

 true, especially during the major angst arc of the drama, the only people that XJ got to share her true feelings to was with Zi Hu and Teng She. She was being treated as a killing machine once again by most of the people around her.  

I found everything just right. I don't understand why these people complain so much. The couple's love was well represented (both by him and by her). What a boring staff !! They are never satisfied! (This is a drama in which all the suffering on the part of the two was worth it, and everything led perfectly and gradually to a grand finale (for the protagonist couple). Perfect! P.S: These boring and unproductive criticisms also made against the female protagonist of "Novoland Castle in the sky 2 (2020)". All nonsense, the female protagonist was perfect here too.

ignore them..

i satisfy with CY and YBY..

I love their shyness and they look humble.

Btw. did you gals realize on the wedding kiss, YBY and CY already feel comfortable each other unlike before ep 52? hahahaha :D

I love the images where Xi Xuan save GOW.


I just finished watching Maiden Holmes and it's 3am now... no time even to rewatch the last episodes of L&R... I'll skip it as well. :)

Maiden Holmes is climbing up high on my to-watch list along with Go Ahead lol

Waiting for Dating in the Kitchen and Love is Sweet as Marry Me is working out for me (might watch a few more eps)


Maiden Holmes is climbing up high on my to-watch list along with Go Ahead lol

Waiting for Dating in the Kitchen and Love is Sweet as Marry Me is working out for me (might watch a few more eps)

i just start Way Back Into Love.. well not bad.. just reach ep 12. hahaha :D

Dating in Kitchen already out?

Marry Me, hmmm somehow the plot quite ridiculous hoh...

Maiden holmes, i watch 4ep then stop.. hahaha :D

Go a head.. maybe the gap between FL and both ML quite huge.. so i havent watch.. is it nice?

Anyhow, back to LaR xD 

It would be a nice addition if they added a monologue for XJ during the angsty arc so that it's more clear-cut for some viewers

I would like that they add more scenes between Bailin and Teng She as TS was very sad by BL's death. I know there's a scene where TS said he really respect BL, but it would be nice to see some scenes showing history between TS and BL. From what I've gathered about BL, he seems is a person that as long as you're on the heavenly realm's side, he wouldn't treat you so badly beside the yelling stuff. But that doesn't excuse what he did as he held a very strong prejudice against the demons and upheld his hierarchical views that he would project to others, namely XJ. 


i just start Way Back Into Love.. well not bad.. just reach ep 12. hahaha :D

Dating in Kitchen already out?

Marry Me, hmmm somehow the plot quite ridiculous hoh...

Maiden holmes, i watch 4ep then stop.. hahaha :D

Go a head.. maybe the gap between FL and both ML quite huge.. so i havent watch.. is it nice?

 Dating in the Kitchen hasn't air yet xD, I'm just waiting as I think it will be next week or at least this month lol 

Seven Tan looks very young for her age while Song Weilong looks older for this age so I'm okay with the gap, but I haven't watch it yet aha


Anyhow, back to LaR xD 

It would be a nice addition if they added a monologue for XJ during the angsty arc so that it's more clear-cut for some viewers

I would like that they add more scenes between Bailin and Teng She as TS was very sad by BL's death. I know there's a scene where TS said he really respect BL, but it would be nice to see some scenes showing history between TS and BL. From what I've gathered about BL, he seems is a person that as long as you're on the heavenly realm's side, he wouldn't treat you so badly beside the yelling stuff. But that doesn't excuse what he did as he held a very strong prejudice against the demons and upheld his hierarchical views that he would project to others, namely XJ. 

Maybe there is.. maybe they cut it..

maybe in the future they will release uncut version.. like the "Untamed" they release the special edition.. hahahaha or maybe we request youku to release special edition of uncut version?


 Dating in the Kitchen hasn't air yet xD, I'm just waiting as I think it will be next week or at least this month lol 

Seven Tan looks very young for her age while Song Weilong looks older for this age so I'm okay with the gap, but I haven't watch it yet aha

seven tan born 1990, song weilong born 1997.. wah 7 years gap... hmm.. maybe later.. after i watch "way back into love" or "Marry me".. hahaha "D

i am looking forward for upcoming Zhao Lu si.. hahhha :D oh ok... next week.. yes..


I just finished watching Maiden Holmes and it's 3am now... no time even to rewatch the last episodes of L&R... I'll skip it as well. :)

oh.. u din watch the ending? or wait for fully sub?


"I feel like if XJ suffered even more in the drama it would’ve hurt SF deeply  "

That !!! Well placed! True, everything he did for love was also to prevent further suffering for her. Even Brother Liu said that he always suffered alone (silent). But it was Si Feng's choice that she not  to suffer so much.


"ignore them..

i satisfy with CY and YBY..

I love their shyness and they look humble.

(Yes, I must ignore those who only know how to complain and for no reason. )

"Btw. did you gals realize on the wedding kiss, YBY and CY already feel comfortable each other unlike before ep 52? hahahaha :D"

( Why you say that ? Did you see any BTS from the wedding scene? (Anyway, I found them so natural and sincere in this scene!). Her tender look through the veil at him was visible.)

How much do you think XJ remembers from her past lives? Do you think she has all of LHJD memories?


I'm not saying it wasn't right. I love this drama even the angsty part ( I like to suffer) because it adds depth in their story. What I meant is I saw a lot of people mad at Xuanji , that she was stupid, and I was just wondering if they couldn't understand her because we didn't get to see her side more. I was honestly feeling bad for both of them,  they were both hurting. Many wanted her to suffer more but when she went against him she was suffering too. If their story had a tragic ending, she would've killed him then killed herself because I can imagine a scenario where Xuanji can bear to live without Sifeng.

Yes, some people do not understand the logic and the progress and gradual development of the story.
 Lily Lam:

How much do you think XJ remembers from her past lives? Do you think she has all of LHJD memories?

XJ remember all 9 past lives.. including the meet up with golden winged bird and golden winged bird transform to xi xuan. 

but i dont think she remember LHJD memories.. ep 48 din show it..