
Sure, I  will DM it to you.

Hi, do you still have it? can I have the link too? Please i want the audio of the second part 🥺


Thank you for the news. This is such great news. 

I will add the link to my original post immediately. 

Glad to have one more source that has english translation. Hopefuly, the translation will go smootly. 

Ch2 is out - https://ikemen-scans.livejournal.com/174754.html 
Looks like they are trying to release weekly updates as far as possible.

You can update the link in the original post to their master-post link instead: https://ikemen-scans.livejournal.com/174004.html 

Thanks for creating this single place for all adaptations etc related to the series.


Ch2 is out - https://ikemen-scans.livejournal.com/174754.html 
Looks like they are trying to release weekly updates as far as possible.

You can update the link in the original post to their master-post link instead: https://ikemen-scans.livejournal.com/174004.html 

Thanks for creating this single place for all adaptations etc related to the series.

Thanks for always keeping me updated. I  will immediately changed it. 

I am happy to see that the release of the chapters is stable. 


The ORIGINAL JAPANESE UNCENSORED VERSION of the second audio drama is now available.

 Similarly with the first audio drama, it shouldn`t be shared publicly, so everyone who wants it, write me here, and i will DM you the link.

I hope it's not too late. Could you please give me the links? (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

I have the  ORIGINAL JAPANESE UNCENSORED VERSION  of the second audio drama and i can share it to everyone who wants it.  Similarly with the first audio drama, anyone who wants it, can  send me a message privately or in this thread, and i will DM/message  you the link.

Can I please get the link to this?

As the owner of this thread and someone who has participated actively in the discussions about the drama while it was airing,  i am really happy to see how big our community around Utsukushii Kare has grown in this MDL page, because it happens rarely for people to keep in contact with each other and still remember each other after a drama ends. Just feel like saying something after all this time.

As people can guess, i didn`t make a post only because of this.

I have really good news. There is a new translator who has reached to me with the desire to translate the novels in english too. Their translation is really good in my opinion,  just like the translation made by Lollipop. 

I  am really grateful to both translators for deciding to translate the novels for us.  We will always be grateful, don`t forget this.  🙇‍♀️😢❤️️

The new translator is named White Lotus and this is the link where their translation can be read which i added in my fixed post too. 


You are right Ximmich, it's cool that we are all still in touch because we loved this drama so much. I, for one, am dying to see the novel translated. But I gotta say, I don't really have as much hope as you, lol. Because so far this will be the 3rd translator of the novel, and none of them gets past chapter 2 before dropping it.  I see that this translator got to chapt 1.  I am really praying she is the one who carries on to finish it.  That would be awesome, so here's hoping..............


You are right Ximmich, it's cool that we are all still in touch because we loved this drama so much. I, for one, am dying to see the novel translated. But I gotta say, I don't really have as much hope as you, lol. Because so far this will be the 3rd translator of the novel, and none of them gets past chapter 2 before dropping it.  I see that this translator got to chapt 1.  I am really praying she is the one who carries on to finish it.  That would be awesome, so here's hoping..............

I don’t know about others, but I’m not dropping it. I just can’t update very quickly because I have 2 full time jobs and I put a lot of care into my translations which makes it take longer. But if people are still reading and wanting to read, I won’t drop it. 

I just read her translation of chapter 1 and it's terrific!  I left a comment telling her how good it is, thanking her for all her hard work, and told her to let us know if she needs any help. 

And I want to also thank you, Ximmich, for creating this community.  

Lollipop,  I regret if I misworded my message. I am pleased to hear that you are  not dropping it. But one of the translators definitely dropped it as we heard nothing else from her for almost a year.   In your case, I understand that you are working hard with your jobs and other life responsibilities and, hence, are taking longer.  I am just glad that you are doing it all!  So please forgive me if I came off as rushing you, lol.  I just love this story so much and am, therefore, overly eager to see it translated.


I don’t know about others, but I’m not dropping it. I just can’t update very quickly because I have 2 full time jobs and I put a lot of care into my translations which makes it take longer. But if people are still reading and wanting to read, I won’t drop it. 

I really hope you will continue translating it, because they are many people who want to read your translation. I am one of them.

 I am glad there is more than on translator working on it, because when it comes to japanese works, dramas/movies, mangas/anime, the translations always comes with the translator personal touch, which makes every translation really interesting and informative to read. It gives a much better understanding of a japanese work if is translated by multiple translators.

Just translate in your own rhythm,  without feeling any pressure and only when time permites you.

Excellent point Ximmich.  Translation is truly an art in itself, and every translator brings a different aura and sensibility to the work.  I studied Literature at Columbia University, and we had an entire department just for "Translation."  People got Masters Degrees in the Art of Translating.  So it truly is a field in itself.   

Thus, I would read both translations of this novel when they are finished, just to get the differing sensibilities that they bring to their work .   The point is that I totally respect translators in general and, moreover, appreciate the work that our translators in particular are doing.   Really, thank you!

I just read Lollipop's newest chapter translation. It is excellent.  She is so good at capturing the spirit of the story.  Moreover, her syntax is very clear and we get the meaning in every sentence.   Thank you so much Lollipop!  I am genuinely grateful for your hard work.  This community will worship  you when it's done, lol. 

Hi again. I want to mention that the first volume of the manga was completely translated/scanlated in english in case you didn`t noticed. 

I will share the link where it can be watched again. 



I don’t know about others, but I’m not dropping it. I just can’t update very quickly because I have 2 full time jobs and I put a lot of care into my translations which makes it take longer. But if people are still reading and wanting to read, I won’t drop it. 

I just need to say THANK YOU SO MUCH. I so desperately wanted to read the book despite not being able to read Japanese or get my hands on a copy. I was fully willing to google translate it all if I had to, and obviously yours is SO much better. I so greatly appreciate it. You're doing gods work. Thank you. <3