I was on my holiday's trip so I'm watching previous episodes now... gosh, it was so good but it turned out in totally chaos...

I hope Mi Rae is pregnant but I think it is another trap for us. Hmm... Lee So Ra? It's the most probability case.

HJ and YJ is still my fav couple. There is my top3 cutest couples in weekend's drama:
#1 - Yoon Jae Suk & Song Da Hee  (Once Again)
#2 - Kim Sang Min & Lee Yun Tae (Five Enough)
#3 - Lee Yoon Jae & Shim Hae Jun (It's Beautiful Now)

Ep36 “Be nice to me” (written 8/4/22, I'm running late)

This episode carried 3 significant moments:
•The Lee’s meeting regarding HJun not being pregnant and HJ getting married
•The Lee/Hyun family meeting
•And of course, Grandpa & SooJung meeting as parent/child

Yet, two women dominate the show: KA and YuNa.  

KA is shown dealing with SJ, MinHo, YJ, HJ, and HJun…her attitude is more level-headed now, and she only gets into it once with MinHo, and does raise some valid points in her latest complaints about him.  And we continue to see the normalization of relations between her and HJun, including an agreement that they should deal with each other as grown women instead of trying mother-daughter.  KA does reach out to HJun for a trip to the arcade where they both enjoy the wack-a-mole game (we know who KA pictures as the moles; I wonder who HJun is clobbering?)  Baby steps, ladies, and things will be fine.  

The family meeting
The background music that started at the beginning of the scene almost sounded like that from a Spaghetti Western of Sergio Leone’s.  I was waiting for a showdown between the 2 families LOL.  Once the initial awkwardness was over, it turned out to be a fairly routine and friendly meeting without the hilarity of the Dolts family meeting a couple of weeks back.  But hovering over the meeting was YuNa, both personally and in the minds of SJ & JungHoo.  I had thought that they knew of each other’s backgrounds, but no.  After leaving, we see YuNa walk alone back to the bus stop, lost in her thoughts about KA, no less (see what I mean by how they dominated this episode).  

While there were little awkward moments in the meeting (mentioning the death of grandma Mi-Young, for starters) they were nothing compared to the SJ/JungHoo staring contest.  Once they excused themselves outside, the Champion Awkward Moment was where JungHoo told SJ that “no one knows her better” than him.  He KNOWS that SJ was her boyfriend, so this was a pretty gutsy thing to say?

And speaking of the Hyun’s, it was nice to see SooJung actually being comforted and supported by her kids and husband in this episode.  Although it would have been nicer to see them drive her to the family center and not make her do that herself.  I’ll take what they gave us, though. And as we’ve seen before, when her Mother-in-Law makes a suggestion (thoughtless or not), it spurs her into action in the opposite direction.  

The ending scene, nearly silent, was reminiscent of the scene this director created for the death of the character HwaYoon in 2008 Historical Drama “The Great King Sejong”.  That scene, several minutes long, was also devoid of dialog, and was one of the most powerful I’ve ever seen on any screen, big or small.  Between SooJung’s disbelief, Grandpa’s Pole-axed paralysis, or MinHo’s confusion, the three actors did us proud in a scene we’ve been waiting for since the first mention of the abandonment/adoption.  This scene will be reprised in the beginning of Ep 37, which will be one of the most anticipated in the series, I’d guess.

Ep 37 “I met my family”  (written 8/10)

Well that was not fun.  

Let’s get it over with:

The Reunion & its Aftermath
This went about as badly as possible.  At least no one jumped out the window or got hit by a truck on the way out of the building.  SooJung’s anger at her perceptions that her father abandoned her won’t let her think straight; he’s too dumbfounded to do much of anything, leaving poor MinHo to try to pick up the pieces amidst this surreal encounter.  The fallout of this percolates thru the rest of the episode, as the remainder of the families try to figure out why the principals are acting so unhappy.  We got to see a complete Lee family reunion too, which went unfulfilled as Grandpa wandered off to his room, lost in his thoughts of what just happened.  The irony of HJ describing SooJung as “very rational, who rarely gets swayed by just her emotions” to his Dad was yet another sobering reminder of what is REALLY going on. Her behavior this episode was anything BUT rational as she blurts out to MiRae to reconsider her wedding, and then snaps at her husband asking why HE should meet with her birth parents?  Their second meeting goes no better and they are getting nowhere fast.  Both of them have their emotions running wild.  MinHo on the other hand seems to be the only adult capable of calmly handling this situation and must bear the burden of having to deal with everyone regarding the stressful lack-of-relationship between father and daughter.  His reaching out to his Daughter-in-law was really touching and their meeting was handled very realistically given the topic they discussed.  We are now reminded there are 2 lawyers in the family, and we see MinHo & HaeJun connect for the first time and we see the trust he places with her.  

Meanwhile the MirAe/HJ journey to disaster continues to rumble on, with the couple completely unaware of calamity that awaits them.  We got to see them shopping for furniture to re-decorate HJ’s apartment.   To make matters worse, their runaway train picks up more speed as they then go shopping for wedding rings next (playing "This Love" in the background seemed unnecessarily cruel).  Team HyunMi must have really suffered thru this episode as it pulls no punches to show them speeding towards the hairpin curve ahead.  The icing on the cake of this depressing series of episodes is seeing her in her wedding dress.  The production team is really laying it on the audience now.  (And things get even worse in the next episode, as we see foreshadowing of this back in Ep 35 when she cuts short their evening in the park to be with her Mom (again)).  

YuNa Universe
YuNa continues to reassert her role in the series.  But SooJae’s memory hovers over them and we are reminded of her feelings for him (in her expressions).  JungHoo re-arranges the congratulations gifts to place his between SooJaes & YuNa’s.  Talk about lack of subtlety.  Here we saw her and her new boss go to dinner with JungHoo, and they clear their standing as friends, albeit awkwardly.  So is this relationship over before it started?

The Dolts
After the aborted welcome home party for Grandpa, where HaeJun tries to impress KA with her ability (or lack thereof) to wash dishes, the couple discussed HaeJun’s anxiety while visiting her in-laws home.  YJ offers her sage advice to just be herself so that the family can adjust to her, and to stop trying too hard.  She takes his advice and they have a sweet ending to this scene.  The next day is their visit to the Fertility Clinic for their assessment.  His sperm isn’t anything to write home about and she’s running out of eggs at her age.  The window of opportunity for them is narrow at-best, and closing rapidly.  The doctor’s words to her of “it wouldn’t be easy for you to conceive naturally”, echo throughout the episode, providing another crushing moment for the couple and she’s devastated, despite YJ’s attempts to comfort her.   IVF is offered as a possible solution, and it must be done ASAP.  Oddly, they don’t leap at the chance (yet).  YJ has been very supportive of her throughout this whole endeavor; he’s so impressed me with his growth from the nerdy geek just 30 episodes before.  

This entire depressing episode was ended with the repercussions of the unsuccessful 2nd meeting (see above) as a tearful Grandpa admits to KA who his birth daughter is, and that daughter gets back home and breaks down at home in tears…this will be reprised in the Ep38 opener.  

