
I hope you don't mind me usurping your topic, but I thought all the links to Episode 37/Epilogue should be in one place for everyone's convenience.

You can find the entire episode 37 (all 7+ minutes + subtitles) at  https://wohnetwork.tumblr.com

Look for the link under News.

The broke audience gives you mnay thanks

I cried after the last episode.  Thanks for this!! 

Ah, the savior of the broke audience! Thank you!

Man, that white hair, I just had Dong Hua Dijun flashbacks.


Man, that white hair, I just had Dong Hua Dijun flashbacks.

I never knew I liked men in historical dramas with white hair until I saw  Dong Hua 

You are welcome guys <3 

Thank you very much 

I haven't been able to watch this special episode because I can't get youku membership and it's not launched in my country so thank you

ep 37 was only 3 minutes?

No it wasn't that was just the end part it's actually 7-8:00


No it wasn't that was just the end part it's actually 7-8:00

AH, thank you for the reply!!!