im tired of watching dramas that only end up having 1 kiss at the end when the couple gets together

so please recommend some chinese or taiwanse dramas that has multiple/alot of kisses and that has some passion in thier relationship

things like prince of wolf,my amazing boyfriend etc

Try 'Well Intended Love' The drama has LOTS of kissing scenes and romantic scenes! Even though the story is really messy overall, the romantic scenes and the chemistry between the leads make up for it.

They Kiss Again has lots of kiss. It's the continuation of it started with a kiss. It's an old taiwan drama 2005/7. The main couple is really loveable .

Ten miles of peach blossoms

Ashes of Love

Cruel Romance


Love 020

I don't know if this would be your cup of tea because it does take a while (over 30 episodes) for the couple to get together, but The Story of Ming Lan is excellent with very natural romance/skinship and beautiful chemistry. The leads are married irl, so when they get married in the show there's lots of constant touching and kisses (although no make-outs bc lbr it's still public television). The drama is absolutely outstanding overall and the relationship is so worth the wait, even if there is a lot of waiting involved (at first for them to get together and then for them to get on the same page, but just stick to it if you start).

Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms also has a very passionate love, not quite as many natural couple touches, but still a really well done rendition of traditional angsty romance with an amazing male lead.

It's been a really long time since I watched it but if I remember correctly Mars also has a couple with great chemistry? I can't speak about kisses specifically, but I think you're better off looking for couples that have a sexual relationship within their romantic one (like the ones listed above) because then the passion is much less....innocent?

@Marine @leejungjae 

"it does take a while (over 30 episodes) for the couple to get together " 

42 eps to be exact (LOL)  p.s.  I do love that show though  :D

here are recs straight from China haha, check this article for gifs:

The dramas mentioned are (I can't guarantee how good any of them are):
Too Late To Say I Love You
The Girl in Tassel Earring
Sealed With A Kiss
Memory Lost
Cambrian Period
The Eternal Love
Dear Prince

+It Started With a Kiss, They Kiss Again


@Marine @leejungjae 

"it does take a while (over 30 episodes) for the couple to get together " 

42 eps to be exact (LOL)  p.s.  I do love that show though  :D

They're together-together from episode 39 and on, & get married in episode 40. And technically he's pursuing her since episode 23, but that's a spoileeeeeerrrr spoiler. :))

Also the early episodes are full of an (annoying imo in the romantic sense, as a character separate from GTY/ML he's great) second male lead that pats her head once if you like that! lolll


They're together-together from episode 39 and on, & get married in episode 40. And technically he's pursuing her since episode 23, but that's a spoileeeeeerrrr spoiler. :))

Also the early episodes are full of an (annoying imo in the romantic sense, as a character separate from GTY/ML he's great) second male lead that pats her head once if you like that! lolll

I cant recall if its this show or not where the # of the eps and content in them differed based on whether u watched on youtube or a streaming site.   Regardless, I had mixed feelings about the show at the time because of how drawn out the process was so I tracked it on my end too.   I love the story but they asked too much of the viewer to wait even beyond 30 eps for something beyond the slow burn.  I like them as a couple in the show and in real life, so i was forgiving.    


@Marine @JoanneSmith

Im fine with them getting together that at that point because i just saw how much episode it has and its like 70 or something so there is still lots of time for them but i want to ask when they get together do they stay together the whole time because it also annoys me when the couple gets together but breaks up for like  10+ episodes

they stay together.


I cant recall if its this show or not where the # of the eps and content in them differed based on whether u watched on youtube or a streaming site.   Regardless, I had mixed feelings about the show at the time because of how drawn out the process was so I tracked it on my end too.   I love the story but they asked too much of the viewer to wait even beyond 30 eps for something beyond the slow burn.  I like them as a couple in the show and in real life, so i was forgiving.    

It's bar none of my absolute favourite dramas & one of my favourite main couples, but the only issue I have with it (that's fine because I love the entirety of it enough to forgive it) is the drawn out second (and then third) lead plot points. Like I know they're somewhat necessary (Qi Heng teaches Ming Lan first infatuation and eventual disappointment/disillusion, Brother He is the choice between filial piety and hope of love) but both of them became so frustrating to me that I actually started disliking them all and their horrid lack of capability and back-bone. I know they were needed "lessons" for Ming Lan to go through before she gets with the right one, but I do wish it were more condensed lmao. Both of them could be done & dusted by ep 20 at the latest, instead we had 15 more episodes of wishy washy vagueness. I just missed Gu Tingye at that point lol.



If you do decide to go for it, please be prepared for the first 15 episodes being mostly set-up, and please do not be turned away if you initially hate the male lead (Gu Tingye), it happens to the majority and you'll be super frustrated, but he redeems himself (and it doesn't take that long) and THEN some. I absolutely abhorred him on my first watch and then was actually shocked when he became the perfect man lmao (not in a boring way at all, just so, so good, and he's really the only one for Ming Lan). And yes the couple do not break up!

The eternal love 1 and 2

If you do decide to go for it, please be prepared for the first 15 episodes being mostly set-up

Let's be honest, it roughly takes 37 episodes for the set up that leads to drama and romance happening in the second half.  I, fortunately, made it to the end of the first half to watch the second half.  And I do not regret my decision. Though the drama is very realistic and heart-warming. It is VERY VERY very slow in the beginning.

BUT do give this drama a shot, it's definitely worth the wait to see the power couple. Moreover, you always have the key to skip things (helped me a lot in the beginning of the drama ;)