
Actually both CY and YBY are the victims here. Hope their agency will do some damage control on the issue. 

You got to the point: They are two victims.

Actually both CY and YBY are the victims here. Hope their agency will do some damage control on the issue. 

Yes that's right.. i sincerely hope so... i hate seeing this happen to them..  


Actually both CY and YBY are the victims here. Hope their agency will do some damage control on the issue. 

CY is the main victim actually.

Why can't they let go of this yet?


ohh.. so the last night show was the scene of ep 8? 

after 1 months, he wearing Lovers Curse Mask?

or the lovers curse not break?

"XJ come backk.. !!!!! you forgot to break SF Lovers Curse ...."

Do you know that there is even a similarity? Li Palace did not allow them to love each other. And now this is (in a way) happening in real life. But what a pity the mask cannot be broken. (And they both suffer the curse of love). P.S: I imagine both Cheng Yi and she crying alone seeing these comments. And the video clips of the concert that is spread on the Web.
Oh, I don't forget: So spontaneous and shy, always interacting naturally. And these dealers have upset that.
 Amanda Ainsworth:

CY is the main victim actually.

Why can't they let go of this yet?

Yes, because he is being treated like a villain. But he is not a villain.

LOL... anyway just cut him some slack lah. Based on the BTS we saw, I reckoned he was not his true self at the event. Unless all the BTS is doctored...

Yes his expression is so gloomy in the event. His true self is in all those BTS, before all the madness happened. 

ok... i saw the news that elites share

I put the english translation for those who cant read chinese like me..


"Liu Li" closing cloud song meeting: Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan are obviously avoiding suspicion, is there anyone watching the second part?                              

Preface: This summer, there are no big hits like last year's "Chen Qingling" and "Dear Love", but there are small hits like "Liu Li" and "The Rumored Chen Qianqian", Cheng Yi, Yuan Bingyan, Ding Yu Xi and Zhao Lusi have become a small hit, and have been promoted to "first-line traffic".


In general, "Liu Li" is a bit hotter than "The Rumored Chen Qianqian", Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan are a bit hotter than Ding Yuxi and Zhao Lusi, because Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan are sweeter in the play. On September 20, 2020, the show party gathered the main actors together for a closing cloud song meeting. Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan seemed to have deliberately avoided suspicion.



In the beginning, Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan stood together, but the distance between them was very large. Cheng Yi was even next to the director, and he was unwilling to stand in the direction of Yuan Bingyan. It seemed to leave a place for others. Later, the director simply stood between Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan. In another scene, the actor in black kept pushing Cheng Yi next to Yuan Bingyan, but Cheng Yi kept resisting.



Cheng Yi deliberately avoided Yuan Bingyan and seemed to make Yuan Bingyan unhappy. Once, the host asked Yuan Bingyan a question, she didn't have a microphone in her hand, so Cheng Yi handed him his microphone. It just so happened that the man on Yuan Bingyan's right handed her the microphone. She hesitated and took the microphone of the man on the right, which was actually the one that Cheng Yi handed first.


Why is Cheng Yi avoiding Yuan Bingyan, not Yuan Bingyan avoiding Cheng Yi? Because the host said something: What do you want to say to the first met couple? Yuan Bingyan said: The couple will live a happy life in another parallel time and space. Cheng Yi said: Thank you everyone for loving Si Feng. Although Si Feng is over, Cheng Yi is still there.


Looking at the launch conference of "Liu Li" now, it is really a heaven and an underground. When the broadcast started, Cheng Yi was extremely active, always watching Yuan Bingyan affectionately, and taking the initiative to hold Yuan Bingyan's hand. Wu Qinggong, a non-famous entertainment critic, pointed out: Cheng Yi’s initiative in exchange for Yuan Bingyan’s enthusiasm, Yuan Bingyan even gave a "shocking kiss" at the press conference.



The success of a TV series does not depend on one person alone. The actors are selected well, and the most important thing is that they have a sense of CP, and the audience loves it. On the scene of the closing cloud song meeting, director Yin Tao gave a speech, confirming that "Liu Li" will make the second part. If Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan are still used, can they still operate as before? If all players are replaced, "Liu Li 2" will certainly not be as popular as "Liu Li".



What’s even more embarrassing: Huanrui Century’s CEO Zhong Kai posted on Weibo: "The "Liu Li" is over. You can follow Huanrui’s accountability for breach of contract by a company and its artists. Honesty and compliance are the foundation, but you No." Is Cheng Yi going to sue Yuan Bingyan? You can't get together well, and you don't have to go to court, right?

Wow the amount of comments for this thread got bigger xD thanks to whoever made the social distance commentary aha

The whole thing is blowing up way more... another terrible move by H&R

I remembered the noble aspirations incident where they said something about giving more promotions to Biyao (ZLY) over YX because ZLY was a bigger artist than YX but YX’s character was the end game with ML

I hope YBY and CY relations are still good or decent enough 

Bless Bai Shu, really like his Teng She character sometimes in this live show xD

And when you see the interaction that they had inside and outside the cameras, in the BTS, in the interviews, the blind people have to understand that it was not false. And that now others have disturbed the friendly and spontaneous relationship they had. P.s: I feel even more sorry for him, because not everyone will realize that he is also suffering. He was not natural, nervous, he pressed and loosened that microphone, suppressing his natural spontaneity towards her. If he cries it will be alone, close to his pillow. And nobody will see.
In the drama there was redemption. I would like redemption here, too, in real life.

LOL... anyway just cut him some slack lah. Based on the BTS we saw, I reckoned he was not his true self at the event. Unless all the BTS is doctored...

after watching last night live show.. my brain mallfunction.. 

so the BTS is just a fake? BTS also directed by director?

Yes, because he is being treated like a villain. But he is not a villain.

so now.. what episode are they acting?


Yes his expression is so gloomy in the event. His true self is in all those BTS, before all the madness happened. 

So just think of him as we know him. Not need to question him just for this behaviour...

i've been reading this thread throughout the whole day. so heartbreaking. i can't even bear to watch the clips.


She chose Bai Shu and not CY! Somehow I'm happy for that lol

His weibo went down to 1227 so like he lost 80k? I hope that's what H&R wanted to happened. 

cos CY scare eaten by YBY.. yesterday show quite obvious larr.. 


after watching last night live show.. my brain mallfunction.. 

so the BTS is just a fake? BTS also directed by director?

Wah... to fake BTS is quite scheming leh. Like that is after crossing bridge, burn bridge.

Chill, chill...