Everything with Nguyen Ba Vinh deserves to be on this site.  He can be serious like in Mr. Cinderella (season 2 just announced for later this year), and funny like in Vian. 

awww... 5 days ago this thread had its 5th birthday... happy birthday, buddy :|
5 years. we have been asking for this for 5 years. children have turned into teenagers, teenagers have turned into fully grown adults! people my age have blinked twice, stretched and complained about their back pain... come on, MDL.

Where is the love? It’s about time now we got an update. 

Been waiting for Vietnam to be added, they are good series from there and one of my favorite movies(Goodbye mother) its from there, I really think that we need an explanation why its taking so long to Vietnam bl to be added. 

stumbled in here because my MDL is not complete without being able to add the Vietnamese dramas i've been enjoying (and to add those i want to remember to enjoy!)  ? 

Out of all the suggestions, this one has the highest number of votes, yet it is surprising that it has not been implemented.


Yeah. You’d think nearly 5+ years later of no changes they’d do it. But then again this is a Chinese brand and they don’t like LGBT stuff. They don’t want more BL type content here. They ignore the fact that there is plenty of great non BL content coming from Vietnam and that it is the most desired next addition to their library. Either Vietnam or India. But still neither Are available. Volunteers are the ones who enter it all in, but it’s still too difficult for them. And they have the server space and finances with the money people donate to this site through VIP membership and flowers.

Maybe we should all just contact them directly as no one is paying attention to this thread obviously ??‍♀️

they don’t like LGBT stuff.

70% of thai content is lgbtq so I don't think this is an issue

But then again this is a Chinese brand and they don’t like LGBT stuff. They don’t want more BL type content here.

No, I feel more is because they still see Vietnamese people as the "Underwater citizens" despite they make decent action martial arts films that were box office successes with other SEA countries internationally.  

or maybe they just don't give a shit about anything that's not South Korean...

does it matter?
whatever the reason is it's not going to be something that will make us all go "ah! I get it now, that totally explains it", it will most likely just make us mad and/or sad. so, let's focus on getting them to get this done instead of explaining what the fucking problem is.


I've considered financially supporting this site many, many times but I always come back to how the mods and admins don't want MDL to be a "gay site" and 

I also surmised that Vietnam wasn't being added bc it was primarily BL fans that were asking. I'm aware of Asian racism and where Vietnam ranks - tho I've never heard the term "underwater citizens" before. 

I agree with Tsuliwaensis - I don't think there is a legitimate reason for this and I would like to move forward regardless.

I'll begin financially supporting MDL when Vietnam is added.

I don't think they will discriminate in any way To add a country. Maybe they are busy with other stuff.

I don't care if it is Vietnam or any other country, at least start adding countries.

Probably still lament about their losses during their attempts to invade Vietnam in the past.  They do have trouble letting go of the past due to their ego

stop it already.
it is far more likely that the reason is money. look at all the stuff they added lately, it's all games and ranking systems, sorting out actors according to popularity and site members according to how much money they spend. they want to attract the kind of people who get addicted to things and are willing to spend money to feed their addiction.
so, yeah, they might also be homophobic racists, but the primary reason for that is because they're capitalists. in terms of evil it makes no difference, but in terms of strategy it does.

so, the question is: how can we make them interested in adding Vietnam to the database when there's no money in it for them?
so far, obviously, the answer is: we can't. otherwise it would be done already.

so, does anyone have an idea how we can change that?