Well. It reminds me of the big and evil art block. When I have one of those, I stop completely and only start again when I'm really desperate for it. No need to force yourself when at the moment you can't just see any fun in it. It will just get worse and worse till you hate drama completely.
lexies wrote: It's called drama slump. ;)

I don't think that's what it's called... Looks more like "not really a drama addict and forcing itself to watch dramas because there's nothing better to do".
DiaNine wrote: I don't think that's what it's called... Looks more like "not really a drama addict and forcing itself to watch dramas because there's nothing better to do".

I can't help but wonder what does it matter to you what she drops? If you can't offer helpful suggestions, why tell someone they don't deserve to be helped? It's not like Peach got on here saying what awful dramas your favorites were, or that people who liked those dramas sucked. Maybe it doesn't seem like a drama slump to you, but I am sure most of us have had dramas that didn't strike us at a particular time, and going back to it later made us realize it was amazing. I don't get judging someone so harshly just because if they aren't caught in the first episode or two moves on to find something that will catch them. Not everybody has a ton of time to devote to dramas, so can't you understand that people might be picky with their time?

Peach, are you against starting dramas that are currently airing? I think I Hear Your Voice would be right up your alley! The storyline is so intriguing, and the mind reading aspect is a fresh take on the typical revenge drama. Not to mention Lee Jong Suk is in it, and for such a young actor he has an incredible range! And his chemistry with the female lead is undeniable :) I had a horrible 2 months where I couldn't watch more than 5 minutes of anything I started, so I finally just stopped trying for a week or two. And then when I caught the first episode of I Hear Your Voice, it totally dragged me back into my addiction. Hope you find something soon that catches your eye!! :)
allyson wrote: I can't help but wonder what does it matter to you what she drops? If you can't offer helpful suggestions, why tell someone they don't deserve to be helped? It's not like Peach got on here saying what awful dramas your favorites were, or that people who liked those dramas sucked. Maybe it doesn't seem like a drama slump to you, but I am sure most of us have had dramas that didn't strike us at a particular time, and going back to it later made us realize it was amazing. I don't get judging someone so harshly just because if they aren't caught in the first episode or two moves on to find something that will catch them. Not everybody has a ton of time to devote to dramas, so can't you understand that people might be picky with their time?

Pretty sure the purpose of a forum is for discussion, I'm here to give my opinions whether they're useful or not and whether you like it or not.

Again, when you drop almost as many dramas as you complete, to me it seems like you're jut trying to force yourself to watch dramas, if you don't agree with me then you see things differently and I'm not going to keep my opinion to myself because of you, I'm here to express whatever I may feel like expressing.

And no, I can't understand how people might get picky with their time, not to this extent.
DiaNine wrote: Pretty sure the purpose of a forum is for discussion, I'm here to give my opinions whether they're useful or not and whether you like it or not.

Again, when you drop almost as many dramas as you complete, to me it seems like you're jut trying to force yourself to watch dramas, if you don't agree with me then you see things differently and I'm not going to keep my opinion to myself because of you, I'm here to express whatever I may feel like expressing.

And no, I can't understand how people might get picky with their time, not to this extent.

The purpose of the "Recommendation Forum" is to "Recommend" Dramas, not bash people and be of no help. If you're looking for a discussion and to voice your opinions, go to "General Discussion." You have no purpose to be here if you aren't going to give her some recommendations or are looking for recommendations.
DiaNine wrote: Pretty sure the purpose of a forum is for discussion, I'm here to give my opinions whether they're useful or not and whether you like it or not.

Again, when you drop almost as many dramas as you complete, to me it seems like you're jut trying to force yourself to watch dramas, if you don't agree with me then you see things differently and I'm not going to keep my opinion to myself because of you, I'm here to express whatever I may feel like expressing.

And no, I can't understand how people might get picky with their time, not to this extent.

