I agree with Libella about the negative touch especially on our hearts. Yes I do like that Tin will be trying to get Pete  and AE together,but at what cost to the original story. what are people's feelings on the Techno  and Kengla relationship??


but where did you guys watch the first ep?

I watched on http://kissasian.sh 


I agree with Libella about the negative touch especially on our hearts. Yes I do like that Tin will be trying to get Pete  and AE together,but at what cost to the original story. what are people's feelings on the Techno  and Kengla relationship??

That’s part of the original story though. I don’t see why everyone is heartbroken over Ae being sad. It’s going to work out. 

I was thrown. Even after watching ep 2, I was still confused. I'm trying to adjust my mindset since S1's TinCan moments were too adorable to mentally erase.

Mame decided to restart TinCan's story for the viewers to know how it started and will develop, since the S2 will focus on them. A bit confusing though, because the timeline got messed up. 

I like that they restart the TinCan story but they brokeup between AePete makes no sense to me...there are so many ideas thats in my head about how to end the Saint Situation but no, they broke up :/

This is going to be hard honestly. I am trying so hard to open up my heart and mind to this but after ep 1 i failed miserably. I am pretty disappointed about a few things. 1st off yes TinCAn story rewriting.  I was so looking forward to a continuation of their story, seems like we have to adjust and forget about season 1 and start afresh. I will take comfort in the fact that they at least included the major highlights and turning point in their story from s1.Next stop is the sloath Good, Can's friend from season 1. Crazy enough i was looking forward to seeing him again. Tin's brother wtf. Looks like that story was written again and the actor has changed also. In s1 he at least tried to put up a front and pretend to be a good brother but now he is savage and straightforward. 

I hope Pond's red hair is still in season 2, two eps and there is no mention of her. Techno and Kla ??. Now those 2 are a mess i don't even want to talk about.

Ep 1 and 2  are not all that for me. Felt like a cold wet blanket esp with Ae looking so miserable and knowing Pete will never make even a guest appearance.  

Its only 2 eps right. It will get better, it has to. I can't bear to see Ae like that throughout the series. 2 episodes are more then enough we get the picture and we are already broken as is.


I like that they restart the TinCan story but they brokeup between AePete makes no sense to me...there are so many ideas thats in my head about how to end the Saint Situation but no, they broke up :/

Yeah i am pretty disappointed too with Pete's absence. We all knew from the start he wasn't going to be there but still that void is there. I kinda hoped they will just say Pete relocated to study abroad only  or some other excuse not breaking them up like that. It spoiled a lot for me honestly. It feels like having TharnType 2 and they are not together. Its just sad honestly.


I'm not sure if it was a good idea rewriting the whole TinCan story. I kinda hoped it would have continued where we left off and see how TinCan could develop.  Well, I guess we have to wait and see if it was a right decision or not 

But this Ae and Pete breaking up storyline is something I would have left out. I think it's so dumb. Where can it even lead when Pete isn't in the drama? And I hate to see Ae being sad 

They should have left Ae out too. Just say he was with Pete or something.

I agree with the thought of just leaving AE out of the second season.  Maybe what should have been done is what as been done in other series where the following Seasons are about the other characters. That way you develop the other characters and the whole story

OK.... I've only watched the first episode, but given how this is going....it seems like a train wreck....

Expectations were way too high...and these changes.....I seriously think they destroyed the entire Tin-Can dynamic. These new personalities they've given them are.....annoying....

And I think they should have just dropped Ae as well and said he was off with Pete or something.

Maybe it will get better later on...but I think that if it doesn't....then Saint is actually the lucky one to have escaped it....

Also.....is Perth supposed to be specializing in crying on screen lately....he had completely unnecessary cameos in 'Until We Meet Again'.....and now he's weeping again as Ae....


OK.... I've only watched the first episode, but given how this is going....it seems like a train wreck....

Expectations were way too high...and these changes.....I seriously think they destroyed the entire Tin-Can dynamic. These new personalities they've given them are.....annoying....

And I think they should have just dropped Ae as well and said he was off with Pete or something.

Maybe it will get better later on...but I think that if it doesn't....then Saint is actually the lucky one to have escaped it....

Also.....is Perth supposed to be specializing in crying on screen lately....he had completely unnecessary cameos in 'Until We Meet Again'.....and now he's weeping again as Ae....

I just hope i don't have to put up with Ae's weeping for the next 10 episodes. Its enough as is. Its spoiling the whole mood and flow of the drama. I still wish they didn't have to add a break up in the mix. 

It's super messed up!!! Like I cannot pretend I didn't watch LBC1 and the the scene where TinCan meet was filmed better in the first season, the first ep was soooo awkward I don't wanna drop it but ughhhhhhhhhhh. All the scenes they rewrote or recreated were better in LBC1!! And with Tul looking way younger than Tin in my opinion just made it worse!! Also I can't see Good??  Tbh If this was the first time we see TinCan it would've been perfect but since we've already seen them kiss, it's just AWKWARD


Plus their story is developing wayyyyy too fast, if I didn't love them before, there is now way I would ship them in LBC2  


It's super messed up!!! Like I cannot pretend I didn't watch LBC1 and the the scene where TinCan meet was filmed better in the first season, the first ep was soooo awkward I don't wanna drop it but ughhhhhhhhhhh. All the scenes they rewrote or recreated were better in LBC1!! And with Tul looking way younger than Tin in my opinion just made it worse!! Also I can't see Good??  Tbh If this was the first time we see TinCan it would've been perfect but since we've already seen them kiss, it's just AWKWARD


Its a bit too much to handle i agree, but for us to enjoy this or  at least give it a shot we have to pretend TinCan never happened in  s1 and watch them again with an open mind. Lol easier said than done. As for other support cast like Good yes i am disappointed. I loved the little thing Can and Good had. It was silly but hilarious in a dry humour kind of way so yes Good was the 1st character i noticed missing after Pete of course. I have watched only the 1st 2 episodes and taken a break so i am not sure if Pond's red hair has now appeared. I have taken a short sabbatical on this drama. I am waiting for it to reach 5 episodes then i binge watch and decide if i will continue with this or i will drop it. I am really hoping it will be as good as s1, okay maybe thats unattainable but let it be maybe half as good maybe i will watch it.

Ha ha ha ha who am i kidding. Knowing myself  i believe i will watch the whole thing cursing all the way no matter how bad it can be. Ultimately i will still go back and watch it 55555