I know people are upset with GTS mother and everything she did but they should understand that some jobs make you so busy that you don't even have time to take care of your own children less form a bond with them. Now there are parents who can manage a time consuming jobs and take care and form a bond with their children but not everyone can do that. 

His mother was a big celebrity so it's normal that she was busy but we should also take into consideration that the public doesn't even know that she has a son which could be a reason she hasn't brought him to any public events to spend time with him. We also don't know the reason why he wasn't put in the public eye which could be for safety reasons.

GTS has his own right to be upset and hate his mother for the neglect but when you are a big celebrity or even a surgeon sometimes you just don't have time and I know some people will say then just don't have children but like someone I'm sure this people get pregnant by accident and just decide to keep their child so people should just stop saying that.

It's always when the parents see they are getting old and have time that they want to go back to repair their bonds with their children but when you are so invested in your job and nothing around you your relationship will be affected whether it be romantic or family but as I said not everyone is like that there are so people who can manage everything without damaging relationships 

I know there is more to the story between GTS and his mother so just hold onto the hate until their is more behind the story because no matter what people are humans and humans make mistake.

I know people are upset with GTS mother and everything she did but they should understand that some jobs make you so busy that you don't even have time to take care of your own children less form a bond with them.

If you end up having children and get said job later, respect the children's boundaries if their emotional scars you created because of the job did not heal and don't try to force yourself into their lives coz "you miss them" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That's selfish and why I dislike her so much. Not because of her past mistakes, but because even know her priority is herself and her feelings not her son. 

As I said not everyone is suited to be parents and handle situations like this reasonably. Some people get desperate when they realize that they don't have much time left and would do anything to repair their relationships to even harassing the people without a care to their feelings


If you end up having children and get said job later, respect the children's boundaries if their emotional scars you created because of the job did not heal and don't try to force yourself into their lives coz "you miss them" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That's selfish and why I dislike her so much. Not because of her past mistakes, but because even know her priority is herself and her feelings not her son. 

but do we know anything about his dad? like we know he had a grandmother and a mother but what about the dad? 

the straforce ceo says - "do you not remember the times you cried saying you missed your son and almost gave up?"

makes me believe that there might be a reason she was so hung up on acting - possibly, supporting taesung. 

acting is very risky career. one wrong move and all that work will amount to nothing and not to mention how much spotlight it would have put on taesung. 

can you hate a mother who is trying to make it work for her home and her child? its a hard decision to make honestly. we can wait till the entire story comes out. taesung has every right to not forgive her/ get chummy but as a 3rd party we can still look at things objectively. the drama may seem 1 dimensional but its brought up pretty important things. 

With the information provided so far, I think anyone watching the drama is well within their rights to hate GTS' mum. She's a brat. It's not just about the fact that she abandoned and neglected him as a child (he had to deal with the deal and burial of his grandma alone, like damn). It's that she's returned and is still putting her feelings and needs ahead of his. She misses him? She can GTFOH. Funny enough she even has his managers on her side, trying to help mend the relationship but she discards their advice and does whatever the hell she wants. She's selfish and I hope the writers don't try to excuse the character shortcomings with some lame reveal around how she "did it for him." Kinda tired of all the redemptive arcs in kdramas. People can just be bad parents. It's not every time there has to be some grand explanation for their actions/inactions. 

"Why people shouldn't...."

Don't tell others how to watch drama. If the storyline changes down the road and if the mother warrants a pity party, it's up to the viewers' own judgement. You may hold your judgement on the mother,  and you may think you wouldn't blame her too much, but that's you, and that's your way of trying to make sense of her situation. However, don't tell others how to feel. Some viewers may also relate to Tae Sung's feelings, the resentment of being neglected, of not having an adult being there for them during their most difficult times. Don't try to say we should all look at things "objectively" either. Viewers would either take the mother's side or the son's side. It's a personal choice.

Honestly? I find it ridiculous people keep saying "the mom is a big celebrity, she just doesn't have time!! She's just really, really busy, and things just happened!!" 

Well, Tae Sung is now also a big celebrity himself. Is he not busy, too? Does he not have a stupid crazy schedule himself? How many years has he been working as a top star now? Six? Eight? But he knows his priorities. He still makes time for Han Byeol. Why? Because he really treasures her and loves her. His mom made a choice. Life is about choices. And if some viewers decided to villainise the mother, they have every right to do so. It's just a damn drama.

Un drama est une œuvre d’art comme la peinture, la musique, l’amour, personne ne peut nous dire ce que nous devons voir ? Nous sommes tous uniques, nos visions sont uniques,nos ressenties, nos émotions sont uniques. Nous ne pouvons pas demander aux gens de penser ou de voir la même chose que nous. Ce que nous ressentons souvent sont liées à nos souvenirs, notre vécu, nos valeurs et notre éducation. Une personne qui n’a pas reçu de l’amour verra et interprétera à partir de ses sentiments, celle qui aura reçu de l’amour l’interprète avec cette vision d’amour. La mère a-t-elle tort ou raison , le fils a t’il raison ou tort, ne sont ils pas les seul à connaître leur raison.