I'm looking for recommendations for dramas with really good reveal scenes. A little background on what I mean:

One of the things I like best in a drama is when the other characters find out a secret that we've known for ages. Whether it's a secret identity or secret relationship, I love seeing the other characters' reactions when the truth finally comes out.

These are a few of my favorites:

Hidden Love (when FL reveals she loved the ML first/for ages)

 Ever Night Season 2 (when ML learns who the FL really is)

Flower of Evil (when ML realizes FL knows who he really is, and that he loves her)

In Blossom (when FL realizes ML knows who she really is)

Renascence (when FL tells the ML her true identity)

Love Like the Galaxy: Part 2 (when ML reveals his true identity as he takes revenge)

The Untamed (when ML recognizes the other ML by the song he's playing)

My Father Is Strange - Korean family drama. (Note: father isn't at all strange.) This is a family drama around a devoted older couple who run a sandwich shop. Their four adult children live with them, have their own jobs and lives. It's a very warm and loving family. One day a somewhat-known actor shows up and claims that the father is his dad from an earlier relationship who abandoned his mother. We are given the explanation early on, others learn it as the drama proceeds, something life-changing.

Money Flower  - it's all about these reveals! But the scene when Pil Joo  revels himself to his  bigest enemy is absolute gold.

The Wolf  - we all know who the ML is but the FL still aloows herself to be fooled

Warrior Baek Dong Soo  - you may know that Yeo Woonn's secret will come up eventually but when it does - the impact is almost as shattering  for the audience as it is for his friends 

The Worst of Evil  - we know who is who from the beginning, the SML (and our antoagonist) not until the very end.  But his reaction is... OMG.

The Rise of Phoenixes - the reveal of FL identity changes everyting and both her and ML reactions are huge  emotional blow

Same with The Princess's Man (the reval here is knife  to the heart)

 The King in Love  - everyone  hides their  identy for a good chunk of time. But when ML finally sees the truth about some relationships , that is a memorable moment

Nirvana in Fire  -  alll reactions to the truth of ML identity are priceless: be it  Princessr Nihuang, Prince Jingyan, his mother or the emperor. Also some character have really strong reactions to the revelation about his true loyalty

Good Bye, My Princess  - this is a twisted reveal - both FL and ML don't know about their shared past. WHen they do rmemember ( at different times)  it's huge every time..

Five Fingers - pretty satisfying reveals!