At the end of this episode the following characters know of the secret:  SooJung, Grandpa, MinHo, HaeJun, and KA.  This list will explode in Ep 38.  

Buckle up viewers, its only going to get worse…..

Ep 38  “I don’t know what to do”  (written 8/10, still catching up)

This episode is essentially a continuation of Ep 37.  And it’s no happier (even tougher, IMO).  It was so filled with momentous scenes, that this review is 1200+ words, the longest I’ve written in a couple of weeks, so let’s just get thru this:

The Reunion Fallout (Cont’d)

The aftermath of their second meeting continues, as SooJung informs her MIL and husband who her father is, to their stunned disbelief, all while HJ revels in his own disbelief of how beautiful MiRae is in the wedding dress she models.  In any other episode, this would be a wondrous moment.  But here it’s more of the “oh my God, they have no idea” scenario that the viewers have to endure as their relationship continues to careen to oblivion. 

MiRae’s father tries to comfort his wife but can’t even bring himself to touch her (sigh, some supportive relationship…I give up trying to understand it).  Ironically, her MIL tires to comfort her with the facts behind Grandpa as she’s seen them based on her own interactions with him at yoga.  Back in her bedroom, she continues to express her resentment of her father to her husband, who can do nothing more than listen, as she is not listening to his feedback either.  MiRae’s parents are clearly lost at this time. 

Back at the Lees, Granpda’s sister knows the secret and is demanding to get involved to help explain to her new-found niece.  It’s the elders that seem to have a better idea of what is going on and have a plan going forward (delay, or call off the wedding).  Poor SooJae walks into the middle of this meeting at his parent’s house with his Grandpa and Aunt and has no idea of what is going on.  This was the single most sympathetic moment for his character in the show (at least for me), and his discussion of this with his mother afterwards in his room, brought us back to almost the beginning of the series, pre-marriage scam. 

The first shot in the “delay-the-wedding barrage” is fired by MiRae’s grandma toward her granddaughter, who is appropriately bewildered and who naturally runs towards her mother (her alter-ego) who tells her to not worry.  Then MinHo follows with his return fire to HJ to delay the wedding, in HJ’s office the next morning (before he meets with HaeJun to find out the legal bad news).  HJ is understandably confused as well, but knowing him, he won’t rest for long without an answer.  HaeJun explains the situation to her Father in Law, and offers her own personal & legal advice to MinHo.  The background music played in this scene is used for crucial dramatic moments (most notably when HaeJun walked out on YJ at the restaurant just before he stopped her and they had their first kiss).

One of the most dramatic male/male scenes of the show and in recent episodes was the meeting between MinHo and JinHeon (MiRae’s dad).  We learn that while the Hyun’s are discussing what to do about the marriage, MinHo must admit that his father hasn’t even begun to think about this, due to his overwhelming guilt (he doesn’t add that his disappointment in SooJung’s reaction is what Grandpa is really struggling with).  Both fathers mutually agree that they don’t see a solution to the problem at this time.  It was good to see two rational people discussing this without the hysterics and grief that the other family members have shown.  On the other hand, MinHo tries to give SooJung the birthday letters his father has written her for over 50 years. Which, of course, she initially resists but accepts to only put them on a shelf in a previously unseen walk-in closet in their house.

At her office, HJ and MiRae compare notes on what their parents are doing to their wedding, and he tries to reassure her to not worry.  But we know the smile behind his eyes hides his concern.  For the first time in this series, HJ is not in control, and he is beginning to struggle with a situation he doesn’t understand.  He leaves work early to see his father to demand the explanation he will regret hearing.  It’s his mother this time, who gives him the truth as she can’t stand seeing her son in the dark, and her husband trying to deal with this alone.  You can almost see the cracks in the façade as HJ tries to comprehend what he’s told.  He is in a situation he cannot understand or control, confessing to his Dad, for maybe the first time in his life, “I don’t know what to do”.  This is a watershed moment for his character and YSY gets to stretch his acting skills finally to portray the sudden challenges facing this man.  .

He goes to the Dolts to see HaeJun, and I was disappointed that she didn’t hug him.  That poor guy needed a hug.  He is shell-shocked to say the least and lost for words (As was YoonJae, when HaeJun told him about the secret just before HJ arrived).  We see him crying in his apartment when he gets a text from the in-the-dark MiRae

The Dolts

Why is HaeJun’s brother making a dental appt with YJ?  Why does this give me an uneasy feeling?  It’s not just me: HaeJun (who tried to prevent this appointment) isn’t pleased either.  Easygoing YJ doesn’t seem to mind (he probably feels confident because who wants to piss off his dentist?)

YuNa & Friends

She runs into JungHoo at the hobbyist baking shop (again) and they walk and talk and he feels compelled to explain their relationship at this point as casual friends, which suits her.  Whether or not this was sincere is another matter.  SJ goes to be bake shop and the owner wants to set them back up again, while SJ sees the re-arranged gift plants.  He tells Syet he’s willing to sacrifice himself for YuNa’s happiness. 

End Game

The last 10 minutes of the episode has a desperate Grandpa going to the Hyun’s house to try to break thru SooJung’s resistance by telling her to come with him to see her Mother’s gravesite.  He scores this time, and she agrees.  We last seem them driving there in the morning.  But before this, after Grandpa leaves, MiRae learns the truth.  And we see yet another stunned reaction from one of our lead characters.  True to her character, she comforts her grief/guilt-stricken mother.  And that sets us up for the final scene…..

In an anonymous, yet elegant coffee shop (they use a LOT of them in this series) she meets HJ to tell him its over, just after he suggests they work together to find a solution.  She cannot risk her Mom’s happiness over their marriage and it’s HJ’s turn to be stunned yet again, as he asks “What about me, then?  What am I supposed to do?” to her unilateral decision to end it (Her Reply:  “I’m sorry”) 

MiRae doesn’t have anyone in her life (maybe other than her Evil Aunt) to tell her couples shouldn’t make unilateral decisions on their future.  Should he  have known, as abnormal closeness of MiRae to her mother makes this decision inevitable?  In the DISCUSSIONS section of this forum, we’ve discussed before how dysfunctional that relationship is at the mother/daughter level, and here it is, yet again, on full display.  It was the only decision she could make, as her character is written.  There is a lot of anger on-line towards MiRae for this, but it’s not her fault.  This is how she is, at least at this time in her life. 

Ep 39  “It’s driving me crazy”


Here we go again…another in the adoption melodrama that began with Ep37 (and this will continue to Ep40 at least).  What was once a romantic comedy filled with sweet moments has become a soap-opera worthy drama that has captured nearly the entire cast within its orbit.  All our favorite characters have become supporting cast to serve this storyline, and their lives are on hold.  With 10 episodes left after this weekend, why are we wasting so much time on this topic?

OK, Bitch, Bitch, Bitch.  I get it.  Let’s move onto the review

The Episode opens with the depressing coffee-shop dissolution of the HyunMi couple by MiRae.  “Couple” here is used lightly, as MiRae essentially orders its demise to the bewilderment of HJ, who will suffer for her unilateral decision in this and the next episode.  I guess someone forgot to tell MiRae that couples make decisions together.  MiRae has come under a lot of fire for this decision in the on-line world, and I have to admit, I’m not pleased either.  But she doesn’t know any better, given her upbringing by her Mom and their distorted relationship.  So I can’t get that mad at her.