Regardless of what the forums are intended for, and I will agree that they are intended for discussion, this specific thread asked for recommendations, not snarky comments about the validity of someone's drama enjoyment. It's interesting that you claim your comments contribute to "discussion", but what possible contribution does "you don't deserve help" provide this discourse? It sounds to me like you just want an excuse to be rude to people and shout from your high horse that your opinion is your opinion and no one else is allowed to take issue with it. But in a forum society, if you say you are allowed to say what you want, then by the same respect I am allowed to call you out on comments that I find asinine. It's my opinion, whether it's useful or not.
allyson wrote: Regardless of what the forums are intended for, and I will agree that they are intended for discussion, this specific thread asked for recommendations, not snarky comments about the validity of someone's drama enjoyment. It's interesting that you claim your comments contribute to "discussion", but what possible contribution does "you don't deserve help" provide this discourse? It sounds to me like you just want an excuse to be rude to people and shout from your high horse that your opinion is your opinion and no one else is allowed to take issue with it. But in a forum society, if you say you are allowed to say what you want, then by the same respect I am allowed to call you out on comments that I find asinine. It's my opinion, whether it's useful or not.

Aren't you taking the white knight version of what I'm doing?

My "You don't deserve help" started out as a joke until I read Ej's comment, and then I felt the need to give my opinion on the subject. This person is asking help because it keeps dropping dramas, correct? From my perspective is that this person might want to take a break because to me it doesn't look like it wants to watch dramas, it looks like it's forcing it on itself.
OP. Maybe try Triangle. I personally found it a rather enjoyable mystery. Maybe you will too. It's a JDrama though. Not sure if you are looking for a K or Jdrama. Good luck. :)

Any particular reason you dropped City Hunter? Just curious.

Couldn't help but read the other unrelated stuff. FIY DiaNine you are kind of rude imo. You did the same in my previous post & basically made a useless comment that really wasn't helpful. I suggest you don't comment if you have nothing useful to contribute.
DiaNine wrote: Aren't you taking the white knight version of what I'm doing?

My "You don't deserve help" started out as a joke until I read Ej's comment, and then I felt the need to give my opinion on the subject. This person is asking help because it keeps dropping dramas, correct? From my perspective is that this person might want to take a break because to me it doesn't look like it wants to watch dramas, it looks like it's forcing it on itself.

It wasn't a conscious attempt to be a "white knight", but if that is what it takes to make other users feel like this is a place where they should feel comfortable posting questions without fear of someone belittling them for their tastes or their slumps, then I'm more than happy to take up the mantle from time to time. Not once were your comments anything resembling a helpful recommendation, much less the idea that she should take a break from dramas. If that were your goal, there were a million other ways to phrase your comments that didn't sound so condescending and hostile.
I understand drama slumps, even if you like the show you just can't keep following it for whatever reason. I am in sort of one right now and I have found the currently airing show Monstar to have caught my interest. Whether it keeps my interest remains to be seen. Another great choice for the type of drama you want is Bara no nai Hanaya. One drama that many love but doesn't fit your critera exactly is Coffee Prince. Both I would consider to be a must watch for any drama lover. Hope you find what you are looking for. If nothing else you can get a laugh at the discussion you started. Isn't it cute.
allyson wrote: If that were your goal, there were a million other ways to phrase your comments that didn't sound so condescending and hostile.

You're assuming I'm not an ass though. I'm defending that my statement was somewhat of an attempt to try to be helpful, I never denied being an ass.
DiaNine wrote: You're assuming I'm not an ass though. I'm defending that my statement was somewhat of an attempt to try to be helpful, I never denied being an ass.

Of the several assumptions I make on a daily basis, assuming you weren't an ass has never been on that list. I had held out hope that maybe there was a language barrier making it worse, but thanks for confirming that isn't the case.

I do apologize to other readers of this thread for letting condescending comments get to me, I would just really hate it if someone stopped coming here because the few times they reach out on the forums they are met with condescension and derision.
Thanks to the users who answered my question.