@busterboy ... hahahah so funny n straight forward.. pity YS. Thank you so much taking ur time to translate... u have no idea how often I come here n check is there any update from u

I come here 2-3 times a day just to check you updates.. Thank youuuuu @busterboy
waiting to read more updates

I can see Wu Lei acting out this scene too.  I hope they stick close to the novel version of the story.

@busterboy, I also am looking forward to seeing Wu Lei acting in that scene. Thank you again so much for your summaries. You write so well. I can't wait for your spoilers!!!

Just wanted to share an amusing excerpt from the novel. 

This is where Shao Gong was annoyed with Shao Shang as he has to run around because of her. 

Shao Shang: Why is it my fault?

Shao Gong: Your brother now has to listen to your ex ex fiancé’s instructions, and follow your ex ex ex fiancé to look for your ex fiancé, you tell me this is not your fault?

 Shao Gong stormed off thinking “it’s lucky I only have one sister, if I more than one, I would surely go be a monk!”

he he.. so who is he refering to as ex ex fiance.. ex ex ex fiance.. ex fiance

@Arpita, he has to listen to Ling Buyi, and to follow Lou Yao to look for Yuan Shen. 

owlet78  he he... I hope they add this scene in drama.. it will be so funny

Continuing with my updates - CHAPTER 157-163

After LBY, YS, SS and fifth prince are all in the carriage, everyone is silent and the fifth prince is laughing I think. YS gets really upset and looks at LBY like he is a monster and starts shouting at him. Everyone is arguing and LBY stays calm and simply says to YS that SS is not a good fit for him. It is revealed that prior to this, because the queen is ill and wants to see SS get married, she started looking for a marriage partner. She actually proposed to the King of East China Sea and asked him to kiss her but he refused. Then she tried with the fifth prince who refused and SS beat him up lol. When YS heard this, he was furious and was wishing he could starve SS for 3 days and punish her by reciting scriptures and copying the Dharma a hundred times. The fifth prince jumped out of the carriage as soon as he could because LBY was pretty threatening by this point but he was calm and he was the one who pointed out SS tried to propose to the fifth prince, and they were both like "how did you know?!". It's because LBY knows SS so well. He knows if she wants to get married to someone, she will find someone to marry.  YS tries to maintain his composure and says to LBY, although he knows SS really well, it is her who decided to marry me. SS nods vigorously. LBY says "Sometimes what SS says and does are not what she wants". LBY says a bit more stuff to show that he is the one who truly understands SS but gets interrupted by affairs he has to tend to and leaves before either SS or YS can say much more. They were both left stunned by this sudden attack from LBY and are both left pretty flustered and worried. YS was determined to fight LBY since he has rarely liked anyone in his life. 

Luo Jitong then decides to confront SS at her manor but LJT is easy for SS to handle. LJT then notices the bite scar on SS's arm and remembers when he was taking care of LBY in the NW, he would always sit and touch a similar scar on his arm. She is so upset and leaves. A bunch of political stuff goes on and I'm not good at summarizing those sections. Back at LBY's manor, LJT is waiting for him because she wants an answer from him. She has admired LBY since they were kids and she is so livid because she thought LBY accepted her while they were in the NW. She is a widow and has liked LBY since she was young but she isn't a good person. When her husband was ill, she killed him because she wanted to be by LBY when he arrived sick and injured. LBY let her stay by her side as a cover. She wanted SS to live a stable life and not hinder her, so she didn't want the Emperor or Empress to hinder SS moving on for him. LBY also didn't reveal LJT because she rescued  Ah Fei one time and because she saved his life, he saved hers. But LBY admits he used her as a cover. She is puzzled and asked him why? When SS gets married, he has to find a wife, even if its not me. Why did he need to use her as a cover...and then she puts the pieces together. LBY wasn't planning to get married at all. He said he only wants to marry someone if he is happy with that women. Deep inside, he wants his future children to be born to the world because of sincere affection and not for profit or anything else. He leaves LJT and she realizes LBY has the purest and warmest affection in the world. Unfortunately this affection does not belong to her. Before she leaves, LJT tell LBY that SS's scar is almost all gone and she has probably already forgotten about him. 

