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Sort of dark?
I have recently just finished watching Love Class and honestly I really enjoyed the plot. I like how it deals with scary situations in non-glamourising way, like most dark BL's do.I personally think the acting, wasn't all that great, but it didn't put me of the series. I think the two MLs genuinely had great chemistry with one another, and the side characters stories were really nice, and interesting.
Although I was interested in Yuna's story, her character was really not my favourite. I feel she exploited Ji Woo's feelings and took advantage of him, which I understand is what made it interesting. The whole stalker thing, I really enjoyed, it showed how stalker impact the people around you, as well as yourself.
Ro A's character was really nice, and was always there for Ji Woo. I really enjoyed the poem he read out, it was really nice and I understand how Ji Woo ended up liking him, as he takes care and pays attention to everything Ji Woo does.
Overall the drama was really really good, I would definitely watch this again as I enjoyed it very much.
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A really good message behind it.
This BL is genuinely set my standards high. The plot and the messages behind it is just wow.The series follows Andou Jun's road to being confident in his own sexuality, having ups and downs along the way. I love how this show is showing real life events people part of the LGBTQ go through, all the homophobia and just plain rudeness people are treated like. I personally do not like the fact he slept with a married man, but the boy was obviously confused with being 18 and not growing up with a dad and so saw this man as a father figure (please don't take this the wrong way, he used Sasaki Makoto to talk to about his sexuality and to just talk about like, as he didn't come out to anyone yet.)
It also follows Miura Sae, a BL manga loving girl. I personally did not really like this character as I feel she only really saw Andou Jun as a 'BL character' (at this point not knowing he is gay), and shipped him with others. But as the show went on she began to grow likeable as she sort've started seeing Andou Jun as an actually person, not a 'manga character.'
Homophobia in Japan is so normalised and I really liked how this show showed what people part of the LGBTQ face in Japan, not having anyone to talk to, or anyone to come out to, comfortably.
The last couple episodes were reall tearjerkers, people in Andou Jun's class found out he is gay and one person in particular was really messing with him, Ono Yuusuke, who is really homophobic infront of Andou Jun's classmate and best friend, Takaoka Ryohei, who is acting different, despite knowing him all his life, again highlighting how homophobia is normalised. Classmates are now frightened and grossed out by Andou Jun's sexuality, which ends up in him trying to end his life. This scene was really heartbreaking, genuinely, as he says to his friends, being Miura Sae and Takaoka Ryohei, about how much he is sorry for being, and liking the people he likes.
In the last scene, it really touches on the impact, high school children and how many people in Japan are brought up, to hate people 'different' to the normal stereotypical people.
Andou Jun, end up in hospital after his attempt, seeming cold and doesn't really like talking. He tells his mum that he is gay and she is somewhat supportive (?) His friends, come visit him, which makes him miss being at school and miss being around his friends.
Overall this drama, is a really good example of how homophobia in Japan is normalised and how hard it must be for people part of the LGBTQ community to come out to friends and family. I would definitely watch this again, as I relate a lot with Andou Jun and his story.
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Nice Different BL
This BL was really different and unique. I personally really liked the uniqueness of the plot. I shed a lot of tears watching this as the message in this was really hard hitting. I think that both Tian and Phupha’s relationship was really good for the both of them and really needed. Many think that Phupha actually fell in live with Torfurn but i do not agree, in the end Tian found who he really was.Tian! The story behind Tian i found a little confusing but as the episodes went on it was very well explained. I liked how basically the whole story was Tian finding who he really is, with the help of Phupha. Having being brought up in a high class area he wasn’t used to all the things the village had compared to what he had. But i think that’s what made Tian fit in more, they just wanted him to be like them. In the beginning Tian was shy about being in a new village but in the end due to finding himself he, was confident and he fit in perfectly.
Phupha! Wow. Phupha’s character was really amazing. He taught Tian a lot of things and spend days with him which was nice and brought them together. He clearly cared for both Torfurn, even at the end. But Tian really stood out for him because of his difference.
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Heartwarming drama, with serious topics.
Wow, this drama is truly one of my favourite BL dramas. The chemistry between the two leads was really, really great and I think they both really deserved each other.The struggles people faced in this were real, serious topics shown in the real way. It shows the loneliness, unconfience and sadness that young adults go through to be the picture perfect. Also another serious topic discussed throughout this is the fear of not being perfect, Cha Siwon was scared of people not liking him, highlighting his insecurities and his character development after he met Hyeong Daun, was truly bliss.
