Someone began to make volunteer translation of the original book!

 It's currently in progress, so have patience.

Where to read online, the old version of the novel:

Updated info from

"So Illanovels translated Love is Sweet using the old version of the novel, which is missing a lot of scenes and details that the author added later.

There is another translation of the novel using the NEW version of the novel (most recent edited version by the author Qi Zi) at this word press site:

If you compare the two translations, you can see how different the novel became after the author's editing and rewriting, since there are entire scenes that weren't in the original novel. "

Thanks for posting it! I'm so exciting for the drama, until the first episode I would like reed the novel, thanks!

@unconditionallyyourss  seems like the link was changed, but if you click next after the prologue, it takes you to Chapter 1. Or you can read it here:


Thanks, the air date just got changed to Dec 2020 , so let's just read the novel

Edit- Srsly, the page of chapter 1 doesn't even exist.. 

Oh it is fixed! Chapter1 can be accessed now!

 Cryssy Anne:

Someone began to make volunteer translation of the original book!

 It's currently in progress, so have patience.

Where to read online :

Thanks for posting the link.  Have started reading but the story seems different?  I think I prefer how the story unfold in the drama.

Updated info from

"So Illanovels translated Love is Sweet using the old version of the novel, which is missing a lot of scenes and details that the author added later.

There is another translation of the novel using the NEW version of the novel (most recent edited version by the author Qi Zi) at this word press site:

If you compare the two translations, you can see how different the novel became after the author's editing and rewriting, since there are entire scenes that weren't in the original novel. "