Hi everyone! I wanted to share the translation for a big scene from book 3 Nayamashii Kare that I did as a present for a friend. It's in Russian, not English, but I figured, hey, it's better than nothing. And this covers a pretty sizeable chunk of the novel, about 1/10 of the whole story. Without spoiling the plot, this is Kiyoi and Hira meeting at the end of the book and what follows after it. If you read the twitter thread linked in the first post, you'll know what I'm talking about. Even if you didn't, I described the few things you need to know in my translator's comment before the text itself. Although it takes place almost at the end of the book, the excerpt is almost 80% smut, so you really don't need to be that familiar with what happened before it.

Here's the Link, feel free to share. Oh, and you can comment there in English if you want to clarify something, say thanks or just chat.
Also, I know that reading it with Google translate is technically more convenient, but do yourself a favor and translate it with Deepl: the text would be way more decent and comprehensible. Believe me - I compared them. Even if you don't have browser extensions that allow you to copy the text from Wattpad, I've just tried the "highlight all the text on a page starting from the title and drag it into a blank document file with a mouse" method - and it works. Just make sure to scroll to the end of the page beforehand to load the text in full. UPD: I added a link to a Deepl-translated pdf right in the translator's comment, so you no longer  need to go through all the hassle with copying.

Fair warning: my Japanese is not yet proficient enough, but I'm a creative translator by trade, so the text should flow well (even the  machine translated one), but there bound to be some mistakes, though nothing major. I hope.
I do want to translate some other scenes from the book, but life is pretty busy so no promises.

oh my god that was so beautiful thank you for translating🙏🐥

Thank you ^_^
By the way, if someone can suggest a more user-friendly platform to post it, I'm all ears. I thought about AO3, but I think they're much more strict with copyrighted material. Alternatively, feel free to message me if you can't copy the text after all or the formatting is all messy.

And I wanted to clarify a couple of things about next books in the series. In her afterword for Nayamashii Kare, Nagira Yu says that she wants this to be a long series, and indeed, in her recent interview she said that she had worked out the plot for the next installment, but for now, she haven't yet figured out the final goal of the series. Apart from Hira and Kiyoi, she wanted to expand more on Noguchi, Hira's mentor, as well as the mentor Kiyoi gets in book 3. And there's also a plotline from Interlude (the collection of stories happening during books 1-3, some of which were included in season 2) which I sincerely hope she'll abandon... Anyway, unless something unexpected happens, like a severe case of author's block, the Utsukushii Kare series won't end on the next novel.

"Hi everyone! I wanted to share the translation for a big scene from book 3 Nayamashii Kare that I did as a present for a friend. It's in Russian, not English, but I figured, hey, it's better than nothing. And this covers a pretty sizeable chunk of the novel, about 1/10 of the whole story. Without spoiling the plot, this is Kiyoi and Hira meeting at the end of the book and what follows after it."

Thanks a lot for sharing this, Saffron_Milk

Will hurry up and read it. Google chrome allow us to translate the text directly. It comes with  a google translate extension that allow us to translate almost any page. 

Wattpad is a pretty good place to post your translations. Some translations gets reported, but it doesn`t happen to most people, and i don`t think anyone would be interested to report a russian translation, so i think you are safe with this. I don`t know of another platform to suggest to you. 

I want to back up what you`ve said about Nagira Yuu planning to write more novels in continuation of Nayamashii Kare, since i`ve read of this as well. 

I have a favor from all of you. If If it`s possible, will you please support Riku in this poll???. The poll is related to the https://reddit.com/r/boyslove/ sub in reddit which i am part of. 

You can vote for the poll in this twitter post

OMG, Everyone should read the chapter that Saffron_Milk  has provided for us because is so hilariously funny. I started reading it and it made me realise how much i missed these two dorks. 

 I missed reading Kiyoi`s thoughts. He is such a funny and entertaining character. 

Using google chrome makes things really easily to read. 

Reading Kiyoi say : " There is only starvation" left to try made me laugh so hard. This is so like him, his antics are so funny. 

Thanks so much, Saffron_Milk! Can't wait to read it and see what the canon smut's like...

Guys, please don't use Google translate or its Chrome extension unless you really have no other choice. I had no idea that it was still so bad for translating from Russian. It even adds some non-con overtones with its choice of words, would you believe it?
After thinking about it, I added a link to a Deepl-translated pdf right in the text, at the end of my translator's comment.  You can use that instead.

And Kiyoi thoughts can really be so funny. Sometimes he comes across wonderfully unkingly-like, while still showing why Hira admires him so much.

I WANT TO HEAR THEM SAYING AYSHITIRU. if its not a live action then for now i literally can't wait to listen to the third cd😭😭❤️ this makes me want it even more

by the way i read the two translations and compared them and just like what Saffron_Milk said, do yourself a favor and read it using deepl


Guys, please don't use Google translate or its Chrome extension unless you really have no other choice. I had no idea that it was still so bad for translating from Russian. It even adds some non-con overtones with its choice of words, would you believe it?
After thinking about it, I added a link to a Deepl-translated pdf right in the text, at the end of my translator's comment.  You can use that instead.

And Kiyoi thoughts can really be so funny. Sometimes he comes across wonderfully unkingly-like, while still showing why Hira admires him so much.

Found  the link. This is indeed much better. Thanks a lot.

 I will add your translation to the first comment for everyone to access it easily. 

Round 2 my friends. Riku passed the 1th round successfully, so please lend me your force from now on as well. 

You can vote for the poll in this twitter post

Ladies and gentlemen, let's do it until the end and support Riku in this round as well  He passed the previous round.

You can vote for the poll in this twitter post

Hi! Can someone send me the link for the Japanese uncensored version of disc2 and 3 ?


Hi! Can someone send me the link for the Japanese uncensored version of disc2 and 3 ?

From what i remember, there was someone else confused about this. 

DISC 2 OR DISC 3 are  part of the second audio drama. 

There are two audio dramas ( Utsukushii Kare CD- the first one and Nikurashii Kare CD- the second one) that i am able to share right now in this discussion thread. I will notify everyone when i am able to share the third audio drama ( Nayamashii Kare CD).

The first audio drama has two DISCS, while the second audio dramas has three discs with each discs containing the tracks that can be listened.

 Based on this, i guess you want  the second audio drama ( i can share both the first and second audio drama too). If yes?, please  give a reply to this  and i will send it to you. 

Guys, you can also find the uncensored dramaCD of the second book on yaoiotaku forums.