I know that Dong Hua Di Jun was born from nothingness tens of thousands of years ago. Anyone here knows his real form? As far as I remember, he hasn't revealed his real form in TMOPB as well as in ELOD. Thank you!

His real form is a rock. He's literally a stone.

All the readers think his real form is a stone, but it's actually never been confirmed by Tang Qi, the writer.

It has been confirmed multiple times in the book, and in her extra comic she posted online years ago. He sprang from a rock. 

Yes, he sprang from a rock, but isn't that his origin, not his true form? Sorry, I'm just a little confused.

In her books and comics she does say his true form was a rock. However, the drama leads me to believe he has many forms and it never says his real one. IDK. Drop the author a line at her weibo page if you're really burning to find out.

The author says his original form is a rock.  He simply came to be.   but he is a super god like you know how in Greek myths there are the primordial gods (like literally the earth or physical world) then the Titans then third gen gods like Zeus? I think DH is closer to a primordial god level.  Since he has no parents. DH was born from chaos.  In eternal love the tv show they kept him out of the loop by using their FJ plot version to keep him weak because he would upstage Ye Hua. Truthfully in the book DH basically lazed around in his palace during the eternal love plot because he wasnt interested in helping it.  He didn’t believe it was worth his time

Oh and my ’he would upstage Ye Hua’ is purely biased speculation lol