Some very interesting information there. I had my suspicions about what shows are aimed at younger viewers! Kob is one of my favorite actresses as well because she always seems so natural and realistic. 

Thank you so much for this post. very enlightening and informative. 

Your explanation and thoughts are so clearly conveyed. Very very very very insightful. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS POST!!!

The thoughts on mixed race is definitely different form my country. Though it is interesting that there are many half Filipino in Thai entertainment industry. I did not know that.

I wish there were articles like this more, Like a specific nationality perspective on such and such things.. like their historical background of so and so drama, their entertainment industry, and etc. 

PS: if it is not too hard ask. Can you suggest a good Thai drama with  majority of the cast as Thai, or even just the main lead as Thai.  just started lakorns last year and it all seems interesting.

I just wanted to add that although most of what Zig said is somewhat true, I don't think it's fair to say that 100% of the time it's true that mixed race children are a product of some kind of white male fantasy Thai women have or some Asian fetish the white parent has. I'm Thai and I grew up in international schools, so a lot of people I know are mixed race and their parents are happily married. I'm not saying it doesn't happen because yes, it does, and it's a massive problem. The fetishisation of Thai women is a huge obstacle that many Thai women face both in Thailand and outside of it. But I don't want there to be misinformation as well that all mixed-race Thai kids come from that kind of background. It's not true. Like I said, most of my mixed race Thai friends have happily married parents. My aunt married a Swiss man and they're happily married as well.  

Thai beauty standards are like most Asian industries. They want super thin and pale skin. Actually, growing up, I feel like most people preferred Thai women (and men) who were of Chinese descent rather than those who were 'pure' Thai. I think it's because 'pure' Thai people are more inclined towards being darker skinned. I'm fairly pale, but I tan super easily and I can get really dark if I'm in the sun long enough. Most of my family are like that, but the ones that live in Bangkok are paler than my relatives who live up north. And there is definitely prejudice there because darker skinned people are stereotyped as being of a lower socioeconomic class. Thai culture is VERY classist. The divide between the rich and the poor in Thailand is so ridiculously large, they might as well be on different planets. 

Most Thai actors/actresses come from affluent families/backgrounds. There are hardly any rags-to-riches stories because of this, and that's why there's a tendency for the entertainment industry to big up that background, like whether they studied abroad or attended international schools and which school, etc. 

I'm just saying... For those non-Thais, don't look at our culture in such a black and white paradigm. There are a lot of exceptions, factors, and nuances that you'll miss otherwise. 

Nice and informative post, thank you.

I like Mark Prin and he is not from mixed(western) ethnicity. His both parents are thai.


Why are some thai people very dark and some very white? Are they different ethnic  group? 

I think actors are favored for their western look. The more they are white the more they will have roles. I went to Thailand and thai peoples are pore tanned. It is only in lakorns. Thai actorss are nearly always mixed race. I admit thai actors are really beautifuk.

Just found this thread. Thanks Zig and Sailorscout for the time you took to write. Fascinating reads. When I first started watching Asian dramas in a more full-on way, it took time for my eyes, ears and brain to become accustomed to appearance and language. I would love to see darker toned actors and actresses so I can once again create new pathways in my brain and appreciate a larger range of people. I would love if they had main roles too as, in the ones I access at the moment, the darker skinned are usually used as comic relief, bad guys or the outer group/hanger's on. Great that they are getting work, not so good that they are cast that way.

Without getting too political, may I ask how life in Thailand is for the every-day, regular person. I read that Thailand is a monarchy that is somewhat ruled by the military. How does that affect government/law making and just people in general? Does Thailand have a Prime Minister?

i am not Thai but i used to watch lakorns since 2008 and i have always loved the Pure thai actors because they are pretty more over their acting will be darn good. i prefer acting to face. i really cant stand some of the mixed actors whose acting cant save their life but still become lead because of their face. like seriously.


This was super interesting perspective, thank you.