It feels so unreal I am in Seoul, S.Korea watching one of the best dramas in 2024 

while the rain falls outside and I am enjoying episode 2 and about to rewatch it again lol.

My favorite lines in episode 2 so far:

What about Breakfast? I never skip breakfast. (Baek Sa Eon)

He is telling me to make breakfast, isn't he? (Hong Hui Ju)

Cutting Board... Knife....Pan....Turn It On... (Baek Sa Eon)

( while  Hong Hui Ju watches him make breakfast like a curious child lol)

His "Hostage" suddenly becoming "My person"

Do you want to take it off or should I? Baek Sa Eon

Lucky you, OP! You're describing my dream vacation right now. In Seoul, watching dramas, maybe even stumbling on a filming in a coffee shop ^^

My first line was whatever she said when she told the kidnapper to call back. I think that's probably what saved her from whatever plans the kidnapper had for her.


Lucky you, OP! You're describing my dream vacation right now. In Seoul, watching dramas, maybe even stumbling on a filming in a coffee shop ^^

My first line was whatever she said when she told the kidnapper to call back. I think that's probably what saved her from whatever plans the kidnapper had for her. 

Better, I experienced the first day of snow here today just like it was out of a Kdrama, it still feels unreal I am in the land where they make these magical dramas. I work in TV & Film but there would not be anything quite like it to stumble on a film location where they making a rain scene. I hope you get to visit soon. It's worth every penny and Japan is on another level too :)


Better, I experienced the first day of snow here today just like it was out of a Kdrama, it still feels unreal I am in the land where they make these magical dramas. I work in TV & Film but there would not be anything quite like it to stumble on a film location where they making a rain scene. I hope you get to visit soon. It's worth every penny and Japan is on another level too :)

I'm repeating myself, but lucky you! I hope to be able to visit Asia one day, of course SK is my number 1 destination, followed by Thailand because it's just so beautiful. Japan seems like an interesting destination too.

I hope you do find a rain scene soon to go with the first snow moment you had. First snow always makes me think of Secret Garden for some reason. ^^ 

Have a great time!

Do you want to take it off or should I? Baek Sa Eon.  Wow, just wow!

The walk in of Sa Eon along with his bike drivers and then "she's my wife" reveal >>>

"what makes you think I'll give Hong Heeju to you?"


"what makes you think I'll give Hong Heeju to you?"

Best line !

Sae On (ML)  to Sang U (2ML) : are you married?

Sang U: Are you interested in me?

Sae On: Yes.

I was on the floor hehe


Sae On (ML)  to Sang U (2ML) : are you married?

Sang U: Are you interested in me?

Sae On: Yes.

I was on the floor hehe

lol, I love how he never clarified.

Ep 5.... at 39 mins 

But how did you two come together? Ji Sang U

She said she would buy me dinner. Interpreter Hong Hee-Joo. Baek Sa Eon

She did? Why? Ji Sang U 

She cannot? Baek Sa Eon

Not without a reason. There must be one. Ji Sang U

Then why are you two together? Baek Sa Eon

We're  coming back from covering a site. Ji Sang U 

Lol...They be like this at every meet 

Now tell me, why are you interested in me? Ji Sang U