I tried to add three new titles today, as they are currently running but cannot be found on MDL.
Here are the names and links:

some secret in high school

seoul blues

There's Love That Starts From Mistaken Identity

As this is my first time doing this, I wonder how long it will take for new titles to be added to the database.
I am grateful for any info

It depends on the load the staff are having. These days it can take up to a week for the new titles. 

As this is my first time doing this, I wonder how long it will take for new titles to be added to the database.

It can be as quick as 24 hours or as long as several weeks. It depends on number of site-wide submissions (at that time) and how busy the staffs were.

You won't be notified if your submission is approved but you will receive a message if it's rejected. 

Thanks for the info, I will keep it in mind.