me. ;p   Double that for LYF 2.