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Hello Mr. Gu chinese drama review
Hello Mr. Gu
0 people found this review helpful
by Amethyst_Fae
Jul 28, 2021
30 of 30 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Light-hearted, bubbly and engaging despite the usual clichés!

Contractual marriages? I often wonder if there are enough romance/comedy/dramas that revolve around this trope alone. After encountering a few I can say that 'Hello Mr. Gu' is surprisingly refreshing despite the somewhat heavy clichés dotted throughout the show. It is one of those shows that manages to allow tension to build and be resolved without skipping years into the making.

It cast brilliant actors for well-written, well thought out, roles. Both leads are fun and engaging characters that pull the viewer in. Along with the side characters, this show is engaging and funny. I found the careers and backstories of the characters refreshing and engaging, I was not hooked from the very beginning but after a few episode I couldn't put it down. I found myself in hysterics countless times, having to pause the show to finish laughing before I could continue on. And on other occasions, I was on the edge of my seat wanting to throttle characters that got in the way or did something bothersome.

If you liked 'My Secret Romance' or 'Love Well-Intended' this is another show that will pique your interest and fulfill that craving for another happy romance that takes you through an array of emotions without being heartbreaking or melodramatic.

This is one of those romances that is light-hearted, witty, and engaging despite using a very common cliché - which it did to its advantage.

I would recommend giving this show a watch, with episodes of roughly 30 minutes and 30 episodes in its entirety - you will have another show that can take you into tomorrow's morn laughing. It's not too long and not too short. It was the right length to conclude the problems the main cast encountered whilst also delving into the life of animation producers and comic artists in a manner that makes me respect the artists around me more.

If you need a show that will make you laugh give this a go.

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