Running parallel to this was Grandpa’s gambit to breakthrough to his daughter by invoking her mother’s memory and IT WORKED.   They traveled to a pastoral setting that only lacked Bambi walking out of the woods.  He finally managed to make her listen to the back-story of her early life to the point that she accepted that she was not abandoned and simply lost to him, and she left her anger behind.  If they take it slowly things should work out, but Grandpa does not seem too patient here... 

Meanwhile, HJ continues sleep-walking thru life, lost in the aftermath of his breakup.  Our normally on-point attorney is stumbling around in unfamiliar territory where he is not only not in control, but unsure of how to react other than to accept MiRae’s wishes.  (In his defense, this is a common male reaction to such shocking news:  first the ‘yes, dear’ phase where you accede to your partners wishes, then slowly realize that this is wrong….the latter phase won’t happen until the end of Ep 40).  HaeJun, his ‘big sister’ both by law (now) and by heart (for a long time), gets him to open up and try to help him understand MiRae’s reasons for her actions.  She will play a pivotal role here and next episode in trying to help both MiRae & HJ as she is seen as the Big Sister to both of them, including arranging for them to run into each other later in the episode and trying to comfort MiRae afterwards.  She is also professionally shocked at seeing her deputy partner’s uncharacteristically poor performance (forgetting meetings, messy office, etc) and struggling to concentrate on his work.  And MiRae also cries alone at her office, in one of the saddest moments of this episode, in a scene that was beautifully lit.

I would like to acknowledge the photography of Episodes 39 & 40.  The lighting and scene cuts in them were superb.  They were works of art in their own right.

 A really interesting scene followed where SooJung actually had a heartfelt (though brief) conversation with her MIL about the meeting with her father, where the circumstances of her going missing were revealed. 

When YJ comes to the law offices that afternoon, to take HaeJun to dinner, she fills him in on the latest news and instead arranges for the brothers to have dinner instead, to console HJ (Who is in his office and can’t even look at another brief.)  Again, HaeJun is fighting to help in any way she can. 

We are then treated to the sweetest scene in the Episode (and probably in the last few eps) when SoRa and the kids come to visit their Auntie at the law office for their field trip.  She stays to be with the kids who enjoy the ice cream their Aunt bought, but they end up dropping a cone on her clothes, much to the panic of SoRa and anxiety of SungSoo.  But she tells everyone to calm down, as her pants can be cleaned; while YJ & HJ return to her office to see this.  HJ is shocked to see her happily dealing with children, while the look on YJs face sums up this scene (and provides the reason for it’s inclusion in the episode):  He’s touched and knows he needs to give her a child of her own soon. 

We get another unusual scene where JungHoo goes to his sister’s room to check in on his older sister and see how she’s doing.  He seems to know his sister better than his parents at times and cuts to the chase on how she’s dealing with this.  MiRae opens up to him as well.  It’s really nice to see their characters interact, which is a trend we saw beginning with the arrival of the Evil Aunt. 

Then comes one of the key scenes of the show, where MiRae and her mother have yet another talk.  This time, MiRae tells her mother that she’ll be OK and couples break up all the time, in the most insincere talk she’s ever had with her Mom, who realizes it.  We have seen growth in SooJung here, where she is increasingly taking the Evil Aunt’s advice in letting her feelings out and speaking frankly with her family, yet she sees her old self stuck in MiRae who is still just an extension of her mother’s personality. 

And we finally see the scene that sets up HJ for the balance of this weekend’s episodes:  he’s too devastated to even clean his apartment, and leaves it in a mess.  Our neat-freak’s world is crumbling around him and he’s helpless to stop it.  Crying to his father over the phone was the exclamation point and this could have easily been the last scene of the show.  When his father visits his apartment the next morning, a mess of an HJ greets him, and he’s not the only messy thing there.  Dad is stunned to see the apartment is a shambles and he can see for himself that his son, who can barely hold it together, is in big trouble.  And Dad is suffering as well, seeing his favorite son in such pain that is being ignored by his own father as well.

Grandpa’s sister goes to visit SooJung on her own (amidst some weird Spanish-guitar background music) to try to explain what happened when she was lost, but comes back home to foreshadow what will happen in the future:  Why did SooJung’s foster parents simply take her and not try to reunite her with her parents? 

And we get yet another appearance by HaeJun’s family:  her brother wants an excessive discount on dental work and her SIL brings mostly unwanted advice to her, driving HaeJun nuts.  Ugh, go away you two! 

Finally, the episode ends, with an ecstatic grandpa getting a “thank you for the mandarins” text from his daughter oblivious to the suffering of  his son and grandson.  This brings us to the end, with MinHo offering to sever his legal ties with his dad to enable the wedding to occur.

YuNa’s world…

The one character untouched by all this drama is YuNa.  She’s wavering now with her attitude towards JungHoo and sending him mixed signals, after being so strident on keeping him just outside the Friend Zone.  Their future?  Unknown at this point, with SooJung out of her sight, and maybe her thoughts?  JungHoo looks to be ready to pop back into the Friend Zone, for sure.

Ep 40  “It’s better to stay sober during tough times”

And we continue with the adoption reunion fallout….for the 4th episode.  Lots of things happening, but we are getting nowhere fast.

This mess starts out with MinHo earnestly proposing to Grandpa to cancel his adoption from the family register so the kids can marry.  This goes over like the proverbial lead balloon and infuriates Grandpa and causes a schism between the two that lasts at least a day as a frustrated and depressed MinHo keeps avoiding further contact with his father.  

In the background to all of this, the question of why SooJung’s foster parents didn’t notify the police when they “found” her is starting to spread among the families, while she tries her best to not think about it.  Her mother in law is convinced something fishy happened back then.

The Dolt’s in the meantime spend most of their time separately trying to keep the family together, the law firm running, and keep HJ and MiRae from drifting too far apart.  YJ visits his brother and fills him in on Dad’s ill-received proposal to Grandpa and tells his brother to clean up his messy apartment and stop being a couch-potato.  HJ snaps-to enough to tell his Dad to come by the next night after work so they can talk.

Meanwhile, back at the Hyun’s… JungHoo speaks up for his sister and asks his father why all MiRae is suffering this when there is no blood relation between the families (something many of us ask as well), and his father tries to explain.  Again, we see his character continue to develop (while MiRae’s stagnates) and he continues to support his big sister, as he then goes to visit her at Killing Color to follow up with her.  (By the way, for the fashion-conscious out there, she’s wearing the cutest outfit yet on the series).  

When MiRae’s grandma goes to visit Grandpa at yet-another coffee shop, she tells him she’ll tell MiRae to break off the marriage and for the first time he seems to realize what is going on with the kids.  He’s too stunned to answer when she asks him if he’ll do the same to HJ, which infuriates his family since it’s seen as an implicit agreement.  