I really liked Hyeong Daun's character, being a role model student, but actually having a really hard home life, with no one really being around.
Cha Siwon's character was also another one of my favourites as I found myself relating with him the most, being scared of failure and always wanting to be perfect, as he was scared of not being liked, being an outcast.
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30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii
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Best Heartwarming Japanese BL
This drama was really something, the story, the acting, really all of the above. The story is not toxic AT ALL and the character development as a whole was really nice and heartwarming. Theres a really nice magical element to it as well, which makes it different to watch and also makes it intriguing.Adachi! The ML in this drama was really kind and bubbly. The fact that at the start he was really nervous and shy about his power as he was seen as an outcast by his fellow work’mate’ and by the end of it he was really open and used to his power. This is really great character development on his side. He grew to accept himself as he is and grew to accept Kurosawa’s feelings. As much as his thoughts were happening all the time, they were never bad in anyway, which shows he was pure and innocent. This made his character even more interesting.
Kurosawa! The other ML, really accepting and patient of Adachi. He is an all around lovable character who is willing to do anything for Adachi, within a safe and not prying way. At the start he was quiet with his acts of taking care with Adachi, but nearer the end he made his acts big and bold, which personally i really enjoyed as it made his character development really nice and refreshing. He never pushed anything on Adachi which was nice, and made Adachi fall even harder. He was a really great observer of Adachi, knowing what he likes, if he didn’t do his hair in the morning. He was so blinded by love.
Tsuge & Minato‘s relationship was somewhat okay(?) I personally found both sides of the couple strange, but that’s what made them perfect for each other.
Tsuge! The man who stays at home and just writes, but then falls in love with the delivery man. His story is decent, but somewhat cliché. When he sees Minato for the first time, it really makes him want more (as in he wants to know more about Minato.)
Minato made Tsuge swoon. He also made Tsuge leave the house which for Tsuge, was great character development, as he is seen as a homebody but Minato makes him come out his shell. He doesn’t really accept himself at the start but grows and makes everyone know Minato is his.
Minato! Minato was a really strange character, quite like Tsuge. The young man who danced managed to get Tsuge out of his home by being cute and kind. He really was looking out for Tsuge at some points, like the time at the dance recital(?) He knew how to make Tsuge squirm. And at the end, they both had a nice ending!
Fujisaki! One of the best female support in BL dramas, i really enjoyed how she supported Adachi and Kurosawa throughout the drama, it made my heart warm that they both had such a supportive friend/workmate.
Theres really nothing else to say other than this was one of the best heartwarming BL dramas i have ever watched!
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one of my favourite dramas!!
wow, just wow.this drama was just amazing. i would 100% recommend if you are thinking of watching. i am glad tang joonsang got the major role in this, i am happy he is getting the recognition he deserves.
the story line was just on point. i enjoyed how every episode is a different story, i feel it gives you a chance to relate and connect with every character. i like how this drama deals with real-life issues.
i really liked geuru's childhood friend, namu. she was just so amazing, and understanding of geuru.
this is one of the best tearjerker dramas, i have ever watched!
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I personally think this BL series would have been better suited as a bromance! although the drama is easy to watch, the story behind both characters confused me. it was fine until the last episodes then it got dragged out and it was cliché.i do recommend this, if you like cliché college bl’s or if you like easy watches.
at some points i didn't really like sarawat and tine throughout the series as they both lead each other on and gave a sense of ‘false hope’. sarawat seemed somewhat forceful with tine.
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Unique BL.
I read the manhwa before this so I had really high expectations, and lets just say they beat them, and more.I really like the introvert and extrovert trope, I think that they are usually always really nice and wholsome, despite them most being slow burners. I really like how they included most things in the manhwa, which is what I always like to see with
manhwa ->series.
I think that both main protagonists had great chemistry and that they were really nice and funny together, Sangwoo always acting like he really didn't like Jaeyoung at first, being really cold, then despite still being cold at the end, opened up his heart to Jaeyoung. The side characters were really nice and added a lot to the show, personally.
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Made my heart happy.
