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Do you like cliff-hangers that keep you watching?
Well, then you're in the right place because this has been the best and most satisfying revenge drama that I have ever watched. This show is so satisfying because just when the opposing side thinks they have the upper hand, Pil Joo comes in and reminds them that they don't. It is so satisfying to watch the opposing side come up with all these plans to ruin Pil Joo, but he is always one step ahead of them. Remember, if you try to mess with Pil Joo, you'll be the one to end up in the ground!
The story and cast were amazing, and the music deserves some kind of award! The only reason this isn't a full on 10/10 (like it should be) is because once the secret is revealed to basically everyone, I didn't really have anything to look forward to anymore so it got kind of boring, but only slightly!
Highly recommend!!
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GOOOD LORD!! I don't think I can cry any more. I think I have ran out of tears!! I'm going to try not to give spoilers...but when it's categorized as "tragedy" they mean it! This is the first movie ever to actually make me full out sob, and it's not even a true story! Normally, if a movie is sad, I'll tear up a bit, oh no no OH CONTRAIRE If you don't want to cry, don't watch this.........Other than the crying part (lol) The story was really good, cast was on point, and music was perfect! My only issue is, I know it's a disaster movie, and the people are supposed to be panicking.......But does almost every single person need to yell?? I understand the panic, but please panic at a lower volume....yeah thanks haha Was this review helpful to you?

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One of the best shows I have ever seen!!
STORY: Alright, I'll get to my main point right off the bat on why this is a 9.5 and not a straight up 10. I found the story really interesting and fun to follow along with. The main problem I found was that the romance didn't add anything to the plot what so ever. If the romance wasn't there, the plot would have stayed the same. Or who knows, I am one of those people that likes action more than romance. Don't get me wrong the romance was fine and someone who likes it would probably love it, I just didn't. Don't let this deter you from watching this amazing show! I am not giving any spoilers (or will try not to) but I really liked how the story was in 2 parts. It wasn't just the same thing throughout the whole show. One half of the show focused on one thing and the second half focused on another.
ACTING/CAST: This got a 10 because of the awesome acting and awesome casting!! There were some roles in this story where it would be quite the difficult character to pull off yet was performed extremely well!! Great acting!
MUSIC: 11/10 would recommend - If I could give this an 11 I would. Just the background music was amazing! It really fit well with the scenes and provided so many extra emotions.
REWATCH: Really fun show, now that I know all of the plot twists it would definitely be an interesting rewatch ;)
OVERALL: I this has got to be one of the best shows I have seen! I have given this a 9.5 out of 10 really just because of the romance and I didn't get the ending I wanted. I really wish it ended differently but sometimes it's for the best. It's not like it was a bad ending, I just wish it went a different direction...
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