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I know!! Sorry. I don't know what's happening to me lol

I'm totally feeling like I've been replaced, but after some soul-searching, I think I'm having some second thoughts about happy endings. 

I surely don't want to see Xiang Liu dying, I haven't completely lost my mind, but with this much-awaited happy ending in LMLMV, I feel nothing. It's just... it's like it's unearned. The whole thing is so filled with happiness that is starting to annoy me. How much happier can this thing get?

I'm annoyed. 

Omg, I became Wednesday and it's only Monday lmao

This is literally me by episode 5:

Don't even get me started on that meowing. What is that and will it continue for 33 episodes? 

My gosh. 33 episodes. 


Don't apologize, some of us prefer lemons to sugar....... especially unbearable amounts of sugar .

33 long episodes of fluffy fluff is enough to push some of us over the edge and wish to be stubbed. lol

I don’t know why they keep putting the dudes to act opposite these 16-year-old looking women. Fine, it’s no problem to look younger, but do they need to act as Peppa Pig in love as well?

I wonder when that historical part will be shown. That may be a bit more interesting. I can’t believe I’m considering dropping this after only a day. I may need a head examination lololol

Then I misunderstood. My apologies @Kokuto.

No problem. :)

PS: they toned down the meowing later ;) I do feel LMLMV is getting better with each Ep, but like I said I love that drama and lapping every sugar they throw at me eagerly =)

I think so too.  There's more interaction with the people around them, so there's more to it than just the sweet romance.  Like I said, I think Episode 11 was my favorite so far.

Once I realize what it was, I just put the cat meowing down to a convention of the genre / sweet romance dramas.


I don’t know why they keep putting the dudes to act opposite these 16-year-old looking women. Fine, it’s no problem to look younger, but do they need to act as Peppa Pig in love as well?

I wonder when that historical part will be shown. That may be a bit more interesting. I can’t believe I’m considering dropping this after only a day. I may need a head examination lololol

I've noticed how the cast of most c- dramas keep getting younger and younger

And they always write such senseless babyish female leads......like is that how they want their women to act

When I first watched the drama I felt the fl looked too young for TJC......maybe it's just me


You just read this whole thread.  Do you remember the phrase, either in Chinese or English, for describing Tan Jian Ci's body?  I think it came up with that dance video, Luv2BAFangirl posted.  It was something like Soft Face, Hard Body?  


It’s just like you and HeadInTheClouds said. I hope he doesn’t get typecast in these rom-com fluffy dramas because they’re in all honesty boring as heck, and he’s way too talented to be in such productions :/

Suddenly Xiang Liu’s ending doesn’t seem so bad anymore.

Watching LMLMV made you think Xiang Liu's ending isn't that bad? lol..... I honestly feel the same way.


Please no! no! no!

I can't watch another fluffy thing with him in it again

He cannot let himself be typecast 

Yeah, I’m trying to like it but it’s not working. It’s not the same as LYF, obviously, but I was hoping this would make me feel relieved after so much suffering because of Xiang Liu. But nope. It’s just another fluffy rom-com, except they got an actor that happens to be too good for this kind of thing so the drama seems to be above average. People are already comparing it to Love O2O and other similar dramas. Remove Tan and this whole thing would certainly fall apart :/

I’m such a party pooper today, my sincere apologies :(

And I don’t even have a ZY doppelgänger sister :P

My condolences to you. I’m here if you need to vent lmao

Thanks. I'll private message you if I need to vent hahaha


Watching LMLMV made you think Xiang Liu's ending isn't that bad? lol..... I honestly feel the same way. 

I know!! What’s happening to us???

I don’t want to see him dead but this drama ain’t what I want either helpppp

FF all the extraneous stuff which I'm sure there will be a ton of screentime for all the supporting characters because, although I haven't read the novel the show is based on, it doesn't seem like there's enough plot and material for the 2 main leads to cover 33 full-length episodes.

I'm watching this show at two times the speed now. Every time I try watching this, I end up looking at my phone or wishing I was watching something else. I'm not even past episode 4 :///

Ugh, the dilemma is real. I can't drop this so soon.

I know, right? I want to watch this to support TJC and it just came out a week ago but the story.......... :|


I don’t know why they keep putting the dudes to act opposite these 16-year-old looking women. Fine, it’s no problem to look younger, but do they need to act as Peppa Pig in love as well?

I wonder when that historical part will be shown. That may be a bit more interesting. I can’t believe I’m considering dropping this after only a day. I may need a head examination lololol

I can't believe it either, considering how much you were looking forward to it.  BUT, it IS sweet.  And if you watched all of it in one go ... well, call in for insulin.  lol!

If it isn't your cup of tea, then drop it.  I mean you stopped watching LYF, which I'm amazed, so dropping this is no biggie.  We'll let you know when the costume episode come on, if you want to watch that.  Though I bet it's very sweet too.


I've noticed how the cast of most c- dramas keep getting younger and younger

And they always write such senseless babyish female leads......like is that how they want their women to act

When I first watched the drama I felt the fl looked too young for TJC......maybe it's just me

It's traffic dramas with idols.  They want their actors YOUNG.  That's why I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Tan Jian Ci, cause he's on the cusp, age wise.  Thankfully, he at least looks young and his roles are different.

Other people have said that, and talked about the age gap, but I don't see it.  Of course, I'm wearing my Tan Glasses. ;p

I don't think that's just a c-drama thing.  It happens all over the world.  Though I think K-dramas have a name for that behavior that I can't remember now.

No need to apologize. We like what we like. Some dramas works for us others not. At least you girls are being nice in expressing what you don‘t like about the drama. And it‘s all valid points. If it‘s such a struggle, maybe it‘s time you give up and use your precious time to watch something else you girls really like. There will be another TJC dramas. I dropped‚Are You safe‘ because that drama is not working for me, as much as I like TJC. And his other older dramas I only watched his parts to admire his acting chops.


Watching LMLMV made you think Xiang Liu's ending isn't that bad? lol..... I honestly feel the same way. 


I know!! What’s happening to us???

I don’t want to see him dead but this drama ain’t what I want either helpppp


I'm watching this show at two times the speed now. Every time I try watching this, I end up looking at my phone or wishing I was watching something else. I'm not even past episode 4 :///


I know, right? I want to watch this to support TJC and it just came out a week ago but the story.......... :|

Guys.  Just drop it.  No need to come away with a negative feeling about Tan Jian Ci. He's got plenty of other things to watch.

If you want to "support" the show, you can run it in a tab where you don't see it.  I saw someone running the show on their computer, their phone and their tablet!  LOL!


No need to apologize. We like what we like. Some dramas works for us others not. At least you girls are being nice in expressing what you don‘t like about the drama. And it‘s all valid points. If it‘s such a struggle, maybe it‘s time you give up and use your precious time to watch something else you girls really like. There will be another TJC dramas. I dropped‚Are You safe‘ because that drama is not working for me, as much as I like TJC. And his other older dramas I only watched his parts to admire his acting chops.

This.  I'm enjoying it for what it is.  But if anyone isn't, that's cool.  We all have different tastes and tolerances.