
How did Yanji come to know of LJT's plans? 

When they were trapped Wang YAnJi said to CSS: you should thank the queen mother Xuan. If she hadn’t passed away, it would have been your eldest mother who died.  That means she kept tabs and if the eldest mother died her family would have mobilise to return the coffin to the hometown so Wang YAnJi could execute her plan using CSS as a bait to trap LBY. The google translation of the novel sometimes is quite difficult to follow as it is literal  and so the proper meaning is lost. 


When they were trapped Wang YAnJi said to CSS: you should thank the queen mother Xuan. If she hadn’t passed away, it would have been your eldest mother who died.  That means she kept tabs and if the eldest mother died her family would have mobilise to return the coffin to the hometown so Wang YAnJi could execute her plan using CSS as a bait to trap LBY. The google translation of the novel sometimes is quite difficult to follow as it is literal  and so the proper meaning is lost. 

Thanks! How did Yanji know LJT was out to kill CSS?


Thanks! How did Yanji know LJT was out to kill CSS?

My assumption is that if WJ kept tabs on CSS she must have known exactly what was going on, plus LJT deployed all of her  family army to go after her.


When they were trapped Wang YAnJi said to CSS: you should thank the queen mother Xuan. If she hadn’t passed away, it would have been your eldest mother who died.  That means she kept tabs and if the eldest mother died her family would have mobilise to return the coffin to the hometown so Wang YAnJi could execute her plan using CSS as a bait to trap LBY. The google translation of the novel sometimes is quite difficult to follow as it is literal  and so the proper meaning is lost. 

WYJ kept tab on CSS, she was intending to kill CSS's grandmother originally (by poison, I assumed, since there was a point that her grandmas was really sick and they had to call all her 3 sons back to be by her side). When her grandmother died, the family would return to their hometown for burial and mourning. WYJ planned to attack CSS on the way.

 Later on, she changed her mind as the old empress passed away and CSS followed her wish to scatter her ash at the old house of the empress's father. CSS's grandmother recovered miraculously (since she stopped being poisoned). 

CSS planned to visit Luo Yao on her way back after scattering the empress's ash. WYJ knew about this through Lou Li. She planned to kidnap CSS then as Luo Yao's post was near to her lair. However, LJT attacked CSS and CSG first, when they were on their way to the house of the old empress's father. Had LJT succeeded, it would have completely ruined WYJ's plan. Therefore, WYJ ordered LJT to be executed brutally.


My assumption is that if WJ kept tabs on CSS she must have known exactly what was going on, plus LJT deployed all of her  family army to go after her.

They never mentioned what happened to JLT family in the end. What a shame, I would love to read what heavy price they had to pay for having nurtured a viper. Cant be any good though as LBY had vowed to take revenge on the Luo family for LJT's action.

Thanks so much! Now I better comprehend the roles and fate of both LJT n WYJ.


They never mentioned what happened to JLT family in the end. What a shame, I would love to read what heavy price they had to pay for having nurtured a viper. Cant be any good though as LBY had vowed to take revenge on the Luo family for LJT's action.

Yes and I think although LJT father knew about her dirty deeds because LBY told him, he let her get away with it. If I am not mistaken LJT father fell off the horse and was supposedly in a coma so LJT was able to deploy the family army but LBY was suspicious of this and thought that LJT father was condoning and ignoring her past actions because the father intended to marry her off well so that his family would gain prestige.  It would have been nice if the revenge was depicted but then LJT had a brutal death so I think that was enough. 


Yes and I think although LJT father knew about her dirty deeds because LBY told him, he let her get away with it. If I am not mistaken LJT father fell off the horse and was supposedly in a coma so LJT was able to deploy the family army but LBY was suspicious of this and thought that LJT father was condoning and ignoring her past actions because the father intended to marry her off well so that his family would gain prestige.  It would have been nice if the revenge was depicted but then LJT had a brutal death so I think that was enough. 

I really couldn't stand her towards the end. There are other bitchy characters throughout the novel like the 5th princess who never redeemed herself despite multiple lessons she had earned, but LJT takes the cake. She killed innocent people and never felt anything wrong with it because 'oh, it is for me to be with my beloved LBY'. She totally disgusted me. In reality, she is only a coward who hid behind the scene and schemed. At least, the 5th princess had the gut to admit that she caused CSS to be pushed into the pond. 

Excuse me for my rant.

How did she (LJT) die in the novel?

@rabbitcasa  No you are absolutely right; the worst part was that she pretended to be nice while hiding her vicious nature and jealousy.  After LBY returned from exile and it was clear that he wanted nothing to do with her, she even went to see CSS to ask her to  intercede on her behalf so LBY would marry her and was  acting all pitiful but as soon as CSS said no she changed her tune. LJT is a very despicable character. 


How did she (LJT) die in the novel?

When LJT corpse was found her head was lowered and her limbs were cut off, both ears and lips  were cut off and she was nailed to the wall with a spear. She was cut off first let to struggle for a bit and then nailed to the wall alive. Very gruesome death. 


When LJT corpse was found her head was lowered and her limbs were cut off, both ears and lips  were cut off and she was nailed to the wall with a spear. She was cut off first let to struggle for a bit and then nailed to the wall alive. Very gruesome death. 

Befitting of a murderer. She killed a whole innocent family, including women and children because she mistook them for CSS's entourage. When she was confronted by CSS about it, she was like: 'oh, my bad, so what is about it?' 

She didn't have to kill all of them when she realized they were not CSS group, but she was afraid that if she left them alive, her plan would be leaked. She killed them just because they had the misfortune passing by the road where her soldiers were ambushing CSS. That's how evil she was. To her, human lives are probably just tools for her to utilise. 

It makes me wonder whether the 5th princess turned out the way she was thanks to her influence.


Befitting of a murderer. She killed a whole innocent family, including women and children because she mistook them for CSS's entourage. When she was confronted by CSS about it, she was like: 'oh, my bad, so what is about it?'

Yes she deserved it; was it A Fei that was crying saying that LBY made a mistake to let LJT go?LBY did it because she saved  A Fei from freezing to death  and so he was crying with guilt after all her horrible actions were uncovered. 


Yes she deserved it; was it A Fei that was crying saying that LBY made a mistake to let LJT go?LBY did it because she saved  A Fei from freezing to death  and so he was crying with guilt after all her horrible actions were uncovered. 

I think it was. I read the novel in my language therefore the names were translated differently (like Ling Bu Yi was translated into Lang Bat Nghi). It was his sidekick who was inexperienced with women thought JLT was nice. He felt guilty after everything had happened because he thought if not for him, LBY wouldn't have let her get away lightly the first time. Then the rest of the events wouldn't have happened.

Oh well, he was really inexperienced with women after all ?.


I think it was. I read the novel in my language therefore the names were translated differently (like Ling Bu Yi was translated into Lang Bat Nghi). It was his sidekick who was inexperienced with women thought JLT was nice. He felt guilty after everything had happened because he thought if not for him, LBY wouldn't have let her get away lightly the first time. Then the rest of the events wouldn't have happened.

Oh well, he was really inexperienced with women after all ?.

I know what you mean with the names, it’s very confusing especially with google translate .