I recently watched This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans, and I instantly fell for the 2nd couple. Are there any other BLs similar to this couple? If it's not similar to this couple, or you haven't seen this certain BL, are there any BLs with a similar enemy to lover dynamic? Or one where one ML is arrogant/rich while the other is the opposite? 

I've seen quite a few college BLs, so I'd like to see if there's any with this dynamic in the workforce, but of course I'll still watch the cute college ones as well.

Thanks in advance!


Addicted / Stay with Me - rich-poor, hate each others become best friends, step-siblings, then lovers.

Advance Bravely - enemies to lovers, love triangle since ML's younger sister like MC


Blueming - rivals to lovers

Semantic Error - enemies to lovers


History3: Trapped - enemies to lovers

We Best Love - rivals to lovers


hate each others, secretly being friends then lovers

Bad Buddy - family rivalry and enmity

Dangerous Romance - bully and 'victim', rich-poor, tutor-student

hate each others, become sex friends then lovers

KinnPorsche - boss and bodyguard, rich-poor

Love Mechanics - love hexaduple? hmm

Awesome! Thank you guys! I'll get started watching...

Thought I'd jump in super quick.. I 100% agree with the other titles. One I'd add is...  It's not like the 2nd couple in This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans, but it is an enemies to lovers one in the workforce, and it's centered around cooking just like TLDHLB..