
Told lou ben wife will take revenge with lby . What kind of revenge ? Looks like css was dragged too and how did louben's wife end??

LBY and CSS are looking for YS with the help of LY who is now a country magistrate and has just become a father. They eventually find YS trapped in an underground temple with  200 of his entourage slaughtered  and the corpses are also piled in the underground chamber. . The villain is Lou Ben wife she did this to revenge her dead husband. She plans to burn them alive but LBY has planned in advance there is an explosion but our heroes have taken refuge behind the pile of corpses for protection and Lou Ben wife gets crushed by a boulder. Before dying LBY makes her see sense and she finally understand that Lou Ben was selfish and never really put her first,  she then reveals that there is a conspiracy to kill the current crow prince and gives details of such.


LBY and CSS are looking for YS with the help of LY who is now a country magistrate and has just become a father. They eventually find YS trapped in an underground temple with  200 of his entourage slaughtered  and the corpses are also piled in the underground chamber. . The villain is Lou Ben wife she did this to revenge her dead husband. She plans to burn them alive but LBY has planned in advance there is an explosion but our heroes have taken refuge behind the pile of corpses for protection and Lou Ben wife gets crushed by a boulder. Before dying LBY makes her see sense and she finally understand that Lou Ben was selfish and never really put her first,  she then reveals that there is a conspiracy to kill the current crow prince and gives details of such.

How about the incident ljt attack ? How does css handle it ? Does lby save css ? How is the end of ljt ??


How about the incident ljt attack ? How does css handle it ? Does lby save css ? How is the end of ljt ??

CSS suspects that LJT is after her so what she does is: first send her brother to get reinforcements and  then plans ahead. Let’s not forget that in the novel CSS is a time traveller and so her way of thinking and skills are far ahead of her time. During the 5 years separation she studied fire and  the so called oil bombs and so her plan begins; she  know she is outnumbered but her people from the Chen family have seen action and are seasoned fighters she also have  people from the dead Empress that she inherited. She build a pavilion and waits for LJT, of course LJT comes and she is sure that she will kill  CSS so she has tea with her.  CSS  is stalling for time  and tells LJT that all she knows is because she learnt from LBY and then with a signal the pavilion burst into flames but only the half where LJT and her aids are . LJT gets some burns anyway all hell gets loose the oil bombs are deployed and this is a fire that doesn’t  get quelled easy, horses are frightened men are killed by arrows and eventually her brother brings help and LJT retreats.  After that LBY joins her and takes control of the camp but  really she  was the one that saved the situation. LJT gets killed in a gruesome way by Lou Ben wife. 

@Nana57 did css and hby make up after that accident??


@Nana57 did css and hby make up after that accident??

Yes they did; the reason for CSs travelling was that the deposed empress last wish was for some of her hair to be burned and scattered by her village. CSS previously spoke to  YS and told him that she  is  going to assess her life and start from the beginning and she told LBY to wait for her. CSs said to YS that she was scared of  LBY because of his single mind in pursuing love or hate even if he gets hurt or die.

Just out of curiosity. Why did Lou Ben's wife kill LJT? Did they have any beef?

Does YS live a happy life after CSS goes back to LBY?  Or did he just marry and a loveless life? Did he love his wife and kids and live happily even though he cared and loved CSS?


Just out of curiosity. Why did Lou Ben's wife kill LJT? Did they have any beef?

LJT disrupted Wang YanJi plan; if LJT succeed in killing CSS , Wang YanJi would not be able to use CSS to trap LBY. 

Anyone here know how I can get the novel and epilogues in English? 

I searched on google and found different sites that have different versions of this novel. Some have 200 chapters, 150 chapters, some have 185 chapters, some have been reduced, some have been written in detail, and not only this, but some of the novel's stories are also different, so people are also confused...

but you can try it here



@BLOOM Thank you so much for the links to the English translated novel.  If any of you are on any of these social media’s please follow me or let me know ur info so we can be in touch with Leo Wu Lei, Rosy Zhao Lu Si, Love like the Galaxy or it’s director future works. As all of you I am only living and breathing this drama right now. 

Weibo: MikeAngeloMercuryGlobalUSA and       Instagram: MikeAngeloUSA


LJT disrupted Wang YanJi plan; if LJT succeed in killing CSS , Wang YanJi would not be able to use CSS to trap LBY. 

How did Yanji come to know of LJT's plans? 

Found this on twitter. Not sure of the source but I hope it's in the book or epilogue.

(1) .. https://t.co/fNoTZ6Q7TY" / Twitter 


I searched on google and found different sites that have different versions of this novel. Some have 200 chapters, 150 chapters, some have 185 chapters, some have been reduced, some have been written in detail, and not only this, but some of the novel's stories are also different, so people are also confused...

but you can try it here



Here's I got from the previous discussion


Epilogue ?✨


Hope it helps:-)

This is where I read the novel, note that this is Google translated so a lot of it might not make any sense but you should be able to get the rough idea.

Volume 1 (Chapters 1 - 50)

Volume 2 (Chapters 51 - 179)

Epilogue (This is in Chinese so you'll need to turn on Google translate to get it in English). From memory the HBY + Shaoshang chapters are from 8 - 10