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Addicted chinese drama review
0 people found this review helpful
by Koya0912
Jun 22, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

What in the Cliffhanger!?

The ending is such a cliffhanger, and after reading through the comments China restricted the remaining episode release or something like that - guess it was too steamy for them. This show is good despite that, and there's some character development. All in All a good watch.

Between these two male leads sparks friendship and they learn a lot about themselves and each other during this time. It is hilarious to see just how forward/blunt the male lead is to the other male lead. It is quite refreshing.

Just know that you do not get any answers to how their relationship ends, but you get to see the beginning and the early lovey-dovey stages - its really good for the soul lol. I was told to read the fanfiction that this story was developed from because it gives you closure to this entire show, and apparently it is A LOT MOREE DETAILED than the series, for obvious reasons! I will have to definitely read that when I have a chance.
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