Who else is afraid of a tragic ending like Go Princess Go? The only reason that show got such a bad rating is the crazy, director must have been on drugs tragic & bizarre ending that didn’t even match the book. As you can see I’m still not bitter (sarcasm). The show was visually stunning and quirky funny so I didn’t expect or was emotionally prepared for such a horrible ending. I think the Chinese tragic ending is part of Cdrama style & capitulation to the government or that show couldn’t be made. As it was, it was banned still & wasn’t author jailed? 

Korean shows tend to have much happier endings but Korean culture is still very uncomfortable with BL or trans concept and I fear they might do something to destroy any notion that this is in anyway either BL or trans situation. Though they are being brave (by Korean TV standard) with introducing 2 BL secondary characters and keeping  Bong Hwan’s soul and mannerisms still and the title is very apt but super brave. 

I’m hoping for a happy ending but bracing for disappointment. Shin Hye Sun’s acting is always superb but not all her characters (thank goodness most) get happy or satisfying endings.  Plus if they keep to history (though they say in show’s intro it’s fictional), it will not end well for them. What do you guys think and why? I would love to read, especially the reassuring theories. 

I am also worried about the ending. KJH's last 2 dramas, CLOY and Time also had sad endings for his characters. I am not brave enough to watch another KJH's character dying. I had enough crying for him. The historical facts says so. Fingers crossed for the writers to come up with a happy ending for Our King and Queen.


I hope there is happy ending cause I don't want all my time I spent for camping for the episodes wasted :'(

oh please, it has to be a happy ending - he will start a family with Queen. Period. You can challenge me on this one ;)

@blognex bn fingers crossed!

I will not even think about it :(

I want a happy ending.. ☹️

The Chinese version, Go Princess Go! has two different endings, episode 34 and 35. 

Episode 34 has indeed a bad ending for the king and queen. They fall in love, get married, but in the end they get murdered by their political enemies. However, they already have a son together who's brought into safety. 

Episode 35 has an open, modern ending. The queen wakes up in his own body back in the hospital. He meets a MD who wears a mouth cap, but you can clearly see the eyes of this doctor belong to the king. This scene is only referring to another romance in the making, a gay relationship between patient and doctor, but nothing is made explicit. So, the Korean version can pick up this story line as well.

I think they'll go happy. The Go Princess Go endings were confusing. They even filmed a 3rd one for mobile users.

I would imagine if the writers of this show took any time at all to look at Go Princess Go (and given Episode 10's bath scene, I'd argue they did to an extent) they might opt for a happy ending to avoid controversy and fan anger.

In real life, the Kim clan grabs control and runs Korea for the next 50 years.  There's a scene in the earlier episodes where Kim Byung In meets with the heads of the warring family fractions and gets them to agree to lay off the queen.  I think the ending will be that the King and Kim Byung In will join resources to save the queen, the King and Queen will die in the end and the chef, after he wakes up from his coma, runs into the modern versions of the King and Queen as a married couple with kids.  Then, he runs into the concubine and asks her out for a drink and they walk away into the sunset.  

 Kim MC:

In real life, the Kim clan grabs control and runs Korea for the next 50 years.  There's a scene in the earlier episodes where Kim Byung In meets with the heads of the warring family fractions and gets them to agree to lay off the queen.  I think the ending will be that the King and Kim Byung In will join resources to save the queen, the King and Queen will die in the end and the chef, after he wakes up from his coma, runs into the modern versions of the King and Queen as a married couple with kids.  Then, he runs into the concubine and asks her out for a drink and they walk away into the sunset.  

Woaaah .. is this how Go Go princess ends?? Or did you write this.. It kind of feels like something that is going to actually happen. 


Woaaah .. is this how Go Go princess ends?? Or did you write this.. It kind of feels like something that is going to actually happen. 

Just my thoughts.  There's been a lot of historical data about King Cheoljong  on YouTube and in blogs (thanks to Mr. Queen) and my heart actually goes out to him in history.  He was quite literally the puppet king of the Kim family until they no longer needed him and it's highly suspected they killed him at the age of 32.  One blaring difference between real life and fiction is that King Cheoljong  was illiterate and the Kim family used this weakness to control him.  He did marry a  Kim clan daughter and died without heirs. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheoljong_of_Joseon)

I think the writing in this is beyond incredible because they've only taken a few deviations from historical truths and realistically captured the poor state of  common people in Korea during the mid 1800's.  As far as my guess for the ending, I believe the original Queen (before the chef soul came into play) truly loved the King and is the reason I think they'll end up together in modern times.  The chef (in the Queen's body) has more than once talked about how attracted  to Jo Hwa Jin he was and that's why I think they will meet again in modern times.

Just my guess on the story and usually, I predict almost 100% the wrong way.  My obsession with "Mr. Queen" almost makes me want to write fanfiction and create a happy ending for all.

@Kim MC I think you should write a Fanfic.. How you have imagined it will end is actually good. And something that may happen. 

The ending in the novel was happy. The Chinese drama's ending was weird because china had some regulations on the show so they couldn't do the original ending of the novel. I forget but I think the original ending was time travel or a parallel universe. I quick google search should clarify that for you. 

But I think because of that it will be happy.

BTW, what's written in Wikipedia is not exactly perception in Korea. Although King Cheoljong did not achieved any greatness, he was trying to help suffering people as much as he could with help of his Queen. Of course Kim clan was disturbing a lot, so he wasn't winning much. Yet, they both tried whatever could. Also Queen died after King, they had a son who lived for 6 months. Let's see how much drama will take and what they will write as fantasy.