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Dylan Rodrigues

Mississauga, Canada

Dylan Rodrigues

Mississauga, Canada
My Lovely Boxer korean drama review
My Lovely Boxer
0 people found this review helpful
by Dylan Rodrigues
Oct 4, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

a healing, sports romance worth watching

I can't really find the words to express why I love this drama so much so I'll try to do a very barebones pros and cons list instead:

Pros -
1) really great writing that will keep you engaged throughout
2) lots of satisfying character development
3) The ML - dude's a great actor playing a very morally grey and complicated person on a path to redemption
4) adorable FL, who goes on her journey of acceptance and healing
5) positive female representation, lots of good examples of female & male friendships
6) all the side characters are written to be very sympathetic, esp ppl like Areum and Ara; you empathize with and root for them
7) beautiful BGM and OST
8) heartwarming relationship between the leads, I shipped so hard

1) villains are really evil & you'll grow to hate them, but they're not handled very well imo
2) age gap relationship, that's a bit rushed but YMMV
3) absolutely annoying SML who takes way too much screentime
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