Drama Empress:

yep but I think the Deamon Team of SF will join the fight against Bailing maybe this episode will be like Avengers End Game for Bailing

Ultimately it should be LHJD in the form of XJ chopping off the arm ya? Anyway the sequence is abit confusing now with the split LHJD and the weddings etc...


@caDAVEr : Yea.. i have no idea.. why in the hurry that she need to break the blood bond?

SF already told her that his heart only for XJ.. gosh... that why make me dislike her.. cos too much... 1st warn ignore.. 2nd warn ignore... 3rd warn get lost.. still unsatisfied.. haiz.. 

even SF said that she should know that he only happy when he was with XJ.. dunno how this Ying Hua so possessive and obsessed with SF. but pity RY, he likes her and she gone so he will be lonely.. 

@Drama Empress : why suddenly have the sea of fire? is this sea of fire is new creation of bai di to block LHJD? why previously LHJD look like easily go in and out heaven?

And her acting somehow too inexperienced so it is not convincing... against the likes of Crystal and ZYX, it is quite unfair to her...


Oooh thanks for providing the characters. That hong also can mean large too lol and lô is lu. 

So that scene with the two of them in red is their first wedding? 

 Drama Empress:

"Will the marriage happens before LHJD escapade or after Bailin death"

I think there are 2 weddings, this one with XJ's dad is probably the first one at Shao Yang.

The darker ambiance in the trailer is the second one probably...

@caDAVEr : think there are 2 weddings, this one with XJ's dad is probably the first one at Shao Yang. The darker ambiance in the trailer is the second one probably...

>> married at Shao Yang then XJ transform to LHJD kidnap SF and bring him to the demon world? but doesnt make senses.. cos XJ wearing purple dress when she break the Liu Li Zhan and SF wearing blue dress.. after SF see XJ transform to LHJD, he hold LHJD hand and said "Xuan Ji" i think he passed out.. cos next he was sleep and Liu Yi Huan and Ting Nu together with SF in the room....

The best thing about this series is made us wondering what is the next scene will be and sometimes we guess it wrong as we do not how the plot will be.. this series is the best.. cos even i don't how the next plot will happen till i watch it.. hahahahaha :D

 Drama Empress:

1>>>Red plays a vital role in Chinese weddings because this color is associated with success, loyalty, honor, fertility, and love, amongst others. Because of this, decorations at Chinese weddings are generally in red so NO LHJD 

in the trailer, SF wearing Red dress then he talk to LHJD to let go his hatred.. LHJD transform himself into XJ wearing Red dress, she open the dress with all stitches and talk to SF "Look at me. If you see it, will you hate bailing or not for what have he done to me?" and Xuanji show SF how Bai ling do life operation to LHJD.. Bailing stab his heart then transform him to GOW.... 

kinda curious why SF wearing red dress over there?


@caDAVEr : think there are 2 weddings, this one with XJ's dad is probably the first one at Shao Yang. The darker ambiance in the trailer is the second one probably...

>> married at Shao Yang then XJ transform to LHJD kidnap SF and bring him to the demon world? but doesnt make senses.. cos XJ wearing purple dress when she break the Liu Li Zhan and SF wearing blue dress.. after SF see XJ transform to LHJD, he hold LHJD hand and said "Xuan Ji" i think he passed out.. cos next he was sleep and Liu Yi Huan and Ting Nu together with SF in the room....

The best thing about this series is made us wondering what is the next scene will be and sometimes we guess it wrong as we do not how the plot will be.. this series is the best.. cos even i don't how the next plot will happen till i watch it.. hahahahaha :D 

We are confused by the spoiler trailers as well as the novel references as well. The thing I have to say again is that there are only 6 episodes left for all these to happen.... aiyah... maybe go see that trailer again to see if the gown they wearing the same as the pics...


Okay probably there is enough time only for one wedding (Not sure if the novel has 2?)

XJ's hairdo etc. quite consistent with the pics above and in the vid, SF cannot really tell especially in the dark ambiance scene.


@Eimae : are you sure or not that Bai di will kill himself? I only see Bai Di shake hand with LHJD and TS behind them.. hahahahaa :D

I don't remember where I've read it  But that shaking hand is probably like LHJD: "hey, let's die together, I'll forgive you then" kind of thing lol


I don't remember where I've read it  But that shaking hand is probably like LHJD: "hey, let's die together, I'll forgive you then" kind of thing lol

wakakaka.. that's all? shake hand only? wakakakaka.. so fast LHJD forgive BD? 1000 years betrayal only shake hand? hahahaha :D


wakakaka.. that's all? shake hand only? wakakakaka.. so fast LHJD forgive BD? 1000 years betrayal only shake hand? hahahaha :D

I hope he does dies and the spoiler is true ahaha. At least, they would probably show the Heavenly Emperor getting angry at what BD did and maybe strip of his powers or rank (haha). 

The new trailer has been subbed by @black.rose_xo on instagram! Sorry I can’t link because my account is less than 7 days old hehe enjoy :)

I really want to see the heavenly emperor scene. But nothing so far from the all the trailer.

I am pretty sure that the wedding in Shao Yang will happen after the heaven arc. We can only guess for now why Si Feng is in red clothes in demon world.


The new trailer has been subbed by @black.rose_xo on instagram! Sorry I can’t link because my account is less than 7 days old hehe enjoy :)

Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1XNzHFx_S/?igshid=1agnl02qblr53 

Thank you for the link. But the video only for a part of the trailer. Is there more?


Thank you for the link. But the video only for a part of the trailer. Is there more?

If you slide the clip, there are two more.


If you slide the clip, there are two more.

I see. Thank you!!

So as LHJD, he should know and remember all the 10 lives with Si Feng. No wonder he is attached to Si Feng somehow

I think there will be only 1 wedding at the end.

Now let's prevent this is our actual kiss scene, still missing some scenes but a lot better than the one they showed. Lol



I think there will be only 1 wedding at the end.

Now let's prevent this is our actual kiss scene, still missing some scenes but a lot better than the one they showed. Lol


This is exactly the version I caught in Qianxun. Is there a longer one?