
@scarfie Can i ask what motivates Yuan Shen‘s negative comments about FL? Is it his way of guarding her from other males or is he still thinks that she is scheming and dishonest? 

I have not read the book but i think its jealousy. He likes her and she doesn't pay him any attention.

 Sirry Usly:

What chapter does this happen in? I haven't read the whole book yet. Just bits here and there. 

Chapter 109 :) 

Hi everyone, I'm new here and have been looking for translated Love Like The Galaxy novel. Can someone share the link with me?

Really appreciate it.


will the mom and SS ever get a better reletionship

I wonder about the paired bitten marks on CSS and LBY's arms. Can someone who knows share some spoiler about it? 

in the book, LBY had “renewed”  his mark on her after 5y but i was interested in significance of marking and what it means for our couple?


in the book, LBY had “renewed”  his mark on her after 5y but i was interested in significance of marking and what it means for our couple?

Renewed? Does it mean they made the mark before, then do it again after the 5 years?


I wonder about the paired bitten marks on CSS and LBY's arms. Can someone who knows share some spoiler about it? 

Its in their tradition to make an oath in blood (e.g biting their finger) so LBY bit her arm ? so it's like their promise to each other :') 

Yes, marks were made before 5 y separation and became she was putting creams in her mark, after 5y her mark was less  prominent then his. So he has renewed her mark but it was also to one of the ways to get YS to back off from engagement.


@scarfie Can i ask what motivates Yuan Shen‘s negative comments about FL? Is it his way of guarding her from other males or is he still thinks that she is scheming and dishonest? 

My personal opinion. I think he isn't sure with his own feeling, He loves her, for sure, but as the head of Yuan family, his future wife has demanding obligations that (he thinks) CSS isn't capable of so he can't really express it sincerely, his taunting and scheming is like looking for assurance that CSS like him too. He's insecure of himself, he sees LBY as more strong competitor for the CSS's hand.  

I like YS...although he's bitter, cunning, insecure, and mean. But he's a good man...he doesn't do anything to jeopardy someone's life - he takes a fair shoot while LY is innocent, LBY tough, and YS is cunning. CSS is a lucky girl. 

can someone share LBY thoughts and feeling toward css in the novel before they got engaged? What’s his first impression of her? What does he think about her looks and personality and what cause him to be interested in her? I read a chapter where they had that tower incident and he mentioned she look at him differently if she know what he really like. That implies to me she usually look at LBY with eyes of adoration. Is that right? CSS look so indifferent toward LBY in the drama so I’m curious what her thought about him is like in the novel. 


I just saw the MV. Can somebody tell me why Chen Shao Shang mother slap her in the face while her family look disappointed?

Hey everyone, it's been amazing to read this thread. I am also wondering about the above, about how CSS's mother slapped her in the MV, can anyone explain what might have caused that? 

 Sirry Usly:

Because he killed off his "father and his father's" family. Three days before his wedding to CSS he got a letter telling him the truth. He found out this the Huo family was killed off because of his so-called dad who actually isn't his dad at all. He is his uncle and his mom is actually his aunt. She switched him and her son to protect him and the Huo family line so that it wouldn't completely die off. He finds this out and can't hold in the rage so he decided to kill them all. 

I am not sure I totally understand this part, but what I would like to know is:
1. Is it the right decision for LBY to kill off everyone? I mean do they deserve to die? I am a bit confused here.
2. Who is LBY's real dad?
3. What is LBY's real name?

I also wondered why CSS mom slaps her in the MV - more curious of the brief glimpse of a man stabbing a woman and a boy outside covering his mouth in horror. Is this a past event or an upcoming one?!

Based on the trailer from the music video, I was hoping someone who might have read the novel, would be able to tell me what happens to CSS's family? It looked like there were scenes they're off to war again, and also scenes where it appears to show QiQi in a red wedding dress, but in prison. Does the Cheng family get into trouble, do her family survive in the story? Thank you for any help and insight. I appreciate your time.