Dad & HJ have another heart-to-heart talk in his office that evening, and Dad explains why he offered to rescind his adoption from Grandpa.  They then go back home, where Grandpa fills them in on the meeting with Grandma.  Unfortunately, Grandpa is still pissed at MinHo and can’t bring himself to concentrate on HJ’s plight.  They do make amends, but Grandpa STILL won’t address the now-dead wedding plans.  While at the Hyun’s Grandma tells MiRae about meeting Grandpa and lets her know to call off the wedding.  A nice quick shot here was of MiRae’s wringing her hands while Grandma regrettably tells her.  Yet another well-acted (and very depressing) scene, that sends MiRae to tears in her room as her mom sobs as well, just outside the door.  This was MiRae’s strongest scene in a long time and Ms. Bae did a terrific job.  

HJ trudges back to the office that night, his new home-away-from-home, to immerse himself in his job.  But he’s haunted by Grandpa’s passive reaction to Grandma’s cancelling of the wedding.  The next morning, he stuns the staff when he emerges from his office in the morning and they realize he spent the night there.  HaeJun sees the slept-in and cluttered office and once again tries to intercede but this time, he rebuffs her.  

HaeJun goes to her MIL to give her the allowance for her cooking, and just as her SIL predicted, KA was touched.  She finds out about the wedding cancellation but is chased off by SungSoo’s mother’s arrival and then goes to MiRae office.  It’s Big Sister time again, and they hug and talk frankly.  HaeJun is trying her darndest to keep the couple’s dreams alive and let’s MiRae know of what’s happening at the Lee’s and of HJ’s love for her. However, she is again chased off, this time by the arrival of SooJung who brings MiRae lunch (and they have a nice heartfelt talk of their own).  Later that day, HJ forgets ANOTHER meeting with a client but is only a few minutes late this time.  This is seen by HaeJun, who is now beyond worried about what is going on with her partner and brother in law.

The Dolts finally get a scene that doesn’t involve the family crisis, but even worse, YJ’s investments….and HaeJun is finally wising up to his crummy investment strategy.  She’s now starting to ask questions and even sizes up his cheery reaction with  ‘you sound just like a fraud’.  There’s no anger in this (yet) and he tries to sugarcoat it, with his continued optimism about the crappy companies he invests in.  Oddly, no mention of their fertility issues at all in this entire episode.  Isn't THAT more important????

SooJung and her MIL sit down for a talk and Granny mentions her continuing doubt about how the foster parents got SooJung for adoption, recalling a strange conversation she had with SooJung’s mom about how they got her, which shocks SooJung and has now firmly planted the seed in her mind.

The episode ends with back-to-back scenes that afternoon:  SooJung now begins to realize the strange comments made by her foster mom in the months leading up to her death, fit into the ‘abducted’ narrative and pulls over the car in a panic.  And MinHo who is deeply concerned about HJ’s state of mind (and who has HaeJun keeping an eye on him), surprises HJ in his office and urges to do what he thinks is right.  So, with his father’s green-light and being fed up MiRae’s unilateral cancellation he goes to her office that early evening and speaks his mind.  He wants her to fight for their love, and not just give up, by telling her to just move in with him.  FINALLY!!! Someone with a good idea! (Except for Granny, who in the family could object, given the circumstances?  They can even have a wedding, but just don’t register it.)  This will certainly be the opener for ep 41.

YuNa’s world, cont’d
When the Bake Shop's circuit breaker trips (for no apparent reason)  she & a jumpy JungHoo are plunged into a blackout and work together to reset the breaker.  They then go to a riverside outdoor café (I beleive this is the same place where she had her first kiss with SJ) for drinks and a snack once they close up the bake shop.  JungHoo tries to tell her to relax and just treat him as a friend and she agrees.  He’s back in the Friend Zone!  It’s interesting that even her character can’t make any progress in these episodes and she’s not even involved with the adoption/reunion mess.

Ep41  “The son you adore the most”

We are finally nearing the end of the adoption fallout/HyunMi marriage arc and can summarize this episode as follows:

  • MiRae dumps HJ
  • Grandpa realizes the mess HyunMi are in the middle of
  • HJ rebounds and begins his plan to restore their relationship
  • Financial reckoning for YJ as HaeJun knows things are rotten in Seoul
  • Normalization of relationship between SooJun and grandpa

MiRae dumps HJ (again), confirming her desire to break up permanently, citing her ability to give up on things quickly, since he cannot.  Of course, they both pay for this in tears and grief.  She can’t console herself and he hits rock bottom returning to his trash-strewn apartment.  But finally, he’s had enough and rebounds with a plan to attack the problem head on, and take back his fiancée.

Grandpa finally wakes up to what his reunion to his daughter has done to the HyunMi marriage plans and its affect on his grand kids.  He listens in disbelief to MinHo’s description of what HJ has fallen into.  When told of MinHo’s fear HJ may never marry, you can see the light bulb go off over his head.  It may be dim, but it turns on.

By the time KA goes to visit her son the next morning, he’s already cleaned up the place and his demeanor has changed for the better.  But MiRae, pale and profusely sweating, is suffering from stomach cramps, frightening her parents.  Evidently this is something chronic for her, as they had a specific medicine on hand for this.  This would make sense for someone who internalizes all her stress to keep everyone else happy around her.    

Things take a turn for the worse for the Dolts, when a resourceful HaeJun discovers YJ’s latest investment disaster (KASE Bio, which seems to have replaced MeTechnic as the latest loser-of-choice) has lost 50% of its value and she panics, especially as he’s being cagey about how much he invested.  When she tells him to come home early to talk about it, YJ has the expression of a doomed man.  The minute he gets home, she jumps on him (figuratively) and demands to know how much he invested in Kase Bio.  She lays out a logical argument (as a lawyer would) to convince him to spill it.  And he then begins the Great Hide-Out:  first in the bathroom, then running to his folks the next day.  She’s having none of it, and goes after him, (the scenes that follow where she finds his “I’m at my parents for the day” note and her reaction were the funniest moments of an otherwise serious episode).  She eventually has to shield him from KA’s fury at the latest news of his dopey investments and reluctance to tell his wife what’s going on, and we find out that he took out a loan to buy the stock (OH GREAT).  The episode ends for them with her giving up on his financial status and telling him he’s on his own (to his discomfort).

After SooJun/JunEun finally reads her father’s letters and sees the photograph of her mother, she gets the emotional release she finally needs to move beyond whatever resentment she had for her father, while forgiving (or denying?) her foster parents for what now seems certainly like the abduction of a 4-year-old girl off the streets of Seoul.  She invites him to tea, and finally calls him “Dad”.  In a very touching series of flashbacks, we see them talking and driving back from tea, while she reads and cries over his letters over the years. 

