Hiii, I found a niche thing that I enjoy which is political hostage and puppet ruler MLs, so I'm here to ask for recommendations with this trope UwU

  • Any country, any type, any length
  • Either or; it doesn't have to be both. 
  • Preferably if it's a lead character/important character 
  • Ideal if it's a ML 🙏 but I'm taking reccs for all 'cause I wanna compile 'em into a list ^^
  • I'd appreciate knowing if it's a happy ending. 
  • Doesn't have to be historical- I'm kinda curious if there are any contemporary titles with this trope. 

Titles I've seen with this: Secret of Three Kingdoms (Puppet ruler ML), The Legendary Life of Queen Lau (Puppet ruler ML), The Legend of Hao Lan (Political hostage ML), Eternal Brotherhood (Political hostage SFL), Creation of Gods I: Kingdom of Storms (Political hostage ML)