The subbed version of Go East's hilarious antics at last week's H!6 episode:

Oh, THANK YOU, liddi!   Was waiting the subbed version!


Oh, THANK YOU, liddi!   Was waiting the subbed version!

You're welcome!

Finally caught up with all the episodes last night. Poor Yuan Mo is now branded a scoundrel by everyone, and he has no idea why! Having a great deal of fun with the drama thus far as they go from one hurdle to the next. The camaraderie is such a joy to watch, and I love too how the older ministers/officials mentor the younger ones, paving the way for them to grow and come into their own. One of my favourites is seeing how all of them worked together to set up the talks between all the envoys; as well as how the Mobei envoy is being checked by Prince Duomi. Still, the previews already show that all might not end well with Prince Duomi, though I half suspect that it might be just another ploy to finally unmask the Mobei envoy's deal with Yanle. Can't imagine Xu Haiqiao showing up for just a brief cameo. 

A familiar face, LYF's Lirong Chang shows up as the seemingly harmless Qing'er, and is now working in Sifang Pavilion. From his facial features and based on what we see in Ep20 preview, he is very likely the White-robed Stranger, leader of the Faceless. However, I don't believe he is the original White-robed Stranger who killed Yuan Mo's parents - he would have been a child of roughly Yuan Mo's age at the time. My take is that the White-robed Stranger is a leadership position passed down from generation to generation, and he just happens to be the latest leader. I am also very suspicious of Susu, who very conveniently killed Chen Xinliang just as he was about to be caught and risk exposing information regarding the Faceless. My take is that she is a Faceless spy sent to infiltrate Sifang Pavilion, and has been leaking information about their plans, which resulted in them being so easily exposed (and not because Yuan Mo and co were terrible in disguising themselves). It is possible too that she deliberately ensured An Xiuyi and her were lost, so that the plan to trap the Red Lotus Society would be foiled. I wonder whether she too has some tragic backstory like Xiao Er, or a change of heart seeing she appears to love An Xiuyi. We shall see.

Looking forward to tonight's episode, especially the scene when Yuan Mo returns after being thrashed by Duke Yuchi, since this is the scene TJC and Du Chun cites where they could not stop laughing as they filmed. Can't wait!

I can't believe this, but apparently, Tan Jian Ci will be holding a livestream AFTER his Beijing concert tonight???  22:00 China Time.  I can't imagine it will be a long one, but ...

I'll post a link if I see one, but it is supposed to be on his own weibo?

Some clips from the concert. There are not many good quality ones. They are clearer if u open with wb app.

0. Opening


2. Imma get it


4. 美丽的孤独 MeiLiDeGuDu

5. 炙暗时刻 ZhiAnShiKe



8. 灯火千万DengHuoQianWan

9. complaining about his contact lenses and breaks into the LYF song 桃花血where the first line says gouge out his eyes. Hahaha Omg.. 

10. 水星记 ShuiXingJi

11. 云与海 YunYuHai

Close up

12. 偏爱人间烟火PianAiRenJianYanHuo + 

等不到的等待 DengBuDaoDeDengDai

Wow can see the stage from this clip. So he is surprised by the monkey on screen. Hahaha

13. 着迷 ZhaoMi

14. 初恋 ChuLian

Watch GoEast and Hi6 tonight after the concert

15. 忘记拥抱 WangJiYongBao

16. 蝴蝶 HuDie

17. Fans are chanting Get married!

18. 一把烟花放完YiBaYanHuaFangWan

**19. 那些荧火NaXieYingHuo (taken by TJC)

20. 每到周末我要离开地球 MeiDaoZhouMoWoYaoLiKaiDiQiu

21. Dance Monkey

22. Mona Lisa


Some clips from the concert. There are not many good quality ones.

They will be coming.  But I'm loving the new stuff we are seeing.  That red outfit with the roses and the matador outfit.  OMG.

Red hair!

And those black and white pics of him while he's singing ... is it Beautiful Loneliness?  GORGEOUS

Some clips from the concert. There are not many good quality ones. They are clearer if u open with wb app.

Wow!  Thank you so much for collecting these!

Finally caught up with all the episodes last night. Poor Yuan Mo is now branded a scoundrel by everyone, and he has no idea why! Having a great deal of fun with the drama thus far as they go from one hurdle to the next.

I'm also finally caught up, but haven't caught up with all the posts.  But like you, I'm loving the show and the welcome relief of seeing Tan Jian Ci in something so fun and getting to actually hug the girl!  lol  It's a very healing show for me.


Wow!  Thank you so much for collecting these!

I just pasted them here while scrolling wb. Lol.. i really like number 11. Yun Yu Hai ( Cloud & sea) i think he mentioned people kept tagging him with the song so he added it last minute.  Its very suitable for YaoLiu. 


I just pasted them here while scrolling wb. Lol.. i really like number 11. Yun Yu Hai ( Cloud & sea) i think he mentioned people kept tagging him with the song so he added it last minute.  Its very suitable for YaoLiu. 

It IS a gorgeous song.


It IS a gorgeous song.

Yesss! And MaoQiu appeared too!


Yesss! And MaoQiu appeared too!

Tan Jian Ci has really adopted Maoqiu.

If today's bath and kissing scenes don't push Go East over the 8500 heat index, his fans are just dead.  lol

Episode 23 is the BEST!


Episode 23 is the BEST!

Oh??? What happened?

I'm only up to ep 18


Episode 23 is the BEST!

Did the bathtub scene push up the heat index?

I am beginning to suspect the mysterious uncle is Envoy Kang...