On what appears to be a Friday, HJ’s plans to resurrect things first bring him to MiRae’s home to meet with her parents and Grandma.  In one of the most somber scenes of the whole adoption fallout arc, he pleads with them to keep an open mind as he tries everything to save their relationship.  This makes his would-be in-laws very uncomfortable as they know their responsibility in making their children’s lives so miserable.  He tells them he’ll be persistent (that’s our HJ) in coming back to see them.  Her father sends him home, telling him to relax, but as he heads out the door SooJung holds his hand (something unthinkable 10 episodes previously) and apologizes.  Although it seems like this effort was a failure, it was NOT.  For this scene has 3 consequences:

  • His Dad visits him shortly after he gets back home to see that his son has indeed rebounded, to his relief. 
  • MiRae returns home and cries in her mothers arms when told of HJ’s visit and determination to maintain their relationship.
  • The next day (Saturday) SooJung meets with Grandpa at the columbarium, in a touching scene where he thanks her foster parents for raising his child, and shows her the matching tattoo on his foot.  He can’t understand why they didn’t try to return her to him, and boy, is this touchy subject.  Eventually  she tells him of her desire to maintain their relationship as it is (and not register it) to protect the kids and enable them to marry. 

HJ’s next step in his plan is to call his Grandpa, who goes to meet HJ at his office on the way home from the columbarium (this is his first visit to the Law Firm). HJ tells him in a heartfelt manner, of his desire to be with MiRae. This was the final straw for Grandpa, who knows that something must be done.

And finally, in a continuation of the story that goes nowhere:  YuNa hears from her Mom again, and she will send her money to help her hire staff for the diner as she can’t visit to help.  For SJ, he continues to impress his boss and customers, and decides (in an impulsive and  DUMB move) to see YuNa at the bake shop.  When he gets there, he sees  her close up the shop for the night and leave with JungHoo (still firmly in the Friend Zone); a move so similar to when he would wait for her every night at the Gimbap place to take her home.  SJ feels almost stalker-ish here and this is NOT a good look for him.  What if she saw him lurking behind the light pole?  Either let her go, buddy, or fight for her love. 

This episode ends with Grandpa summoning MiRae to his house to meet with him, MinHo, KA and (surprise) HJ.  Our star-crossed lovers see each other again for the first time since the beginning of this episode and the result of this meeting will be the opener to episode 42.

One more episode, folks, and this roller-coaster will end, and the series can finally move on.

Ep 42 “We’re married now”

This pivotal episode brings us to a close of the Adoption Fallout & finally gets the HyunMi couple married off.  With 8 episodes to go, we now must wonder:  What is next?

To summarize, in this episode:

  • Grandpa gives the kids the green light to marry, but forgets to clear it with MiRae’s Granny.  OOPS
  • The Dolts continue the battle about KaseBio and their finances, but get blindsided by a sudden illness and go the ER for stunning news
  • MiRae proposes to HJ
  • The Hyun’s pay a formal visit to Grandpa
  • Grandpa visits the Hyun house to meet with Granny and settle their differences
  • And finally, we get the wedding (sort of) that we’ve been waiting so long for.

In a continuation of the closing scene of Ep 41, Grandpa calls the kids and HJ’s parents to talk about the wedding.  He apologizes for being obtuse to what is going on, and gives them his permission to proceed, as he and SooJung have agreed to not register their relationship.  Unfortunately, he forgets to first tell MiRae’s Granny, who is PISSED at being left out of this decision.  So, the kids are encouraged, but realize that MiRae’s family has said nothing.  By the time MiRae gets home and relays this, her parents will give her their OK to proceed, and they agree that Grandpa and Granny need to sit down and talk. (production note:  Everyone sits down, with nothing being said.  Then, suddenly they all have tea before them, and Grandpa starts talking.)  Grandpa then thanks both MinHo and KA for their understanding and praises them. 

For the Dolts, the Cold War continues over his financial decisions and reluctance to come forward with the truth.  She continues to grill him, while poor HJ walks into the middle of this (after getting Grandpa’s green light).  YJ offers a most insincere effort to get him to stay the night thus shielding himself from HaeJun’s wrath, much to HJ’s disbelief and HaeJun’s annoyance (her expressions during this are hilarious).  The following day everyone notices how peekid she looks when she gets to work, and things go downhill from there, as she nearly faints while walking across her office to eat some cookies.  Fortunately, SungSoo is with her, and he gets her to the couch to lie down, after she refuses his efforts to get her to a doctor.  Frightened, he calls YJ who heads to the law offices ASAP.  She continues to deny the need to go to the ER, so he makes her an offer she’ can’t refuse:  if she goes to the ER, he’ll show her his bank account.  She agrees and sees the news she really didn’t want to know:  He’s in debt by $130K!!!!  She then delivers the line of the episode: “How about I smack you and we BOTH go to the ER?”  Keeping her end of the bargain, she’s next at the ER, but is almost catatonic from her anger with him and the fear that something might be seriously wrong with her.  But the ER doctor gives Team HaeJae the word we’ve been waiting for:  Blood tests confirm she’s pregnant.  Her anger dissolves and they embrace again, eerily reminiscent of the false EPT test from their wedding night (Ep35).  (note the background music from this scene, including their ‘cat & mouse’ theme).  They go home, and she’s still in shock, given the fertility clinic’s dismal odds for their chances at having a baby.  In a touching scene, she reveals how badly she’s wanted a child and they choose the nickname of “Dolt Jr” for their baby.  Her appetite is healthy (to say the least) pleasing YJ who wants her to eat up before any morning sickness sets in.  He also relates KA’s latest conception dream (a diamond ring symbolizes the child) and the prospective parents agree their child will be brightly special.  For the second time in the episode, he again cautions her to be careful (given her clumsiness). 

That afternoon, once MiRae gets her parents OK to proceed, she talks to her brother about how to approach HJ, and he again gives her heartfelt advice on what men want from love.  Emboldened, that night she calls HJ out from his apartment to the park across the street (very similar spot that YJ proposed to HaeJun, no less) and proposes to him, giving him the bouquet this time, and placing his wedding ring on his finger.  They finally embrace.  Next up: Grandpa’s efforts to smooth things over with Granny, which happens the day after next.  Smooth-talking Grandpa breaks thru Granny’s resistance and gets her to withdraw her opposition.  An elated MiRae will rush to embrace her Granny and thank her.  But, before this can happen, JinHeon brings the family to visit her Grandpa at his house, in another touching scene and the finale that draws the adoption drama to a close.  Everyone is now comfortable with their (confusing) relationship and ready to move on. 

