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Le Ho

Cupertino, CA

Le Ho

Cupertino, CA
My Boss chinese drama review
My Boss
8 people found this review helpful
by Le Ho
Feb 28, 2024
36 of 36 episodes seen
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
This review may contain spoilers

Bad script and bad acting. The flow of the story would be better if it cut to 24 episodes instead

My Boss is another romantic comedy from Chen Xing Xu. He is typecast for the same kind of role. The plot is nothing special, and it is predictable. The second CP has a better storyline than the main CP.

The Synopsis: Are Cheng Yao's dreams of becoming a top lawyer about to come true? It seems so when a leading legal firm unexpectedly recruits her. Excited, she moved house so she could be near her new office. She moves in, full of hope, and soon encounters her new roommate, Qian Heng. However, a surprise awaits her on her first day at work.

Qian Heng turns out to be her direct superior at the office, and he proves to be incredibly hard to please! Her training period quickly turns into a baptism of fire, and she starts to feel he is trying to chase her out of the company. But Cheng Yao will be more easily deterred. She redoubles her efforts, determined to prove she's got what it takes. Could her zeal send this duo to harmony and even love?

My Reviews:
1.. The plot is stupid and predictable. No one would have this kind of relationship where an employee is co-living with the boss and cooking for him. She is more like a slave and/or housekeeper than an employee.
2. I have watched 17 episodes, and there is still no romance between the main CP. No onscreen chemistry between the main CP.
3. The entire cast's acting could be better, and the main CP needs to carry the drama better.
4. Zhang Ruo Nan acted stupidly as a rookie lawyer in this drama. She did a better job in RomCom's "A Date with the Future" with William Chan last year. Their onscreen chemistry is off the chart, which is non-existent in this one.
5. . Chen Xing Xu is typecast for the same boring role where he plays cold, bossy, prideful characters in modern and historical dramas. He has no range.
6. The ending is so stupid; there is no wedding. The 2nd CP, her sister, and the 2nd ML have a better and more mature relationship.
It does not need 36 episodes; the flow of the story could have been better if it had been finished in 24 episodes.
7. The misunderstandings between the main CP are boring and repetitive.

I give it a 5.5 rating for bad script and bad acting.
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