I just want to remind people there are still many things I love about this Drama which I made clear from my early review. My only "crime" was that I'm unable to appreciate a particular cast and the storyline.
There are wonderful Cast who did great despite how crapy the storyline was written including a particular cast who came to spoil everything.
Lest take a look about how wonderful this cast performed.
1) Tian Jia Rui (ZYC): No one can deny the fact that ZYC was such a saving grace for FoF, just given the fact that he's a new actor, very new to the field, not many upcoming actors was able to set such records in their first and second roles.
TJR nailed his role as if he having been acting before he was born, my first impression of him was in "My Journey to you" as GYZ and then he then set a new records in FoF. Honestly anyone can vow that if without him, no one could watch FoF past 5 episodes.
I can't still forget his impressive action when Bai jiu was death, that is, The disbelief in him, his frustration, his panic, his rage and his anger, All was well-defined at the same time by one person. Such an emotional seen left me crying along with him. Not many actors both seasonal and old can achieve that.
He was also among the cast that compelled me to finish the serie, his impressive acting offset most of the boring moments triggered by some ridiculous cast.
2) Cheng duling (Wen Xiao): Bass on my past reviews, some accuse me of beefing CDL but that's the opposite reality, CDL was actually in my list of top 5 actress in China. I'm a very straightforward person and I won't cover up for my favorite when there is flaw in their role. CDL was such a great actress with unparalleled beauty.
You maybe surprised to know that my first impression of her was in "myth of sword" where she portrays two personality at the same time, second was in "TTEOTM" where she goes for what she wants and doesn't give a fck about what you think. Many dislike her but it seems I'm the only one who love her role in TTEOTM. Her villainous acting was very impressive that I can't have enough of that.
In FoF, I still love her even though I wasn't use to such type of role about her. The fact that they made her a crying queen with less ability to change situations was what I dislike, but that doesn't offset my good impression of her, rather I still find her cute.
3) Bai jiu and Ying Lei: This two character was what the director could have used for Humor, they are very fit for that and it suits their age very well. Baiju in particular was such a very talented young actor who can portray two personality at the same time, he was also very suit for humor, he's the only one who brought smiles and laughter to many during his comedic scenes. What he can achieve when he became adult has no limit.
4) Ya an(Li lun): Li lun was actually the reason why we still feel like there are two spaces in this drama which is "Human and demon" he lets us feel how demon character should be portrayed with all demonic traits. And not like some people who claimed they are demon lord but behaves like a catholic priest Lmao.
Li lun was very great in his acting and nailed his role as a demon 👹 the only thing I find uncomfortable was the slow motion in his voice including other cast. You may not find out about this flaw if you don't understand mandarin though. But nevertheless that didn't offset his impressive portraying of demonic role. Looking forward to see what he got for us in "VoS"
5)And as for Pei si jing; I still can't get over the fact that she killed her own brother for her so called righteous cause, I just hate this type self-righteous character who are ready to sacrifice their love ones to save the world.
And yet she was only feeling sorry and guilty only when she found out her brother was innocent of her accusation. That's utterly nonsense, but nevertheless I still got my a place for her in "The World of Fantasy" and "Fallen into your smile"
I'm not going to keep illustrating but the rest of the cast did absolutely great for me which was why I gave the "cast" rating 8.5
It was 8.5 instead of 10 because of the ml who does a lot of damage to the serie with his unrealistic acting. Many Will argue that I got some collective hate against ml but that's the opposite. I love him in "Back from the brink" though, I just can't like how he suddenly chose to act this way in FoF. That was annoying beyond annoyance.
If you delve well into my different points across this platform, you will realize that I gave my reviews with no bias and and i don't care if you agrees or not, I'm not one among those who turn blind eye to reality and appease the populace.
If you don't like my way of critiques then is better for you to keep a distance because I don't beg you to engage, which will then lead to insult. I will block such type of people immediately they choose violence.
My review aren't meant for you but for people who actually needs it. There are hundreds of thousands of viewers in this platform and your bias opinions do not matter.
The "wonderful cast who tried their best to save FoF" likely refers to the actors or team involved in a show or project called "FoF" (possibly "Friends of the Family" or something else). They likely put in significant effort to save the project from cancellation or challenges. If you have more context on what "FoF" refers to, I can give a more specific answer!
Go to your favourite tian ji rui drama then making crap post and degrade and insult other actor hardwork n job, dont be such disgrace tu human race, the one who bias is who.. go get a life
There is nothing wrong with critiquing actors in a drama. The last time I checked, this is what MDL discussions are for, other than chitter chatter of course.
