I'm not sure if this is a bug but in one of my lists it says I have 33 Titles in the custom list but the actual count only goes up to 32 entries?

Here is an image showing what I mean


Probably one of the titles was a duplicate page that got removed from the database. 

I have the same "bug" with one of my lists that has 17 titles, but only 16 entries. However if I press "Edit", I can still see the 17th title that got removed.

Maybe this can apply to your case too ^^


Probably one of the titles was a duplicate page that got removed from the database. 

I have the same "bug" with one of my lists that has 17 titles, but only 16 entries. However if I press "Edit", I can still see the 17th title that got removed.

Maybe this can apply to your case too ^^ 

Yeah, that's the "bug" I get as well. Please fix this admins🙏

So... is this going to be addressed or not?