I was reading the MDL Article Guidelines, and on page 8 it says:

The list of topics that are not allowed:

  • Yaoi/BL topics

There are already a lot of articles about straight romance dramas.  Why is straight romance allowed, but BL not allowed?

It's a homophobic rule.  Please change the rules so that MDL writers can write articles about BL topics.

If you want to ban articles about sexual topics, that's fine, but you should apply the same rules to straight romance and gay romance.


There is such a rule? Honestly, what kind of homophopic piece of shit came up with that???

I agree with you^ please remove that homophobic rule, and become a more inclusive website.

The Article Ideas & Discussion thread was recently updated with a link to new guidelines, but the Guidelines thread still links to the old version.

The new guidelines don't say anything about BL topics, and the entire "topics to avoid" slide has been removed.  Can a mod or admin please confirm that users are allowed to write articles about BL topics?