Just finished watching the series... I was crying like a baby. Oh My GOD!!!

What is your most romantic scene?!!!

There are so many romantic scenes but my all-time fav is when Dean went to Pharm after he learned about In and Korn from P'Sin. Pharm offered Dean clothes (no shirt but that's ok with me) so he could take a shower. While Dean was in the shower, Pharm realized that his bed would be too small for the both of them to sleep so he fell asleep on the sofa. Dean saw Pharm sleeping on the sofa and lifted him up and put him on the bed.  Dean laid on top of Pharm who was scared because he probably thought Dean was going to do something sexual. But Dean just laid there while Pharm caressed his head, shoulders, and body! From lifting Pharm off the sofa to carrying him in his arms and laying him on the bed, with the song Until We Meet Again by Boy Sompub playing in the background made this a romantic scene for me!

(Ep. 9)

I LOVE when...

Parm did the Red Tie game and picked Dean like it was a locked game. They walked around the building and then Parm walked backward into the empty classroom, having Dean let him there by walking toward him.... "who taught you to do this?", Dean. Parm back was against the windows. Dean showed him the clip... Pram got so shy, red face and embarrass... he didn't know wha to do and decided to hind behind the thin curtain... Absolutely adorable!!!!

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