The kids play a late night visit to His parents to tell them they are getting married in a day or two (seems like the next weekend) and the rushed nature displeases KA who asks MiRae if she’s OK with this, and what about her wedding gown?  (Personal Note:  What is it with this show and teasing us with Wedding Gowns???  First, we see YuNa in a beautiful dress that won’t ever see the light of day, then HaeJun tries on a dress fit for a Goddess, but instead is talked into something more traditional, and finally MiRae stuns HJ (and us) in a dress that truly makes her look like a princess yet will never come off the rack for her to wear?!)  I have to agree with KA on this one (God forbid), this is too rushed and it seems that she is deferring to HJ’s desire to get this over ASAP before anyone else finds a reason to hold them up.  Their compressed wedding plans even prompt SJ to comment that they’re giving YJ a run for his money as far as "planning" goes.  The kids beg KA for her approval, which she begrudgingly gives and the next thing we see is their ‘wedding photos’ session for a wedding ceremony that won’t happen.  He looks terrific in a tux and she’s pretty in her “simplified” wedding gown while the OST again spins “This Love” in a more appropriate setting than when we last heard it, during the ill-fated wedding ring shopping trip.  Once the photos are done, that afternoon the kids recite their vows before their families and they dine.  (Note:  There is ONE person missing here:  Hye Young, SungSoo’s mom [aka, The Upstairs Nosy in-law] while the rest of her complete family is there.  Her absence is interesting and unmentioned in the show).  HJ’s in a dark business suit with a bronze tie (I wish he’d worn the red tie she bought him) and she’s in a white conservative dress with large white bow in her hair (I know, what a letdown from that beautiful gown).  All goes well, until, as usual the Dolts throw a wrench in things when the secretly-pregnant HaeJun (less than 1 month along) trips returning to her table from the banquet table.  YJ’s screams as he lunges to catch her before she falls and calls out the baby’s nickname.  He saves her and their unborn child from falling on her belly but once they collect themselves they find the entire room staring at them.

Is the cat out of the bag?  Wait until next week to find out, folks.

At this point, we have 8 episodes left and are at a curious point in the series.  With the HyunMi couple married, their arc is fairly complete, as only minor things lie ahead (hopefully); the Dolts have to deal with her pregnancy and how to recover from his investment “strategy” but SooJae and YuNa are still big question marks that wait for any real progress.  Will the final 8 episodes deal with them?  It would seem natural, but SJ still needs to address his own debt and pay off his loan which will take a loooong time, given his custodial job, and YuNa can’t seem to figure out what her love life should be.  This should be very interesting. 

Ep 43, “What is this feeling?”

Now that the merry-go-round of drama has ended, it was a relief to be able to laugh with the characters this episode and simply enjoy the series as it was before Ep. 37.

In this episode, the following subplots were highlighted:

  • SJ and JungHoo engage in a budding friendship as cousins, in-laws, and would-be rivals for YuNa’s attention, if not her affection.
  • The newlyweds go on their own abbreviated honeymoon and adjust to life as a married couple (HJ discovers this is easier said than done)….
  • …while her parents adjust to an emptier nest
  • YuNa’s family is thrown into disarray while being threatened with a lawsuit
  • HaeJae and HyunMi couples struggle to deal with each other in their new reality.

But in reality, this episode was about the women and their battles:

  • HaeJun fights her hormones
  • SooJung fights her unease with her new in-laws and loss of MiRae
  • YuNa fights for her family in trouble, and her feelings for SJ
  • KA fights her insecurity with how she’s treated by her family and feelings of inferiority compared to SooJung

With the post-vows dinner with their families done, the newlyweds head off for their own short “honeymoon” at a rental home, courtesy of HaeJun, who paid for everything in full.  They (especially HJ) try to adjust to finally being married, but it’s a bumpy road ahead.  When MiRae brings over clothes to the law firm for HaeJun, HJ gets wind of it, and again, (and this time in front of YJ) chides her for “making” MiRae deliver things to her.  This starts an ugly exchange between the 3 of them (as MiRae watches in horror) that was reminiscent of the beginning of the “Beach Double Date”.  MiRae breaks it up by literally dragging HJ away and back to his office.  HaeJun, offended by HJs words and at the mercy of her hormones, stops eating long enough to lose control and she uncontrollably sobs until YJ can bribe her with a cookie to make her stop.  The Dolts continue to hide the pregnancy, while YJ goes on a shopping spree for books to read to the baby and even buys an audio system to play classical music for the baby to listen to, much to HaeJun’s bemusement and slight annoyance as she’s not a classical music aficionado.   (NOTE – The set dresser changed the portrait on the wall of their dining room:  Originally it was the wedding picture of the couple with his parents and her brother & SIL; currently it’s the couple with his brothers)  Later on, we see the beginning of a growing rivalry between HaeJun and MiRae for KA’s attention.

MiRae is determined to try to bring her two mothers together, with what was the most awkward and uncomfortable scene in the entire series:  Watching her and her mothers get a massage at a day spa.  This scene was difficult to watch, as it was high on the creepiness scale.  This unease continued after they left the spa as both mothers admitted to their husbands how uncomfortable they are around each other.

YuNa is blindsided when she goes to visit her Mom only to discover that her younger brother has been accused of dating a married woman and is under threat of continued harassment by the husband unless they settle for $100K (isn’t this extortion?).  He’s due to go into the army soon and with no legal counsel, she must scramble to find a solution.  (NOTE- Here’s another continuity error in the series.  In the beginning episodes, YuNa’s brother was ALREADY in the military, and her Mom wanted her to send money to him).  After a frustrating interview with an attorney, her boss tells SJ what’s going on, since she remembers his brother (HJ) was an attorney.  SJ gets the ball rolling with HJ and in their first meaningful scene together since the breakup (complete with their theme music in the background, which we haven’t heard in ages), YuNa accepts SJ’s offer of HJ’s help, which will come in Ep 44.  It was nice to see YuNa as the elder sibling too, a side of her character we have not seen.

And for the 2 mothers, SooJung must adjust to life without MiRae, which is eased by the kids sleep-over their first night back in Seoul.  But SooJung, who is increasingly at ease with her father and MinHo, does not feel that comfortable yet around her new sister-in-law, and the feeling is mutual.  And KA is having even more trouble, as her mental state, which had stabilized following YJ’s marriage, begins to deteriorate again.  And given how she’s been left out of her husband’s and father-in-law’s attention, she has a point.  She sees the attention in her family being paid to SooJung (including expressing her discomfort about this to a bewildered MinHo), while she gets feeling that she’s become more of a cook to the family.  This will get even worse in the following episode as things continue to spin out of control for her.

The episode ends with the 2 couples eating dinner at the Lee’s and an under-the-table foot fight between the 2 brothers, in an extension of the argument back at the law office.  And once again, poor MiRae is left in the middle to try to figure out what is going on.

Although, by reading this review, the episode sounds very serious, it contains many funny moments and was a relief to watch.  It was nice to see YuNa and SJ together again, to see the expectant father YJ fuss over his wife and their unborn child, to see the HyunMi couple try to figure out married life when they both are very different people, and SJ & JungHoo try to figure out how to deal with each other.  More to come for this bromance!

I cannot wait for both HaeJun and MiRae to feel jealous once Yuna becomes favorite daughter in law :-)

Because it's obvious SooJae's wife will be the most loved. We have starting episodes as proof.

the most competitive one is haejun. she doesn't know how to share affection.
mirae already have a loving mom and a loving family, she will probably be very pleased to have someone more to love.

Ep.44 was actually quite annoying because of the bickering between the two newly married couples. The reunion of SJ and Yuna is predictable although I must say _ they first got together because of a scam and now they're getting back together because of a scandal _ not the best circumstances. I sure hope the writers come up with an uplifting way to end the series or else things may go to waste. ?

