Something in the Rain
Autumn Shower (2005 drama)


You should try watching When I Was The Most Beautiful. It’s currently airing. The FL is in a love triangle with 2 brothers. 

Small Spolier Warning: 

Within the first 4 episodes she marries the older brother despite the younger brother being in love with her. But, something happens to the older brother which leads to the younger brother trying to pursue the FL again. 

Thank you a lot. this is what I am looking for...  Mature Kdrama with the theme of a complicated relationship, threesome relationship and infidelity. Please let me know if you have more recommendations (Kdrama).


I believe One Spring Night falls into the forbidden love arena because the FL was in a relationship with another man when she started going out with the ML and they had to hide the relationship.

However, I am looking for a simultaneous relationship. I mean FL is in love with 2 men simultaneously. Like "My wife got married" , " A Wife’s Credentials, "Valid Love"