LBY visits the Cheng manor and brings a lot of gifts. He kneels there and apologizes to SS's parents for what happened 5 years ago. SS's dad scolds him and tells him that SS almost died a few times because of him. If he goes to the backyard, there is still a coffin there. By now, the rumors and scandals about the Luo, Huo and Cheng family are flying everywhere and LBY and SS are the talk of the town. LBY is really powerful, even the emperor says this. The moment he is back, everyone is just gossiping about him and his love life lol. YS's dad is starting to question YS if he really wants to marry SS and he reflects back on the starry night fiver years ago when he rushed into the palace hearing about LBY's massacre. When she saw SS, she was thin and sluggish, walking slowly with the help of the palace wall like a fish without scales, and she was stripped of all her vitality, exhausted and crushed by endless grief and grievances. When she raised her head, her tearful eyes were bigger and darker then usual, and the cold, scornful gaze that shot at him instantly scorched his heart. YS felt breathless seeing her with admiring pity. He had never felt this way and he still doesn't know how to deal with this kind of affection. 

I think there is a banquet and LBY sees SS again and pulls her to meet. She struggles but LBY is strong and they go to somewhere to talk. LBY is pretty rough here and tries to hug her multiple times. He pulls out her arm and asks her why her bite mark is so faint. SS said all these years she has been seeing many doctors to try to get rid of the bite marks. With a few more treatments, the scar should be gone by the time they get married. Then it gets really chaotic because LBY grabs her arm and bites it!! She struggles and fights, claws at his hair and face LOL. They often play fought when they were together but this time, it was all tooth and nails. SS out of desperation bit LBY in the hand and by the time they were done, LBY's face was pretty disheveled and his face was all scratched up - omg this will be one hell of a scene. I hope the drama keeps this one :D

The scene continues because LBY literally begs SS to go back to him. He kneels on the floor and tells her he never wanted to hurt her. He really thought he would wrap up all the Ling Yi revenge before their marriage. He has only wanted her to be happy and even when she and Lou Yao were together, he already found a place for them to stay. He also never thought of marriage until he met her. They are both crying and sobbing, and SS is very angry and says she will never forgive him. She never forgives those who have wronged and he holds her and pleads to her not to be so cruel. Then, a bunch of palace people emerge and they see LBY and SS, covered in blood and scratches, one kneeling and one standing...

YS felt breathless seeing her with admiring pity.

i want to know if in the novel YS marries another girl at the ending?? or even he became fiancee at the ending??

 i thought cousin of CSS will get engaged to him in the drama, no sure


@busterboy, I also am looking forward to seeing Wu Lei acting in that scene. Thank you again so much for your summaries. You write so well. I can't wait for your spoilers!!!

Thank you hell59

busterboy  thank you so much for the updatess

We all will need a lot of tissues for season 2 and fingers crossed that most significant moments from the novel were filmed - and there will be probably some scenes created only for the series needs - like the one when LBY is saving SS during lantern festival - in the book he was only stalking her from the opposite side of the street...

I doubt they will include anything from the epilogue but it will definitely have a happy ending as we can see in one of the spoilers a last scene from the book when they kiss each other and SS is touching a string band on LBY hand...


We all will need a lot of tissues for season 2 and fingers crossed that most significant moments from the novel were filmed - and there will be probably some scenes created only for the series needs - like the one when LBY is saving SS during lantern festival - in the book he was only stalking her from the opposite side of the street...

I doubt they will include anything from the epilogue but it will definitely have a happy ending as we can see in one of the spoilers a last scene from the book when they kiss each other and SS is touching a string band on LBY hand... 

what happens in the epilogue? Can you spoil me XD