What is says on the tin. Having the block user and send friend request options in the same drop-down is inconvenient. I keep sending friend requests when I mean to block people and it just creates an annoying extra step of having to cancel the mistake.  Not to mention that it makes it hard to even find the block option since you have to hover over "Send Friend Request" to find it which isn't very intuitive. 


I second this. Also, add an option to block back someone who blocked you already.

I also agree. There have been several awkward incidents where I’ve had to block users after they’ve posted   nasty or personal comments towards me only  to accidentally send them a friendship request and having to cancel it! It can be pretty awkward.

This is actually worse on mobile since you can't just hover to get the menu to appear, you have to tap in just the right place

Yes, it’s so annoying. Please change this soon!