Ep 44 “You’re one smooth talker”

In this episode, we get to see

  • The competition between the newly married couples continues, temporarily stressing the relationship between HaeJun & HJ;
  • Kyung Ae’s behavior and attitude continue to decline; 
  • HJ helps YuNa’s family in their legal issues;
  • The bromance between SJ & JungHoo continue.

After the foot-fight at the Lee’s house, HJ & MiRae head to her parents house to pack her things.  Of course, her family is delighted to have her back (Mom had to go for almost a full day without her, you know).  This takes longer than they planned; they have a late dinner and spend the night at her parents, much to her delight at spending the night in her bed (HJ must have been trying to figure out how to fit that thing in his apartment).  HJ joins his mother-in-law in the morning to help make breakfast for the whole family before heading off to work.  KA gets wind of this and his willingness to help cook breakfast (when never having done so for his own mother) sets her on edge, again.

The Dolts do their own post-mortem on the foot-fight and HaeJun continues to stew over HJ’s attitude towards her and his older brother (YJ).  She’s long resented HJ’s lack of respect to his older sibling, but YJ has calmed her down explaining that he’s fine with it since he doesn’t want the responsibility that comes with being the eldest. But her anger over their fight at the law firm last Friday (where he told MiRae that HaeJun will take advantage of her willingness to deliver clothes) lingers over the weekend while she waits for HJ to apologize.  That didn’t happen during the foot-fight and come Monday, back at the law firm she can’t even bring herself to talk directly to HJ, and they use Sung Soo as an intermediary, driving him nuts.  He tells HJ to apologize as he can’t take it anymore.  HJ (who can’t understand why she’s taking this so personally, when they’ve treated each other this way for years) goes into her office and begs forgiveness and they talk it out, to everyone’s relief.  When HaeJun goes to the Lee’s to give KA money to buy some new clothes, she is upstaged when MiRae arrives and gives KA a new dress.  This scene was funny to simply watch HaeJun’s facial expressions (once again, SDM nails the character).  Afterwards, a crestfallen HaeJun goes to YJ’s office to have lunch with him and talk about her disappointment, and when she returns to the office, she commiserates with HJ on how married life has changed everything about their relationships, including hers with MiRae, her closest friend. 

The SJ/JungHoo bromance continues and they hang out at another bar and realize they are not only in-laws but cousins as well.  Much to Jung Hoo’s chagrin, it turns out SJ is the eldest, thus making him the senior, so he gets the “honor” of buying drinks.  So, like a good couple, when they get drunk together, they do the responsible thing and have a sleep-over at the Lee’s in SJs room.  A semi-reluctant Jung Hoo would be even more mortified if he wasn’t so blitzed.  And the next morning, he can’t even sneak out, with the entire household already awake and waiting for them to emerge from SJ’s room.  (One interesting missing fact was that he never let his folks know where he spent the night…yet his mother was OK with that?  Well, I guess so, since she was mostly embarrassed to learn he showed up at his grandfather’s house drunk)

YuNa & her family go to the law firm to consult with HJ on their case.  He determines that since the woman misrepresented herself, the brother was not at fault and he can get this settled quickly, and even ask for damages incurred to clean up the diner.  But YuNa’s mom just wants it taken care of quietly and its “case closed” much to the relief of the Na’s.  Afterwards, HJ meets briefly with YuNa alone to “finally” meet the woman who changed SJ’s life so much for the better.  She’s embarrassed and says little while he talks.  (I guess they forgot that they met each other at the Gimbap place when MiRae took him there some time earlier).  Later that night, she meets SJ at their old hangout in the park and she thanks him for his help…while their theme music plays in the background.  She promises to buy him dinner to thank her.  Things seem to be slowly (think “glacially”) better for them until his cleaning cart rolls downhill and hits her while she shoves him out of the way.  She gets a nasty cut on her leg just above the ankle and SJ takes her to the ER. 

But throughout the episode, KA’s attitude, as far as her anger and jealousy with everyone’s attention to SooJung, her discomfort to suddenly have to deal with in-laws, and MinHo’s lack of understanding continue to grind her down.  Her frustration at seeming to be the house cook continues to drive her crazy.  That night, a disastrous dinner with her in-laws results in SooJung having an allergic reaction to her cooking and having to leave early.  KA feels responsible for this and gets no comfort from her husband or Grandpa.  This tips the scale for her and she finally tells off MinHo AND Grandpa and leaves the house to wander the streets, refusing to take her husband’s calls.  MinHo admits to Grandpa that this is not new and something has been bugging her before the marriages.  (Remember, he had mentioned to Grandpa during YJ’s courtship of HaeJun, that KA had “become increasingly aggressive in the last few years”).  At the end of the episode, she winds up at YJ’s place and in a scene reminiscent of when HJ surprised HaeJun while YJ was visiting her, they hurriedly hide all the baby stuff before they let KA in.  And this time, instead of YJ falling on HaeJun, he falls on his mother, while trying to hide an errant baby shoe and keep their pregnancy secret.

This was a pleasant episode, with lots of wholesome family moments that were quite funny as well.  It’s difficult to find fault with KA, as her feelings are understandable, and we are left sympathizing with what she’s had to deal with in a few short weeks.  She does deserve better treatment from her family.  And this episode does a good job of showing us how a marriage can affect long-standing relationships. 

Ep 45 “Carrying you would be easier”

In this episode, we got to see
•KA get the treatment she wants from the Lee’s after walking out on them
•YuNa& SJ try to restore their relationship after her injury from his cleaning cart
•MiRae is pregnant and tells her husband and parents

The episode opens with KA’s “visit” to the Dolts apartment, after walking out on MinHo & Grandpa.  She discovers the baby shoe that YJ forgot to hide and thinking that the couple was still in the “wishful thinking” mode, she doesn’t press it.  She stays for dinner and (especially) wine until YJ gets a chance to tell his Dad where she is, and he comes to bring the now-tipsy KA home.  MinHo & Grandpa apologize for their disregard for her, vis-à-vis their doting on SooJung.  And the Dolts have a chance for some small talk after she leaves, pleased that KA chose their apartment to run to.  (HaeJun kiddingly holds this over HJ’s head the following day at the law office)  This scene gave us 3 interesting developments:  
•SJ chastising his father for not complimenting KA, while MinHo fires back at his son for always siding with his mom.  And he was NOT kidding.  This was the first time we’ve seen MinHo get irritated with one of his sons.  
•KA continuing to side with HaeJun when dealing with her eldest son.
• MinHo apologizing to KA as they walk back to the car, and asking her to look at their relationship in the bigger picture and reminding her that she’s been increasing testy lately.

At the Hyun’s, Grandma brings up the topic of family planning to MiRae and reminds her that she’s 32 and HJ is 37.  It’s time for them to get serious, and her Mom agrees.  She goes home and mentions this to HJ, and gives the best line of her character in quite some time and in a wifely tone asks “What does the planning expert think?”  HJ shows his growth as a husband, and admits that he has learned that some planning is pointless when things are out of their control.  They’ll just let nature take its course.  And Mother Nature does, as her indigestion has her run to a clinic where it’s confirmed she’s 5 weeks along.  The following scenes where she informs HJ and her family were so sweet; anyone who doubts Ms. Bae’s ability as an actress should put those doubts to rest.  She is terrific in this and the next few episodes.  The couple agrees to not tell HaeJae couple as not to hurt their feelings, as they are unaware of Dolt Jr on the way.