Your type of comment is classic (to try and gaslight others into thinking this is wrong and shaming others into thinking they're so loved-up with their faves, they cannot form an independent opinion.) This might be in your world or circle of friends, but (believe it or not) does not extend outside of it. . Either you are hiding behind being a modern day snow-flake and cannot accept a difference of opinion, or you are so paranoid to the point, you cannot have clear independent thinking.
Nepeta 22:
There is nothing wrong with critiquing actors in a drama. The last time I checked, this is what MDL discussions are for, other than chitter chatter of course.
Your type of comment is classic (to try and gaslight others into thinking this is wrong and shaming others into thinking they're so loved-up with their faves, they cannot form an independent opinion.) This might be in your world or circle of friends, but (believe it or not) does not extend outside of it. . Either you are hiding behind being a modern day snow-flake and cannot accept a difference of opinion, or you are so paranoid to the point, you cannot have clear independent thinking.
LOL... throwing hate and critique was the whole 2 diffrent thing... dont try mislead my comment ... this user hv been constantly downgrade the ML .. and she the one who cnt accept diff opinion.. ironic how you go around saying people here cnt accept diff opinion..just beacuse we hv same thinking.. whilst other who repetitively INSULTING.. read again... INSULTING..DOWNGRADE the ML neo.. and kept saying in every reply n comment tht the ML was bad when one praising the ML..so thts not called cnt accept dif opinion? Such hypocrite ...
Mellowrose, your last comment is not totally coherent, so I will only answer what I think you were trying to convey. Firstly, no one is stopping you from criticising another actor. That is your choice. But just because you don't, that does not mean it's wrong when another one does.
That 'hate' word you over-use so much should be saved for more serious and valid reasons in life rather than it being used as a weapon for a petty point between actors. The worst case in this situation is the other poster is very direct, and that's rubbed some up the wrong way. It's not anything more. Like I said in the beginning, we are all entitled to have an opinion on a drama or actor (good or bad).
Nepeta 22:
Mellowrose, your last comment is not totally coherent, so I will only answer what I think you were trying to convey. Firstly, no one is stopping you from criticising another actor. That is your choice. But just because you don't, that does not mean it's wrong when another one does.
That 'hate' word you over-use so much should be saved for more serious and valid reasons in life rather than it being used as a weapon for a petty point between actors. The worst case in this situation is the other poster is very direct, and that's rubbed some up the wrong way. It's not anything more. Like I said in the beginning, we are all entitled to have an opinion on a drama or actor (good or bad).
I didnt say everyone didnt entitle to their opinion.. but ANTIS.. HATER does exist thts the FACT.. so thts why i said many times there huge diffrence between CRITQUE... OPINION & HATING.. you like it or not.. believe it or not.. again i said people who hating on actor do EXIST.. if u said dont use hate word as weapon so i cn also said .. there people using OPINION as weapon to simply spreading hate to an actor... wether u who live in buble or ignorance the TRUTH.. many people hiding behind opinion.. to mislead and manipulate people .. you think its petty reason..but yes.. there exist petty people who cnt even seeing other actor surpassed their fav.. this was entertainment circle was . Learn to read the room.. not all room the same
Mellowrose, your last post is depressing to read. It also breeds paranoia. This is meant to be entertainment, and instead you are wrapped up and concerned about others harming your actor. Just to remind you, it's just a person posting an opinion, albeit a negative one. You weren't expecting glowing report all year round was you? Maybe inside your fan circle. But outside of that circle, you might need to accept general views/opinions.
Yes, there are other fandoms that do this and I don't agree nor support this type of tribal behaviour. However, defending and smothering or even cut out any opinion as hate is also wrong. It closes that voice of many. In the end, is it not better just to not respond?
Mellowrose, as you said, it is my opinion. And my opinion in this case is the over-usage of this word is to paint your chosen actor as some sort of victim and needs defending. Truth is, he/she is doing just fine. These mothering fans ought to lay off with this smothering over-bearing behaviour, it can even embarrass the actor and puts pressure on them. In other words, you could be doing more harm than good to your favourite star.
Nepeta 22:
Mellowrose, as you said, it is my opinion. And my opinion in this case is the over-usage of this word is to paint your chosen actor as some sort of victim and needs defending. Truth is, he/she is doing just fine. These mothering fans ought to lay off with this smothering over-bearing behaviour, it can even embarrass the actor and puts pressure on them. In other words, you could be doing more harm than good to your favourite star.
Ok go on with ur opinion then.. she is just hating n hater.. thts my opinion... 😁
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