This drama was really nice and refreshing, after watching this it made me happy. This may seem like any other cliché high school drama, the ‘not smart’ girl and the ‘smart’ boy, but really this drama was different.Jiang Chen! I really really liked this character, the really smart handsome popular boy. His character was really nice and kind. He observed Chen Xiaoxi’s behaviour towards him and accepted it in a quiet, anonymous way, which made the suspense real! He was ‘happy’ to help others with their work. He alse got really jealous of Wu Bosong, which made us all squirm. The fact he was shy of confessing jn high school but later on when they left, he didn’t hild back on how he confessed and admired Chen Xiaoxi. Thats when his character development really kicked in. To conclude he was a shy, observing boy who turned into a less shy, bold with his feelings toward Xiaoxi kind of man.
Chen Xiaoxi! Chen Xiaoxi’s character was really nice and fresh. She may have been the stereotypical sort of not so smart teen who made her friends laugh but she really made it for me. She was bold with her feelings and didn’t hide the fact she liked Jiang Chen. The only part i think i would change os the fact that she kept leading Wu Bosong on, filling his feelings with hope. When Jiang Chen confessed, you could tell she was obviously really happy, after thinking he didn’t like her and he liked Li Wei. As she grew older she became an even more confident independent woman, which i think was a really nice added touch for her character.
Wu Bosong! I really really liked this character. I think he deserved much better 100%. He never got angry of Chen Xiaoxi, for liking someone else and he was always really patient and supporting. He never got made at anyone, and he would do anything for his friends, especially Chen Xiaoxi.
Lu Yang & Lin Jingxiao! This couple really made an impact on me. Lu Yang really liked Lin Jingxiao but never really got an answer, he always did anything and made her happy, which is what made Jingxiao fall for him. She was mature and he was childish, it was a really great perfect match!
Li Wei! Li Wei’s character was really just a cry for help. Jiang Chen was really just looking out for her. Yes, at some points she is portrayed as a girl looking for attention but with everything going on for her i think it was justified. I think Li Wei should have had a nice happy story, being heard and liked in the end, without Chen Xiaoxi holding a grudge.
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Easy drama to watch (quickly)
This drama was one of the firsts i watched, and i really recommend to beginners.The plot is easy (most of the time). It is a but confusing as there is a lot going on but really good to watch quick and easy!
The fact that there was a ‘nice’ twin and a ‘not so nice’ twin really intrigued me, seeing both sides of the siblings was really nice and interesting. This really highlights the major differences in twins, how they shouldn’t all the the same, they should have their differences.
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Why was this drama my favourite of all time?
Personslly this drama really made me happy ! it seemed strange at first but by the end of episode 1 i was in love.it's been 4 years since this show was released a nd it is still one of the best dramas. all my family enjoyed watching it too.
the cast picked were amazing and all had such great chemistry. the two leads looked amazing together and are, by far, one of the most amazing couples in any drama i have ever watched.
i enjoyed the crime element of this series but with the touch of comedy, it really hit the spot
personally the first episode was strange. but as it progressed it got more and more amazing. do bong-soon (park bo-young) is such an icon. like what is she? she strong, she's sassy and she's kind. the men who own the building site can go away, literally and physically (lol).
an min-hyuk (park hyung-sik) was an amazing cast to this show. a young ceo, who is incredibly smart and makes games? yes please.
the overall drama was on point. and was the best drama to have ever been made.
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amazing drama !
the overall drama was good, the story was amazing. and personally i would watch again ! i definitely recommend. the message of friendship was on point. arin's acting was on point and hyunbin's appearance was a surprise and a delight ! this drama is in my top 15. IT WAS AMAZING <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Was this review helpful to you?

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Mature drama, for mature audiences.
In my opinion this drama is really really interesting, to the unique backstories to the main 3 characters. The stories are really informative and it uses scenarios from real life problems, and shows them, without glamorising it.Noh Eun-Bi's Case really stood out for me , it was nice to see a victim of bullying be happy, after all the years of torment and mental frustration. K-Drama's often normalise bullying but I think in this drama it was particularly special, as the bully got what they deserve, nothing.
Another case that really, made me cry out of happiness and frustration was Namgung Jae-Soo's Case, the backstory of a deprived family, who's dad just wants to make his family happy. I think this was particularly special as the connection with Choi Jun-Woong and Naming Jae-Soo is really special and Jun-Woong just wants the best for his friend and wants to know what's behind his 'happy' face. It was a really nice ending for the family and Koo Ryeon, really wanted to make the child happy, despite her cold appearance.
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