- Shonen-like series - Friendship, Comradeship, Teamwork - Bromance, BL - Psychological - Investigation - Thriller - Action - Adventure - Comedy - Mystery - Horror - Survival - Science-fiction - Supernatural - Sport - School - Competition |
| - Shojo-like series - Romance in general (especially hetero) - Unnecessary romance and/or sex - Exaggerated gory scenes - Gratuitous violence - Slow-paced series - Too long series - Bad written plots and characters - Fanservice - Mary Sue and Gary Stu characters - Uke who looks like a girl from Shojo Manga/C-drama/K-drama : "cute girl" face, dumb, clumsy, poor, hot headed, frail, tiny, damsel in distress (ie Uke who is just a girl with a c*ck and without boobs) - Asshole wealthy handsome manly tall Seme / Dumb poor girly frail tiny Uke trope |