Wouldn't it be crazy if it turned out Dr. Bun was the killer?

(I know...  not likely.  But there was that weird scene where he was imagining putting the rope around Jane's neck and pulling it...     hmmmmmmm...  )


Wouldn't it be crazy if it turned out Dr. Bun was the killer?

(I know...  not likely.  But there was that weird scene where he was imagining putting the rope around Jane's neck and pulling it...     hmmmmmmm...  )

It would make this drama more interesting...but he barely has access to the students, unless that's really a separate issue and we are being led to believe that this is the main case (the drugged students) when in reality, it could be that the forensic doctor is a serial killer. 


@Annika Wiljotti  I can't quote your post but wanted to say that in episode 4 (and end of 3) we get to know who the man in black attacker is. He is Tat, that boy that had the motorcycle accident and the other boy brings him to the hospital. The boy was scared to be recognized by Bun. Bun seemed to suspect something.  And we see the boy at the end of episode 3 (but I hadn't recognize him there) with Tan. Meaning that Tan probably sent the boy to scare Bun away. 

However, I have this suspicion that there might be 2 different attackers. I don't think Tan would send someone to drug Bun at the hospital. And in episode 4 Tat seems to be very scared of needles and "hospital stuff". But didn't he use a needle to drug Bun and didn't he seem so calm and collected at doing that? Maybe one of the attackers is Tat (sent by Tan) and another attacker is actually from the mafia?

Wow, yeah, after watching ep 4 and 5 I can clearly see your point.

What do we know?

-there is a drug ring with abuse of woman

-Jane was most likely killed by someone out of this ring (maybe, because she was really part of it and wanted to get out of it,

-Tan observes Doc.Buns actions (so I would like to think he wants to protect him, but it´s more because he wants to get informations out of Doc.Bun)

-Tan gave That the order to find informations about drugs (this and the point above leads me to the conclusion, that Tan really does not know everything about the drug/girl cases, that´s why I don´t think Tan is the murderer of Jane)

-the reporter knew he could be killed and would be endind on Buns table, so he knew how to give him the microcard)

-Tan and Pued are still in contact, Pued was not kidnapped, it´s more like a hiding for the real bad guys (conclusion, they both are together solving the drug case)

-Tan said he is a bastard son (I think Pued is his half-brother, and they both know that the head of the ring is in their family, that´s why Pued is hiding)=okay that´s a little bit out of the clues we got, but a possibility

(no I did not read the book yet, just watched up to ep.5)


Wouldn't it be crazy if it turned out Dr. Bun was the killer?

(I know...  not likely.  But there was that weird scene where he was imagining putting the rope around Jane's neck and pulling it...     hmmmmmmm...  )

Haha yeah, that would be reeeaaaally crazy, but I think and HOPE that this is not the case.


It would make this drama more interesting...but he barely has access to the students, unless that's really a separate issue and we are being led to believe that this is the main case (the drugged students) when in reality, it could be that the forensic doctor is a serial killer. 

Oh cheesus! Please no! But that would explain why Tan is so conscious about Bun. XD

@Annika Wiljotti  Makes sense. I also don't think that Pued is the murderer and I think both could be trying to help Jane or even find out what happened to her.

This is just nitpicking from episode 5 but Isn't it unlikely that the sim card wouldn't detiorated by the stomach acids? Would it still be functioning after being swallowed?


Dr Bun has been trying to investigate Tan too while being at his home, and Tan was trying to know what was in the autopsy report. He was  too interested. 

More nitpicking from episode 5 but, why would Tan keep his weapon and "suspicious things" in a drawer in the living room with no lock or anything while living with Dr Bun? It seems too risky. And why does Dr Bun accept so easily that Tan, who is supposed to be just a teacher and club manager is investigating the drugs by himself and asking a minor who is his student I suppose (That) to investigate the drugs for him??

Anyways, about That I'm very curious how does he know or have the possibility to investigate drugs and what is he hiding from the other kid? Is he a gang member? Is he from Pued's brother family or has any connections to this mafia? And about the hot inspector, I'm not sure if he knows exactly what he's doing and is really trying to protect the murderers because he was bribed with money, or is he "just" getting orders from his superiors? The other inspector that is usually with him seems "good" and innocent, but at the same time it looks like the whole police is involved in this.

I'm loving the story, but I don't know if it's the editing that is too fast paced or if important scenes were deleted, sometimes I can't catch how characters come to certain conclusions or why they reacted to something a certain way. Like sometimes Dr Bun will be against something Tan said, but the next scene is alright with it again. But I guess that at least he doesn't trust Tan 100% yet, which is believable and coherent.

I was joking before when I said Dr. Bun could be the killer...  but there are a lot of episodes left.  I'm very suspicious of that weird girl Nam (sorry, but she IS weird) or Jane's sister.


I think in reality the sim-card would be destroyed, but it´s a series, what do we expect.

Yes, living together is for both an advantage. I think that´s one reason Bun accepted to live there. And why so fast.

It was really risky and dumb to leave such things in Buns environment. More over, Tan first started to hide it after a few days... stupid.

About That... who knows in what position he is.

I don´t think the hot inspector is bad. I mean he looked for the rope and it was switched. The real one was demaged, but in the scene he looked at the rope again, there were suddenly no friction demage. We have definitely a mole in the police department.

About the behaviour of the characters. I don´t feel that way you describe it. If I just put your description of personality switches on Tan and Bun, i think it´s because they still can´t trust each other 100%. They are still conscious of each other, but both have to pretend to be trust worthy for the other person to get information from the other. And then additionally we have this underlying attraction from them for each other. You can´t tell me this is not the case.

Honestly, each minute in the series my opinion changes in who could be the killer. Right now I kind of have 0 idea XD I am so excited for the rest of the episodes. I really like this drama bc It is not all about being gay, there is a gay romance part in it, but the main story line is the murder and I LOVE THAT. We need more gay dramas like this, where the main part is a good story, not being a gay couple and fangirling XD


Re: Simcard...it is possible that it can survive. There are some new technology out there for microchips that if ingested it will not be easily destroyed and also depending on how he ingested the chip, it could have some protective barrier....but like someone else said...this is a drama/fiction so we need to suspend belief sometimes LOL.

I think that one of the big "clues" in this series was when the reporter was being shot. If you notice, the camera focused too much on the shooter's lower body. The chain on his pants etc...I was trying to pay attention to the clothing that the people were wearing just to see. For some reason I am getting a police vibe from the shooter. His stance when shooting was almost military/police...but heck I might be wrong. 

I don't know much else, but I am convinced that the person who shot and killed the journalist, was Inspector M's co-worker.
Look at his eyebrows and compare.


I don't know much else, but I am convinced that the person who shot and killed the journalist, was Inspector M's co-worker.
Look at his eyebrows and compare.

I am with you on that...for some reason it is giving cop/police vibe 


I don't know much else, but I am convinced that the person who shot and killed the journalist, was Inspector M's co-worker.
Look at his eyebrows and compare.

I thought the same thing! Episode 6 will most likely show someone with the chain in his pants so we’re going to have to be on the lookout for that. 

I , too read the novel and know who it is. I was partially right, but I will not spoiler it for anyone. Good luck to everyone on figuring it out. 

I'm leaning towards Dr. Oat now...as one of the killers