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The Smile Has Left Your Eyes korean drama review
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
4 people found this review helpful
by sof
Nov 17, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

shattered heart

Can't even begin to explain how this drama made me feel. It's been a while since I last cried so much.

I don't want to drag on and write a long ass review cause I can't put my thoughts in order.

What I liked the most about this drama was the chemistry between the two main characters, they made my heart pound so much. Their scenes are simply beautiful.

The last two episodes broke my heart, and I can't even explain all the things I felt when finishing it. I literally cried for half an hour, that's how broken and shattered my heart was.

The other thing that I liked the most was the ost, the musicalization in general. Good choices, good tracks that go along with the scenes. Beautiful.

Don't know what else to say, it's a good drama to just cry and cry. Though the story is good and it made me suffer a lot, the best of the drama are the characters themselves.
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