The next day, MiRae & her mom go to visit KA to follow up after the allergy dinner, and on the way, Mom learns that JungHoo has a crush on YuNa.  They all decide to go out to lunch and bowling.  Just like the spa visit, this again turns out awkward for KA an humiliating as well, as regards herself as a good bowler, but she does terribly (including falling down) while SooJung’s beginner’s luck has her daughter glowing.  KA is glowing too (out of fury and embarrassment).  

Back home, SJ tells a shocked KA about the injury to YuNa, as he’s caught bringing her food (he does NOT disclose his arranging HJ’s legal help for her family).  She surprisingly understands and doesn’t protest his seeing her….while she’s injured.  He also suspects that something happened between KA & YN that he doesn’t know about.  SJ helps take her to work and home afterwards.  YN is not crazy about it (she’s VERY gun-shy) but hasn’t much choice.  But her boss, Syet, IS crazy about it and isn’t hiding it either…she’s pulling for SJ!  Once back at her apartment, JungHoo visits and creates the usual uncomfortable threesome.  The 2 guys talk it out once outside and JungHoo again realizes that he’s still on the outside, looking in, despite SJ’s assurances that they are both stuck in the Friend Zone.  

MiRae & HaeJun have their sister-time at the law firm, and admit they both crave KA’s attention and challenge each other to see who’s her favorite, in a light-hearted scene.  Afterwards MiRae heads home with HJ by way of SungSoo’s side-job (the frozen food store) and they visit with the kids and SungSoo’s Dad who happened to be there too.  Meanwhile the Dolts go to the Lee’s for dinner and HaeJun and KA delicately talk afterwards about her future pregnancy (KA walks on eggshells here, knowing how desperately they want kids while HaeJun wants to tell her now).  KA promises HaeJun to help her during her term and with child-raising, sending her eldest DIL over the moon.  

Dolt fans finally get the scene they’ve been waiting for since the wedding:  The OB-GYN’s ultrasound exam confirms the baby is doing well and like MiRae, she’s also 5 weeks along.  At the clinic and home, they both stare at the sonogram picture, lost in their thoughts of their future as parents.

In the final scene the entire episode has been building to, HJ/MiRae visit his folks and tell them of their pregnancy, about 2 minutes before the Dolts arrive to share their pregnancy news.  HaeJun is devastated to learn her thunder has been stolen.  The Lee’s see their expressions, and try to comfort them (while HJ & MiRae look uncomfortable).  Finally, a frustrated HaeJun spills the beans:  She’s pregnant too!  And the episode closes with the group with mouths agape in disbelief.  

OPINION:  This was a really fun episode and a reminder of how good this series was before the writers changed the direction to emphasize MiRae’s Mom instead of leaving her as a supporting character and foil for HJ and alter-ego for MiRae.  We get this little interlude of romantic comedy between the melodrama of adoption angst and upcoming cancer scare.  Personally, I am disappointed and am losing interest in the show.  While I once dreaded the end of the series, as I’d grown so fond of the 3 couples, they might as well just get it over with now.  I don’t really care about MiRae’s mom anymore and future reviews covering this angle will be condensed.

Ep 46 “I can’t tell which one of you is pregnant”

In this episode, we saw:

  • Everyone knows both daughters-in-law are pregnant
  • YJ & MiRae battle morning sickness
  • YuNa & SJ continue their hesitant approach to reconciliation

The episode begins with the continuation of HaeJun’s revelation that she is pregnant as well, to the delight of the Lees and a shocked HyunMi couple.  But, typically, the fun is short as YJ begins to exhibit signs of sympathy morning sickness, which will carry thru the next few episodes.  It is at this point, when KA expresses fear that sadness may follow how happy they are now, that HaeJun delivers the meaning of the name of this series, when she tells KA to live in the moment, and enjoy the happiness (In other words, “the present is beautiful”).  YJ finally discovers that he can eat Cherry Tomatoes, (to the accomplishment of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus) and his parents come over to the Dolt’s apartment the following night to visit them and see how he’s doing.  This includes a touching scene where YJ tells KA how much he appreciates what she had to go thru during her pregnancy.  YJ has come a long way in being able to communicate with his mother.  And MinHo & KA are very comfortable in dealing with their elder children as a couple.  MiRae comes to visit the law firm and she shares lunch with her big sister while HJ joins them to visit.  HaeJun tells them of YJ’s morning sickness, and HJ has to see it to believe it.  They visit the Dolt’s apartment and do see for themselves, over dinner that BOTH YJ & HaeJun come down with morning sickness at the same time….and the race is on to the bathroom!

As for MiRae, she also has morning sickness, of a much milder strain, and in a touching scene HJ decides to give their baby the nickname “Little Athlete”.  He reaches out to both mothers for help on how to deal with her illness.  Both mothers bring food to their apartment in a chance meeting, resulting in another awkward encounter, courtesy of MiRae’s providing the door pass-code to both ladies, much to HJ’s dismay.  He gently reminds her why he never provided it to his own mother and gets her agreement to not do that in the future.  (One of the episode’s funniest scenes is where KA gets the pass-code from MiRae and immediately calls HJ to chew him out for not giving it to his own mom…leaving HJ dumbfounded as to what is going on). 

YuNa & SJ continue to carefully try to get comfortable around each other as he cares for her while she recuperates from her cleaning-cart injury.  She tries, half-heartedly, to keep him at arms-length, but he won’t have it as he still feels responsible for her.  In the meantime, he’s sure something happened between YN & KA but his mom keeps dodging his questions and YN won’t talk.  He continues to bring her food from home, much to her boss’s bemusement; Syet makes no secret that she wants them to reconcile.  JungHoo, in the meantime is increasingly on the outside looking in, as he can’t escape the Friend Zone, to his frustration and disappointment.  Yet he and his homie cousin hang out and grab fried chicken and beer while commiserating on their inability to get close to YuNa. JH at least gets to take her to the doctor the following morning and to grocery shopping afterwards, where they are spotted in the supermarket by a shocked KA who flees before they see her.  She fears a love-triangle is forming until SJ tells her the situation with them and he knew they’d be together that day.   She doesn’t quite know what to do with that info, and is surprisingly offended that YN gave up on her son so fast.  This reaction puzzles SJ who knew she wanted them to be apart in the first place.

At the end, in a foreshadowing of the misery to come, MiRae’s mom and dad finally go for their medical checkups.  In a juxtaposition between parents and children, Mom & Dad discover she has liver cancer, while HJ & MiRae hear their baby’s heartbeat for the first time. 

Up until that last scene, we were treated, as we were with Ep 45, to how enjoyable this series used to be, before the producers made the show about MiRae’s mom for whatever reason, instead of the 3 couples trying to find love.   The next two episodes are all about MiRae’s mom and I’m reluctant to write a review of them, as seeing it once was enough for me.  Frankly, the series could have ended here and I’d be just as happy.