Hong Sang-Soo, best!!
This film has a very simple premise, yes, from the title, we already know "The Woman Who Ran". This film tells the story of a woman who goes to meet her three friends when her husband is leaving on a business trip.Maybe what you have in mind is a girl who "runs away" from her husband when the opportunity arises, yes, but in this film that's not exactly the case. Hong Sang-Soo packed this film with a fairly short duration, 77 minutes this film, Presenting Gam-Hee's casual chats with three of his friends. In my opinion, the chat that is presented in this film is quite interesting. The plot is slow, maybe some people will find this film boring or even say this film is a "sleeping pill" hahaha, but as a drama lover, I really like the dialogue that is presented in this film. Honestly, I think I want to join and follow the game-here to go to three friends' house and chat with each other casually.
In the chat, Gam-Hee is different from the other three friends, Gam-Hee looks so "showing off" how inseparable, she is with her husband, "If it's love, it will stick". It is very different from his friends who actually feel that they have an inappropriate partner and cannot understand them. In the middle of their conversation, there was a man described as "aggressive/emotional" as a bully. I think the man who interfered with their chat was a picture of the husbands of Gam-Hee friends.
What distinguishes this film is of course the camera movement. It may seem very "amateurish" to some people, but I feel the movement of the camera fits perfectly in this film.
Overall, in my opinion, this film is perfect for those of you who are looking for a relaxed and warm spectacle.
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"comfortable" yes, I was made comfortable with the casual small talk in this film. 70 minutes which was not tense at all. This film tells the story of 4 pairs of people who are talking about love, marriage, and work.I quite like the detailed cinematography. And also the scoring that fits perfectly between their chats. The acting of the players is very good, Jung Yu-Mi, Im Soo-Jung, Jung Eun-Chae, and Han Ye-Ri are very good at playing their faces.
Overall, this film is perfect to watch when you want to enjoy your relaxing time while coffe...
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amazing show !!
it's perfect for me. the slow plot may be boring for some people, but as drama/slice of life lovers, it really suits us !!. the dialogue is very, very heavy, every episode I shed tears, not expecting this drama to be emotional. Hwang Jung Min really deserves appreciation. Yoona also appeared really cool, sometimes her acting background and character touched me. Not to forget that in this drama there is a very deep friendship in the heart, even when they get together the atmosphere of the drama will be different, warm. The character background/character development in this drama is very good and even very strong, no wonder because in episode one this drama describes each character.Was this review helpful to you?
Dingin tapi hangat.
Setelah film ini pastinya gue akan terus mencari film" dengan latar musim salju dengan genre drama yang mengahangatkan hati seperti film ini.Gue suka sama semua karakternya, tapi yang bener" menarik perhatian gue adalah karakter si Saebom yang diperankan oleh Kim So-Hye ini. Aktingnya memang bener-bener patut di acungi jempol, entah karena tingkah karakternya, tapi gue suka banget sama dia disini. Yang bikin hangat adalah tentu hubungan ibu dan anaknya, Kim Hee-Ae dgn Kim So-Hye, mamang seperti anak dan ibu di dunia nyata.
Gua suka banget sama film ini..
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Suka dengan gaya mengganti timeline waktunya, tanpa "pemberitahuan" tapi kita sudah langsung tau lewat "gaya" pemainnya, dan tentu pemainnya juga beda kecuali Son Ye Jin nya. Di film inipun saya sangat suka dengan semua karakter, entah kenapa semua karakter sangat berkesan untuk saya apalagi karakternya Tae-Su, dia adalah laki-laki paling kuat di film ini!!
Sinematografi ya biasa aja, tipikal film asia jaman dulu. Yang bikin betah dan teringat terus ya tentu saja musiknya, cocok banget di telinga gua.
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Untuk pertama kalinya gua nonton film superhero sampai nangis.
Berkisah tentang wanita yang bernama Kim Ji-Young yang merasa berat dengan kesehariannya sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Tak cuma itu, dia juga merasa tertekan di lingkungan keluarga dan tempat kerjanya.Diangkat dari novel dengan judul yang sama. Film dan novel nya pun banyak menuai kecaman atau bisa dibilang kontroversial karena terlalu menyuarakan feminisme di negara patriarki yang sangat kental. Sebenernya konflik utama di film ini tak hanya terjadi di sana, tetapi hampir diseluruh dunia khususnya di Asia. Makanya banyak banget pro, dan kontra ini film.
Plotnya sederhana namun cerita di film ini sangat emosional menurut gua, bagaimana tidak, sepanjang film kita di perlihatkan bagaimana beratnya hidup sebagai seorang ibu rumah tangga.Menurut gua cerita yang dihadirkan di film ini sangat nyata dan apa adanya. Tidak terkesan dilebih-lebihkan apalagi sampai ke tahap lebay. Drama di film ini juga sangat ngena menurut gua pribadi, walaupun gua cowok, tapi gua bisa merasakan gimana beratnya hidup seorang wanita khususnya seorang ibu. Sebagai tambahan karakter Ji Young di film ini mengalami postpartum depression (depresi setelah melahirkan) dan dissociative identity disorder (kepribadian ganda) yang dinampakkan di sepanjang film, tetapi Ji Young sendiri tidak menyadari hal itu.
Jung Yu-Mi sebagai Kim Ji-Young tampil sangat "nyata", mulai dari memainkan mimik wajah sampai dia nangis menurut gua itu "nyata" dan ngena di gua sendiri. Film ini tidak dikhususkan untuk perempuan saja, tapi laki-laki sangat boleh nonton film ini. Gong Yoo sebagai suami juga bagus menurut gua, heran sama yang bilang karakter nya tidak realistis, malah menurut gua ini pas. Gua suka banget sama film ini.
Akhir kata, film ini sangat gua rekomendasikan untuk kalian semua apalagi bagi pecinta drama. Jangan lupa bawa tisu :)
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