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Xiaolanhua is not the smartest cookie but she's the kindest

I think people are quick to judge Xiaolanhua as a "sorry excuse for a woman" because she's not the smartest cookie in the universe. But what I like about her is that even though she knows Daqiang is an escaped criminal, she did not stereotype him and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. I hope more people will be like XLH, to accept and understand people that come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and pitch of voice.
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When push comes to shove we know who Xiaolanhua will choose in the end

This is possibly the first episode that showed the people of heavenly realm that when push comes to shove Xiaolanhua will choose to save DFQC even if it means she will get black listed in Shuyuintian. It was also nice to see DFQC rub it in Changheng's face that XLH chose him.
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I will give you the world just to see your smile

You know Xiaolanhua already got under Dongfang Qingcang's skin when he creates the arbiter hall for her in Cangyan Sea. Rationally, XLH only needs food but DFQC also noted that she might miss her home so, with his limited knowledge about human emotions, he tried to recreate her home. It's just so sweet.
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Now Everyone knows how much you care

This episode probably has the best and most epic "confession" from all the Cdramas I've watched. In the earlier episodes, Xiaolanhua and Dongfang Qingcang showed their concern for each other. But in this episode, the whole Fairy Realm gets to know how much DFQC means to XLH, the little fairy that they used to belittle. We also get to realize why DFQC is our fave anti-villain because he's ready to destroy a realm to protect XLH vs our "hero" Changheng who just can't get past his duty as the God of War of the fairy realm. If the previous episode was not enough, I think this episode just showed XLH that Changheng can't really give his love/protection 100% as compared to DFQC.

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Breaking the rose tinted glasses

I like this episode because it allowed Xiaolanhua to realize that her crush' (Changheng) priority is the fairy realm and that he's not as perfect as he seemed. It's also the first time that XLH did something directly to protect Dongfang Qingcang from getting captured. We can see in this episode that XLH is a very open minded being and in the road to becoming the "best" version of herself.
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Two lonely people meeting each other as soul mates

Xiaolanhua's character might have started as a weak, childish fairy but in this episode you can see that she makes up for it in her kindness and character. She wants to do the right thing by exposing that she got some help in the exam. I'm also happy that she developed a frenemy relationship with Danyin and some of the fairies after she saved them. I also liked that Xiao lan hua is not completely trusting, misunderstanding DFQC at the start but also owning up to her mistake of doubting him. This is also the only time she completely admits that she also feels lonely and that she's grown to like DFQC's presence.
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Friendships are tested and DFQC dedication to XLH is further tested

Jieli's character becomes more important in this episode as her friendship and loyalties are tested and displayed. Xiaolanhua realizes that people may also betray and cheat her. Dongfang Qingcang realizes that maybe XLH means more to him than her use to release the 100K moon tribe soldiers.
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More body swap hijinks and that annoying little brother

Xunfeng was getting annoying in this episode but I get it because he hasn't seen/known his brother for a long time and he only knows about the worst things about Dongfang Qingcang. The pettiness of XLH in DFQC's body is just so hilarious to watch.
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Body swap hijinks

One of the most hilarious body swap episode in all the Cdramas I've watched. In other Cdramas, it's just the difference between genders, but in this episode we not only see this but also the difference in the power of Dongfang Qingcang and Xiaolanhua. We get to realize that it's not just power that makes a person great but also their character and how they carry themselves. DFQC body might have the power, but without DFQCs authoritative persona, his ruthlessness -- he's not really the feared moon supreme. I also liked that XLH discovered the key to their body swap before DFQC because it only means she not as dumb as everyone thinks.

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You don't have to be powerful to be a hero

I think people who hate "weak/childish" characters should watch and internalize the message of this episode. You don't need to be strong, know kung fu, and be smart to be a hero. Sometimes you just need to be brave and do what is right to save those around you. Xiaolanhua decided to be the distraction so the other fairies can escape when she's actually the weakest one among them.
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Love starts with the little things

You can really see how Xiaolanhua and Dongfang Qingcang's relationship bloom from strangers to friends in this episode. DFQC learns to appreciate the little things and Xiaolanhua begins to realize that DFQC can do the most base thing for her.
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Sincerity can melt the coldest of hearts

I think this is the start when Dongfang Qingcang's cold heart began to taw because of Xiaolanhua's warmth. His intention might be selfish at the start, but you've got to give him credit in trying to do his best to heal XLH.
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One of the most epic meet cute

This is probably one of the most epic meet cute in all Xianxias. Add to that the forced body swap is so hilarious.
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Stories unravel in Yunmeng Lake

This is the episode where all the plots/stories are unraveled in the Yunmeng Arc. Jieli and Shengque practice their bff skills by being the sounding board and advising Xiaolanhua and Dongfang Qingcang respectively. We also get to see mutual jealousy between XLH and DFQC.
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Xiaolanhua regains her need to know her true form/past

This is the episode that propels Xiaolanhua to know more about her true form and history. She needs to go to the mortal realm to complete her own fate as per the Turtle god.
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